Chapter 171

Leng Yan looked at her in surprise, meeting the blankness in her hazel eyes, did she really not know him?

"Please! Please take me to find Yan! Leng Yan, do you know him? He always wears white sportswear, is very tall, and always opens the windows when driving. The car drives so fast, so fast. The wind blew in and filled his neck, and his hair was blowing in the wind..."

The daze in her eyes gradually became clear, a kind of greenness and shyness of a cardamom girl bloomed in the corners of her eyes, and the whole face exuded a soft light, even if her hair was disheveled and her clothes were disheveled, she became beautiful because of this light.

Leng Yan felt inexplicably sour, the Leng Yan she described was exactly him when he was a teenager, maybe the one she had always loved was also the him who was in full bloom at that time, it was his phantom at that time, not the real Leng Yan in front of her eyes So much so that even when he stood in front of her, she couldn't recognize him.

She is really crazy...

He should have hated her, but at this moment, he couldn't hate her. He just felt uncomfortable in his chest, and the discomfort was still expanding. He didn't want to stay any longer...

"Send her to the police station!" His tone was firmer than before, and he was even more decisive when he turned around, but his throat was tightly locked and choked with pain.

"No! I'm not going! I'm going to find Leng Yan, and no one can stop me!" Jing Lan slammed the bodyguard's gun hard, and the bodyguard's gun fell to the ground. Jing Lan quickly picked it up and pointed the gun at Leng Yan. Yan.

This change came too fast, and everyone was unprepared for her madness. They could only watch her screaming hysterically, "Don't come here! Come here and I'll shoot! Kill you! Kill myself!"

Suddenly, sad again, "Yan, where are you? Why don't you believe me? I really didn't do so many bad things, I didn't do it! No! Yan, they all bullied me! It hurt me so much! Where are you?"

Just as Leng Yan was about to take a step forward, Jing Lan fired with a "touch" sound. Fortunately, Leng Yan reacted quickly and rolled on the spot, but missed.

"I told you not to come and come back? I'll kill anyone who comes!" Jing Lan backed away with her hair flying wildly, screaming.

The bodyguards consciously stood in front of Leng Yan, blocking him, seeing Jing Lan gradually receding, it wasn't that they were incapable of chasing him, but they didn't know what to do?

"Master, what should we do?" Qin Ran gently asked Leng Yan who stood up from the ground.

Leng Yan's deep pupils are as deep as a sea, and he can't see through anything. What he can see is his clenched fists, "Go find it! After you find it, treat the disease first, and then call the police. Those two hooligans just now, find me come out!"

"Yes!" Then a team of bodyguards chased down along the road Jing Lan left.

Turning the corner, Jing Lan retreated to a place where they could no longer see, and then stopped to breathe.

Unexpectedly, with the oriole behind her, she was hit hard on the neck and knocked unconscious. Someone covered her head with a sack and carried her into a car, which quickly swept away in the dust.

When Leng Yan's bodyguards arrived, there was no trace of Jing Lan...

Jing Lan was shrouded in darkness, frightened and flustered, her gun disappeared, and she screamed in the sack.

"Don't scream!" There was a loud roar, and then someone kicked the sack hard, Jing Lan was in pain, she didn't dare to make a sound anymore, she just sobbed softly.

After the car drove to the destination, Jing Lan was lifted down and thrown on the ground. The sack opened and she climbed out. In front of her were two men she didn't know, and one was a foreigner. To be precise, she didn't recognize anyone. Cleared up.

"You... who are you?" Jing Lan subconsciously wrapped Leng Yan's windbreaker tightly.

The man in front of her was staring at her.

Look at her disheveled hair and dirty face, look at the fine lines at the corners of her swollen eyes, look at the snow-white part of her bare calf exposed under the windbreaker, look at her shivering body tightly wrapped in a man's windbreaker.

For no reason, the healthy girl with the ponytail from many years ago, the simple school uniform shirt, and the refreshing fragrance on her body always appeared...

No matter what, he couldn't overlap the image in his mind with her in front of him...

Anger surged in his heart, and he couldn't help stepping forward to pull off her windbreaker, his eyes were stung by the tragic scene of being ravaged.

He quickly closed her windbreaker and slapped her across the face, blowing her away.

The flames of anger seemed to burn him. He pointed at her and roared, "You don't want the happy paradise I gave you. This is the happiness you keep choosing? How did he treat you? How did he treat you?"

Jing Lan just covered her face, tears rolled down her face, timidly, "Who are you? Why did you hit me? It hurts..."

"Ah—" he raised his head to the sky and screamed!He couldn't stand her eyes, her cowardice.

The years have left traces on her face, her big empty eyes are full of helplessness and bewilderment, this is not her!It wasn't that she was strong and beautiful at the beginning!

If standing in front of him at this moment is her dressed brightly and smiling like yesterday, then he will continue to hate her to the bone, because he has reasons to hate her!

However, this kind of her made his hatred disappear invisibly, leaving only anger, only pity...

If, all these years, what Leng Yan brought her was happiness, then maybe he could forgive Leng Yan.

However, Leng Yan never treated her well from the beginning to the end!It still caused her to be reduced to the point of being raped!

"Who moved her? I want his life!" He roared, furious, unaware that his heart was completely contradictory.

"Han! Calm down! Calm down!" Dick stepped forward to hug him, trying to suppress his anger, "Calm down, don't miss the big deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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