Chapter 163

"Oh?" He secretly drew a question mark, fire?Easy cold?coincide?However, something happened as soon as he left, what the hell!

The fire was quickly extinguished by the firefighters. Leng Yan and Wei Wei went upstairs to check the damage. When they walked into the safe, Leng Yan felt something knocking on his feet. He lowered his head, picked it up, and quietly put it in his pocket...

According to the preliminary investigation by the police, the gasoline tank was dumped, causing a fire.Qisheng's surveillance video shows no suspicious persons entering or leaving.The accident is under further investigation.

Further investigation?Leng Yan sneered, if he continues to wait for the results of the investigation like this, I'm afraid everyone will die!

With a flash of cold eyes, he put on a smiling face, "Only, forget it, there is nothing to lose, just burn it! We are getting married next week, don't let these little things affect your mood!"

"Is the fire a trivial matter? Are you out of your mind!" Wei Wei pointed at his forehead.

He hugged her easily, and murmured affectionately, "As long as you and your son are fine, everything in the world is trivial!"

The only one was slightly shocked, then quietly quieted down, leaning on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, beating her eardrum forcefully, happiness, transpiring in a smile...

"Only, there is something I want to tell you, can you promise me?" He took this opportunity to persuade her.

"Nonsense, I've always been good..." She rubbed against his arms, and her wet lips left light marks on his shirt.

He chuckled and kissed her beautiful hair, "Okay, be good this time! Listen to me, the old people say that it is not good to live together before marriage, and it is auspicious for the bride to marry from her natal family, so, Baby, from today onwards, go back to Yin's house, okay?"

The only one slowly pulled out from his arms, pursing his mouth higher and higher, "You just want to let me go back to Yin's house, don't you?"

"No!" He hugged her tightly, "I didn't mean that, baby, don't you still believe me? Everything I do is for your good, for our good! For the good of the child! Promise me!"

"Yan..." Facing Leng Yan, she didn't have the courage to refuse, but if she was asked to live in Yin's house and face that man every day, she would vomit to death, "Yan... can you say no?"

"No, yes, yes!" Leng Yan fondly bit the tip of her nose, "For me, even for me? Not okay?"

Every time I say this sentence, I know that she can do anything for him...

Her lips were still pouted, but she finally nodded, although it was so slight that it was almost invisible...

He lightly pecked her high pursed lips, "It's really good! Reward one! Let's go!"

"Where are you going?" He wrapped the only little hand in his palm and led him away.

"The Yin family! I just agreed!" He smiled back, let go of her hand, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Go now?" The only one stopped, "Yan! Why don't you kill me!"

Leng Yan's face darkened, "Don't say stupid things!"

Wei Wei's heart trembled slightly, he seemed to be really angry like this!Is it really so important for her to go to Yin's house?

She tugged at the corner of his clothes and shook him, "It's not fierce! Can't I go?"

His face relaxed, and he rubbed her hair, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't kill you, let's go!"

When Wei Wei and Leng Yan appeared at the Leng's house, the Leng's house was already having dinner. The luxurious and spacious villa was no less than that of the Leng's house. Unfortunately, there were only two people eating at the huge dining table—Old Man Yin and Yin Xiaozhuo.

Hey, this rich man is really the same luxury, the same loneliness...

Use material to fill the spiritual emptiness, but no matter how you fill it, you can't fill it. This sentence really makes sense!

The moment Mr. Yin saw the two of them, he was dumbfounded, his chopsticks fell from his hands, and he also stuttered, "Only... the only one?"

Yin Xiaozhuo turned his back to them. Looking back at this time, he was also very pleasantly surprised. He hurried forward to say hello, "Why did you come without prior notice?"

"What? You're not welcome?" The only one with a straight face, gave him a blank look.

Yin Xiaozhuo accompanied Xiaoxin, laughing, "How come? How dare you? Haven't eaten yet? Come and eat together! Aunt Chen, lick two sets of bowls and chopsticks!" He yelled in the direction of the kitchen.

Leng Yan called out very humbly, "Uncle!" Wei Wei sat down without saying a word.

It can be seen that Mr. Yin is very happy, his eyes are bright, he doesn't mind the only attitude at all, and it is beyond his imagination to be able to come back!He couldn't help casting grateful glances at Leng Yan, "Nephew Leng Xian, thank you!"

Yin Xiaozhuo smiled and said, "Dad, you are confused! You are going to be a grandfather!"

"Yes! Yes! I'm really confused! I'm happy and confused!" He laughed, but looked at Wei Wei, afraid that she would slap the table again and get angry.

The only one glared at him, "What are you looking at? Do you think that I'm willing to come to your house to forgive you? If it's not for my Leng Yan's face, I won't come back!"

"The only one!" Leng Yan stopped her in a low voice.

"I don't want to eat! Where is my room? I want to sleep!" The only one got angry, and I really don't understand Leng Yan, why she must reconcile with Yin's family!

Leng Yan seemed to have something to say, but was stopped by Mr. Yin, "Okay, okay! Don't say anything! Aunt Chen, take the young lady upstairs to rest, which is the newly prepared room."

The only one snorted, even the room was ready, it was obvious that it was premeditated!She followed the servant named Aunt Chen up the stairs in a "dump, click, click" manner.

Leng Yan smiled apologetically, "Uncle, the only thing is that you are too capricious sometimes! I'm so sorry."

The old man sighed, "I'm the one to say I'm sorry! I've never done my best to the only one, but you have cared more for her. I've failed as a father!"

(End of this chapter)

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