Chapter 156

Sisters of Lotus knew that the young master was cold and heartless, so she didn't dare to say any more, she packed up her things and left immediately.

The so-called guarding heart, Leng Yan immediately called and monitored Aunt Lian's every move.

Looking back at the tear-stained face of the only one, Leng Yan exiled only to be buried at sea according to the only blessing. Infinitely sentimental.

If a dog is like this, if it is a human, how can it be so embarrassing?

And Only One, sitting in front of the door, looking at the direction of the sea, saddened by Only's tragic situation, what keeps reappearing in his mind is the nightmare of last night, could it be verified by Only?They've always treated only as a child, haven't they?

Leng Yan returned, dressed in the sea breeze, and gently hugged the only one on the porch, "Don't be sad, we will buy another one later, how about this one be called Yanyan?"

In fact, he is also sad, but he is the only mountain, he cannot be sad.

The only one grabs his shirt, shakes his head with tears in his eyes, "No, if you keep another one, it will die eventually, Yan, I'm afraid of parting with life and death."

"No, we will be together forever!" He could only comfort her like this, kissing her lips.

The sea and the sky are the same color.

************************************************** ***************************

The wedding dress ordered from France arrived on the same day, Leng Yan didn't dare to leave the only one at home, and took her to pick it up.

Passing by Yin's, Leng Yan went up to pick up the documents, the only one left in the car, and he didn't see Leng Yan coming down after waiting for a long time, so he couldn't help calling him, "What are you doing? Did you forget that I was still in the car?"

He smiled softly, "Honey, I've only been out for 10 minutes, do you think it's been a long time?"

Only 10 minutes?Wei Wei pursed her lips, feeling ashamed that it had been a long time, hung up the phone, remembering Leng Yan's warning that she was not allowed to use the mobile phone, stuck out her tongue, inadvertently looked out the window, only to find a sneaky figure poking out of Yin's downstairs, Look around.

Feeling that his figure was very familiar, she squinted her eyes and thought carefully. Although she, Ran Weiwei, was a little stupid, but because she loved doll design, she had a penetrating observation of people.

Gradually, in her mind, she put a pair of stockings on this man's head invisibly, her blood welled up, he was the man who shot him that day!

Due to her current situation, she absolutely cannot go out, so she immediately picked up her mobile phone to call Leng Yan, but Leng Yan laughed at him first, "My wife, just a minute later, you called again! You said you are not allowed to use your mobile phone." The more you use it, the more fun it will be!"

"Leng Yan! Come down quickly, I found the person who shot me that day! It's just downstairs of Yin's, with a crew cut, a black leather jacket, and a cigarette in his mouth!"

Leng Yan shivered, "Soon, I've reached the first floor!"

"Don't do it yourself! Call the security guard!" Before Wei Wei finished speaking, the phone was disconnected. In desperation, she immediately called the police again.

Soon, Leng Yan's figure appeared, followed by a group of security guards.The only sigh of relief, fortunately not stupid!If he dares to be a lone hero, he must be beaten to death!

Ten people beat one person, and the suspect was easily captured. A few minutes later, the police car roared up and took the criminal away, waiting for the result of the interrogation.

Leng Yan has guessed countless times whether the only person who hurt the only person is the one who killed Only. After calm thinking, he doesn't think so. Aunt Lian's follow-up did not find any abnormalities, and everything can only wait for the police's investigation results.

However, the police did not wait, but Mr. Yin did.

Although Yin and Leng's family belonged to an aristocratic family, it was rare for the old man to visit Chun Nuan Blossoms in person. Leng Yan warmly greeted them, and Wei Wei also gave them a symbolic courtesy.

However, Mr. Yin's eyes were focused on Wei Wei, and after a long time, he said, "Wei Wei, Leng Yan, you two have gone through many hardships and are finally going to get married. There is nothing to give you as an uncle, so I will give you 20.00% of Yin's five shares. "

"This? How is it possible?" Leng Yan was a little surprised, but then he thought about it, the old man has been diligent and frugal all his life, so it is against the common sense to do so, could it be...?His eyes quickly turned back and forth between the only one and the old man's face.

The old man took out a sealed document from his briefcase, "Yes! Leng Yan, this copy is for you. I wrote it under the name of the only one, and I will give the only one to you. I hope you are happy."

The only one who was not interested in what they said at first, but when he heard that the shares were for himself, his reaction became fierce, "Mr. Shen, may I ask if you made a mistake? Why should I accept your shares?"

"That's right!" Yin Ziran's voice sounded at the door.

The old man saw that it was Ziran, and his expression widened, "Ziran, you are finally here, tell them!"

Yin Ziran didn't give his father a good face, "I said? I'm not interested in talking about your mess! You are not ashamed, but I am ashamed!"

Mr. Yin was very embarrassed. For the first time, he didn't yell at Yin Ziran. He said slowly, "Only, I will tell you a story. I hope you stay calm."

Wei Wei was even more confused, "What does your story have to do with me?"

"Just listen!" The old man pondered slightly, "Many years ago, there was a woman named Xiao Ran who knew and fell in love with the president of a wealthy family, but the president already had a wife. Even so, Xiao Ran had no complaints. She silently guarded him whenever he needed him, and later gave birth to a daughter for him..."

The only thing she heard here was that all the names on her mother's old postcards were "Xiao Ran". If her conjecture was true, she would not want to listen to this story any longer. A man who abandoned her mother and daughter Man, she never wants to see her again!

(End of this chapter)

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