Chapter 159

Soon, the security department provided information, and Kobayashi, the company cleaner, left without saying goodbye that day.

Leng Yan leaned back on the office chair and contacted Lei Ting'en, "Ting'en, send someone to guard every ATM, every bank, and the airport terminal, and try to find Xiao Lin, Qisheng's cleaner, for me. I have sent her photo to your mailbox."

The second phone call: "Finance, go to the bank to check Xiaolin's account immediately to see if there has been a large amount of money in the account recently."

He thought, Xiao Lin is just a cleaner, and he has no enmity with the only one, so he must be instigated to do so.

The financial inquiry was very fast, and there was an immediate reply, "President, Xiao Lin's account has not been credited."

Leng Yan sneered, the opponent was quite cunning, and he didn't want to leave any clues, but he didn't worry, Xiao Lin would definitely not be as smart as the opponent.

An hour later, Lei Tingen replied, "Leng Yan, Xiao Lin has found it, and cashed the check at the East Branch."

"Oh? Whose signature is the check?" Leng Yan smiled triumphantly.

" yours..." Lei Tingen almost laughed.

Leng Yan was stunned, it seemed that the opponent was indeed a master!

"However, it's a forged signature, and I don't think it can be cashed in at the bank." Lei Tingen could completely guess Leng Yan's expression, explained with a smile, and then added, "It's very similar to your handwriting!"

"Is Xiaolin in your hands?" Leng Yan was dissatisfied with his ridicule.

"Yes, isn't it waiting for you to show me? How to deal with it?"

"Extort a confession! Do you still need to ask? When did you, Lei Erlang, become stupid?" Leng Yan tuned/laughed.

"Don't I attach great importance to your affairs? I'm afraid that if you don't do it well, it will make you unhappy. Okay, extorting a confession, this is what I'm best at!" Lei Tingen hung up the phone.

Leng Yan flicked the phone with his fingers, his mind full of thoughts, the phone was spinning in the palm of his hand, and the silver-gray edge shone in the sun.

"Tuk tuk tuk", there was a knock on the door, he put down his phone, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

The only one came in with a smile, "Yan, the security guard that Lei Tingen threw at our house called me just now, saying that Mama Zeng went around the house and they wanted to report to you. Your phone has been busy all the time. Who did you call? Woolen cloth?"

He shivered slightly, "Really? Go, hurry home!"

Back in spring, he asked the only one to stay in the car, ordered Lei Tingen's people to protect her around the car, and brought a few people into the house.

The moment he opened the door, he was stunned. There was nothing but a big fruit basket and some nutritional supplements at home.

"Is that why she brought these?" Leng Yan asked the bodyguard behind him.

"Yes! There was another woman who accompanied her, saying she was here to see Mrs. I didn't let them in, but they said they just put these things down and left, so I called you."

Leng Yan rummaged through the fruit a few times, but found nothing unusual.

Because he was worried about being alone in the car, he returned to the car.The only one who was very concerned asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay!" He didn't want to bring tension to the only one, so he smiled lightly, "I'm so hungry, how about going to eat something first?"

"Okay!" Wei Wei smiled, "It just so happens that your son is hungry too!"

Passing by a supermarket, Wei Wei suddenly wanted to eat fruit, "Yan, let's go buy some fruit, I'm thirsty!"

"Alright, I heard that pregnant women eat more fruits, and the baby's skin will be better!" Leng Yan parked the car on the side of the road and took her into the supermarket.

Although the only abdomen is still flat, Leng Yan has coerced her into wearing maternity clothes. The only objection is in vain. Leng Yan's reasons are very good. First, put a label on her to show that she is already a mother-to-be, and others will not Play her idea again; second, it will help the baby grow up healthily and freely.

Therefore, the only basic thing is to wear maternity clothes to sign documents at a meeting. Of course, no one dared to look at her with strange eyes.At present, holding Leng Yan's arm, she looks like a happy little mommy.

In the fruit area, the salesperson enthusiastically introduced to her the fruits suitable for pregnant women.

Wei Wei pointed at the longan, "Yan, I want to eat that."

"Okay, tell them what you want to eat, and ask them to wrap it up." Leng Yan put his arms around her waist.

But the salesperson waved his hand at them, "No, sir, ma'am, don't eat this mother-to-be. If you eat too much, you will easily have a miscarriage."

A light flashed in Leng Yan's mind, that there were a lot of longan in the basket of fruit that Zeng Mama sent...

Could it be...?His eyebrows are deeply tangled, don't be so cruel!

"Yan? What's wrong?" The only one who noticed his abnormality.

His expression flickered, "No, no, you, you must be careful when eating in the future! Ask the doctor first, what can be eaten and what can't be eaten, today is a dangerous day!"

"Yes! As ordered!" The only one stuck out his tongue.

While speaking, Leng Yan's cell phone rang, and there seemed to be news about Lei Tingen's extorted confession.

"Leng Yan, Xiao Lin confessed, it was your ex-wife who forced her to do so!"


"Got it!" He hung up hastily, and carrying the only fruit he had chosen, he hurried out of the supermarket and got into the car.

After sending the only one to the car, I left a few bodyguards for her, "The only one, I have to do something temporarily, you go back to the company first, don't walk around before I come back. Also, you guys, the lady will leave it to you, Do not let me down."

"Yes!" The bodyguards dare not be careless.

"And you," he pointed to the other bodyguards, "Go back to the company and see if the vice president is in the company. If he is, bring the vice president back to the old house. Remember, no matter what method you use, you must get her back .”

(End of this chapter)

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