Chapter 172

He reminded him of the Yi Han Jing, and gradually calmed down, those roars turned into whines, and the flames in his eyes faded into sorrow.

With sympathy and contempt, he looked at her who was covering half of her cheeks on the ground and trembling, but he didn't know whether he was sympathizing with her, despising her, or sympathizing with himself, despising himself...

"Find a woman and clean her up!" Yi Han left the room without saying a word.

The place where they are now is an apartment in the suburbs. Yi Han is standing on the top of the hill, and the winter wind blows the hill bare, bleak and dry.

Dick came up behind him, "You still can't let go of this woman?"

Yi Han pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head, "She is no longer her, and I am no longer me, but, she looks like this...Dick, you think my purpose of coming back is revenge?"

"Yes! This is what you want to do!" Dick looked at him puzzled.

"However, this woman is so miserable now, it is more miserable than shooting her to death directly. Logically speaking, I should feel relieved and feel the pleasure of revenge, but why can't I be happy?" Yi Han looked at the distant mountains The misty and gloomy sky and the gradually silvery red sky could not illuminate his heart in any way.

"Han! Are you going to give up?" Dick asked worriedly.

"No! Absolutely impossible! At least Leng Yan must not let it go! Is that woman ready?" His eyes became fierce again.

"Okay!" Dick nodded.

"Then let's go! Go and have a look!" Yi Han walked back to the apartment, his eyes as calm as water.

In the apartment, Jing Lan had already put on a clean sweater, her hair was combed neatly, she was sitting by the window in a daze, when she heard the noise, she turned her head and said with joy on her face, "You are finally back!"

At that moment, Yi Han was in a trance for a moment, feeling as if his wife was eagerly looking forward to her husband who hadn't returned for a long time, but her next sentence made his soap bubble burst instantly.

"Just now that person said that you know Yan, you will take me to find Leng Yan, right?" Jing Lan has already run in front of him.

It's Leng Yan again!Yi Han's already calm eyes became turbulent again, is it pain, resentment, or anger?Even if Leng Yan hurt her like this, can't she forget him?

His eyes looked into her eyes, and she actually smiled at him, a smile full of trust and expectation, as if yesterday, never gone far...

His heart trembled slightly, but the suffering he had suffered in these years reappeared in his mind one by one.

No!He can't forget the pain when he climbed out of the car with his broken legs, he can't forget the tragedy of seeing his own legs being blown up in the air, he can't forget the bewilderment when he faced the strange face in the mirror after plastic surgery, and he can't forget the prosthetics The pain of falling again and again, I can't forget the hardships of struggling in the United States when I had nothing...

Don't forget!Don't forget!To him, there is only hatred in this world!Only hate!

His heart gradually became cold, "Yes! I can take you to find Leng Yan! But, you also know that it is not so easy to enter Leng Yan's company, everyone has to register and make an appointment."

"I know! I know!" She was really happy when someone praised Leng Yan's company.

"So, sign this appointment form! After signing, I will take it to Leng Yan's company and wait for a schedule for us to meet him." Yi Han calmly took out an agreement and covered it up. The upper part, only points to the signature place.

Jing Lan frowned, "Why do you have to fill in this? Don't you know him very well?"

Yi Han's eyelids twitched slightly, "I just said I know each other, but I'm not very familiar, so I have to follow the rules."

"But I know him well! You just need to take me to his company! I can go by myself!" Jing Lan's confused mind was extremely uncooperative at this time.

Yi Han patiently persuaded her, "You also know that Leng Yan has always been business-like, and he doesn't like people using personal relationships to break the rules, doesn't he?"

Jing Lan bit her pen and thought for a while, "That's right, let's fill it in then!"

She neatly signed her name at the signature place, then handed it to him with a smile on her face, "Here!"

Yi Han smiled, "Good boy! I'll take you to see Leng Yan tomorrow!"

Jing Lan nodded sharply, sat back at the table and began to hold her hair in a daze again.

Yi Han's smile gradually froze, his black eyes fell on Jing Lan's neat handwriting, a light flashed in the deep pool, and he walked out of Jing Lan's room.

Dick was waiting outside, saw him come out, and greeted him and asked, "How is it? Signed?"

"Signed!" Yi Han proudly held up the agreement in his hand, "Haha! In the share transfer agreement, 20.00% of Qisheng's shares are now mine!"

Dick also laughed out loud, "Together with the 19.00% contract signed by the minority shareholders tomorrow, you will own 40.00% of the shares, major shareholders!"

"But he still has 60.00% in his hand!" Yi Han fell into a state of thought again, "I originally wanted to destroy Qisheng in one fell swoop, but Jinglan's here is an unexpected harvest, does God want me to keep Qisheng ?”

"It's not bad! It's just that we can no longer spend that much money to buy the 60.00%!" Dick said.

"If you have money, Leng Yan won't sell it! Nonsense!" Yi Han glared at Dick, what he said was meaningless.

At this moment, Dick's cell phone rang, and it was Meimei calling.

"Dick! Let me tell you, I finally got the news. The only one who will go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound tomorrow is her only chance to go out. Since the last fire, Leng Yan has locked her in Yin's house. Let her come out!" Meimei said hastily.

Dick was a little surprised, "You said that the only one lives in Yin's house now? Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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