Chapter 158

Leng Yan pondered, "Why should I trust you? What if it is something of no value? If I give you money, why don't you send it?"

"Master, I will leave here immediately after I take the money. As for whether to send the money or not, master, do you think I dare?"

Leng Yan narrowed his eyes, he really didn't dare! "Think about it!"

Then he made a phone call to Lei Tingen, "Check out Dr. Chen's recent situation."

A few minutes later, Lei Ting'en called, "Recently, I have been gambling heavily and owed a large amount of usury, and I was chased by debt collectors with nowhere to escape."

"So fast?" Leng Yan's lips curled up.

"How dare I neglect the matter of Second Young Master Leng? Coincidentally, he borrowed usury from my subordinates. Do you want to sell your favor?"

"It has nothing to do with me!" Leng Yan accepted the phone call, and made up his mind - deal!

"Yan! Who are you calling? It's been so long?" Wei Wei trotted over, shaking his arm, "Let's go! I'm waiting for you to take pictures!"

He grabbed her by the nose, "You are not allowed to run! Run again?" But he followed her and took a photo with everyone.

Unfortunately, he was standing beside Yi Han, and inadvertently caught a trace of hatred in Yi Han's eyes. He looked back sensitively, his enemy?What?

At the end of the wedding, Yi Han and Dick smiled at each other.

In this wedding, each other has gained a lot.

After Meimei's wedding, both Weiwei and Leng Yan got busy, Weiwei for Mosha, and Leng Yan for the second cooperation with Yin Shi, now, no matter whether Weiwei admits it or not, he is cooperating with his own family members.

However, Leng Yan said that the only one is not allowed to leave him for half a step, so the only office is in Qicheng, and Mosha has someone who is responsible for Mosha and Qisheng running at both ends. Mosha's high-level meetings are also held in Qicheng, before marriage. It seems unreasonable to be busy, but Leng Yan said that it is to arrange everything before marriage and give the only real honeymoon.

What is a real honeymoon?The same thing was said in Greece, but it was destroyed in the end. This time, the only one was full of expectations.

In Qisheng's president's office, Leng Yan in front of the computer pressed the OK button, and a huge sum of money was transferred from his account to the account designated by Dr. Chen.

Then call Dr. Chen, "When the account arrives, send me something."

"Okay! I'll go right away!" To confirm, Dr. Chen went to the ATM first, and it showed that the account had been credited, so he took some pocket money and turned to send the mail. He tore his jugular artery, fell to the ground, and his mail was snatched.

He was lying on the ground panting. As a doctor, he saw the signal of the end of his life, barely supported, and made a call, "Master...things...were robbed...I...can''s over."

"What exactly is it? Where are you?" Leng Yan sat up.

"It's...about...about...husband..." Dr. Chen died before finishing his sentence.

Leng Yan didn't hear clearly, and after saying "Hello" loudly, he concluded that something was wrong, and made several consecutive phone calls:

"Hey, it's me. Locate Dr. Chen's mobile phone signal and go find him immediately."

"Hey, finance, go to the bank to recover the money I just transferred, the other party's account number is..."

"Call the police, there has been a robbery and homicide..."

He put on his coat and went out in a hurry, passed the only office, and shouted inside, "Only, I have something urgent to go out, you wait for me at the company and don't leave."

Intuition told him that the things in Dr. Chen's hands were unusual, otherwise he wouldn't have to appear in person, it wasn't that he wanted to leave the only one alone, he didn't want her to see bloody things, besides, she didn't know if she would meet the murderer, she It's not safe to follow.

At the same time, he did not forget to inform the manager of the security department, "I want to go out and do my best to protect the safety of my wife. If something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask."

The only thing that never occurred to her is not to listen to Leng Yan, the child is the first, she knows that.Going to the conference room for a meeting as usual, stepping out of the office, the bright floor illuminates the figure, she smiles, big companies are different, and the hygiene is much better than Mosha!Although Mosha is also a first-rate company.

Concentrating on the plan in my head, slipped my foot, lost my center of gravity, tilted my body, panicked like a building collapsing, like the night in a dream...

"Yan! Help!" The sharp shout echoed in the corridor on the top floor of Qicheng.

The ambulance came roaring, the manager of the security department broke out in a cold sweat, he was the only one to ask if something happened, the more afraid the more something happened!What would it be to ask?He has turned countless times in situ.

"How?" Leng Yan rushed to the hospital from the outside, Dr. Chen was dead and found nothing, but when he heard that the only one fell down, his heart was already on fire.

"Inside... check..." The manager of the security department didn't have a complete sentence.

"Do you fall down on the road you walk every day?" Leng Yan frowned.

"I've seen it...someone...waxed the ground..." The manager of the security department didn't dare to look at his cold light, and stood far away to avoid the deterrent force of his cold light.

"Go and check, don't tell me that you can't find it, unless you want to get out!" Leng Yan squeezed out this sentence through his teeth, and the breath he exhaled was cold.

"Yes!" The manager of the security department didn't dare to say a word, running faster than on the waxed floor.

Soon, the door of the observation room opened, and the doctor came out. Leng Yan went up to meet him, "How is it? Doctor?"

The doctor's face was tense, and he suddenly smiled, "Fortunately, mother and child are safe."

Leng Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you!" Immediately rushed into the observation room, the only one got up from the bed and was about to get off the ground.

He stepped forward and hugged her, "Don't move, don't move, I'll carry you into the car, you scared me!"

There was still panic in Wei Wei's eyes, "Yan, I was scared too! If this child is lost, I will have no face to see you again!"

Leng Yan comforted her, "It's not your fault, it seems that I really can't leave you for a second!"

(End of this chapter)

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