Chapter 162

Yi Han and Dick immediately rummaged through the office.

"Han, all the locks are fingerprint locks, it's difficult!" Dick checked between the drawer and the safe.

"You can't either?" Yi Han frowned.

"It will take a long time! I'm afraid I don't have enough time!" Dick opened the tool bag, which contained a very fine set of tools.

"Hurry up! There are not many opportunities like this! Leng Yan was not with the only one after the old lady of the Zeng family died, otherwise we would not even have a chance to be in Qicheng!" Yi Han urged.

"Okay!" Dick said no more, and concentrated on opening the lock.

Suddenly, a scream came from outside, "Help!"

Then there was a bang, and the door was pushed open, and the flames rushed to the top outside, the smell of gasoline came out, a layer of liquid on the ground slowly poured in, and the fire also rushed in, and the alarm immediately rang loudly.

"Oops! Let's go!" Yi Han shouted.

Dick hurriedly packed up his tools and fled, and Qicheng's entire top floor was engulfed in flames.

"Dick! Dick! Dick!" A petite figure jumped out of the sea of ​​flames, crying and shouting blindly.

Dick grabbed her and ran and yelled, "You stupid woman! Don't run out if it's on fire! What are you doing here?"

Meimei burst into tears, startled and frightened, and could only say, "I want to find you! I want to find you!"

Dick's body froze for a moment, and he grabbed her tightly, "Let's go!"

I met Yi Han in the corridor, "The elevator is broken! Take the stairs!"

The three of them turned around the safe passage, and the fire slowed down immediately. Yi Han looked at the clean ground and wondered, "Someone set the fire on purpose? There's no gasoline here, and the fire won't burn out for a while."

"Call the fire alarm!" Meimei's face was still wet from tears.

"Don't report! Someone wants to help us, it's God's will!" A cold light flashed in Yi Han's eyes.

"But the only one!" Meimei screamed suddenly.

Yi Han's face turned pale, and only then remembered that the only one hadn't come out yet, so he ran back immediately, "You guys go first!"

"Yi Han! You're crazy! Don't die!" Dick shouted after him.

Yi Han ignored it, stepped into the bathroom next to him, drenched himself, took off his coat and covered his head, and plunged into the flames.

"The only one! The only one! Where are you? The only one!" He searched for the thin figure in the sea of ​​fire and shouted her name.

"Yi Han, I'm here!" A small voice came from the corner.

He was overjoyed, and ran towards the sound, only to see that the only one was blocked by the fallen file cabinet, and could not get out in the corner. Fortunately, the file cabinet was made of fireproof material, not only did not burn, but also blocked the fire for the only one.

He pushed away the file cabinet and covered the only one in his overcoat, "Quick! Get out with me!"

Finally, the sea of ​​flames was left behind, and Yi Han threw away his unsightly coat, secretly rejoicing that if he couldn't get out, he couldn't hold on any longer!

"The only one! You finally came out! You scared me to death!" Meimei rushed up to hug the only one and cried loudly.

Yi Han was stunned, "Why don't you leave?"

"Wait for you!" Dick said two simple words, clear and flat.

Yi Han's black eyes grew darker, and he said softly, "You three go first! Hurry up!"

"Why not together? Your feet..." Dick said loudly.

"That's why I want you to go first! Hurry up! Do you want to wait for the fire to come and burn me to death?" Yi Han yelled at Dick, and looked sideways at Wei Wei.

Dick was speechless, and waved to Meimei, "Quick! Let's go!"

Yi Han looked at their backs, and there was a dark current in his eyes, until their figures disappeared from sight, and slowly, step by step, he jumped down the stairs with one foot...

In the square in front of Qisheng Building, the fire engine has arrived, Yi Han walked slowly under the gaze of the three people, and the three rushed forward, "Are you okay?"

Yi Han shook his head, his eyes fell on Wei Wei's face, and he smiled, "It's okay! How about you? Are you all okay?"

"It's okay! We're all okay!"


"Only, you wait here for Leng Yan, we'll go first!" Yi Han looked at her and said.

"Yes! I was going to invite you to dinner, but look, we are in such a mess now, the restaurant probably won't let us in!" Meimei looked down at her dirty body.

Wei Wei smiled, "Then go to Yi Han's restaurant, can you not let me in?"

"That being said, it's dirty and uncomfortable. The only thing is, if you want to go, you can go anytime. There is an agreement between us. You can come to eat Bawang's meal anytime!" Yi Han smiled.

"I'm just joking! If you want to treat guests, Leng Yan and I will treat you next time, thank you for saving your life!" Wei Wei stretched out his right hand to Yi Han.

Yi Han nodded, shook her hand, and waved goodbye.

An hour later, Leng Yan's car arrived at a high speed, and there was a "crack" when the brakes were applied, causing sparks to rub against the ground.

"The only one!" He rushed to the only one and hugged her, "Are you scared? Baby? Are you hurt?"

The only head was pressed tightly to his chest by him, and he struggled to get it out. He took a deep breath, "I was not burned to death by the fire, I was almost suffocated by you!"

Leng Yan laughed, "Aren't I too nervous?"

"I'm fine!" Wei Wei grabbed his nose, "It was Yi Han who saved me!"

"Oh?" He secretly drew a question mark, fire?Easy cold?coincide?However, something happened as soon as he left, what the hell!

The fire was quickly extinguished by the firefighters. Leng Yan and Wei Wei went upstairs to check the damage. When they walked into the safe, Leng Yan felt something knocking on his feet. He lowered his head, picked it up, and quietly put it in his pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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