Chapter 174

"No need!" Leng Yan put down the phone.

"Huh?" Yin Xiaozhuo looked at him with some surprise, and then his face changed drastically, "Could it be that they have already torn up their votes?"

Leng Yan shook his head slowly, picked up the phone again, and called back the call just now, but it was already turned off. "It's useless, the other party is very cunning, one shot to change the place, the number is also one after a while, this one has been shut down just now."

"Then what conditions did he put forward?" Yin Xiaozhuo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as people are safe!

"Qicheng!" Leng Yan spat out two words.

"Qisheng Company?" Yin's father and son called out in unison.

Leng Yan nodded and thought about who would come to Qicheng, could it be his enemy?Qisheng's opponent?Or his father's former enemy?

My head is in a mess, I have no clue, there is really no such person in my impression...

"Then what should you do? Call the police!" Yin Xiaozhuo suggested.

"Don't call the police!" This time, Leng Yan and Mr. Yin said in unison.

Mr. Yin looked at Leng Yan, "Don't call the police! The only thing is danger!"

"Yes!" Leng Yan nodded, "There is only one baby in my belly! Don't call the police!"

"Did you really give Qicheng to him?" Yin Xiaozhuo asked in surprise.

Leng Yan smiled wryly, "I really want to give it! I can give it too! Qisheng's shares are not mine at all! How can I give it?"

"It's really not yours? I thought you lied to Jinglan!" Yin Xiaozhuo couldn't believe it.

To lie to Jinglan?He smiled wryly again.Many times, when there is no only one, he really doesn't know what he is living for.

When the Leng family was in turmoil, the company also stagnated for a while. He dragged the company back from the brink of death day and night, but it didn't belong to him.

He told himself, don't care about these empty things, he is a member of the Leng family, although he doesn't like this birth, but the natural blood relationship does not allow him to watch his father's life's hard work go to waste like this, so , he is still the same, with no complaints or regrets, but he still can't find a sense of belonging, can't find a support, like a floating weed, muddled.

Despite this, Qisheng still devoted half of his life, or, like the child he carefully nurtured, he loves Qisheng. However, it seems that he is not the only one who loves Qisheng in this world. At first there were housekeepers, but now there are many who?

In the silence, old man Yin suddenly interjected, "If he insists on a company, then give him the Yin family!"

Yin Xiaozhuo was surprised, "Dad, is the sun coming out from the west?"

"Damn boy! I'm still in the mood to joke around now! As long as the only one is okay!" A look of guilt appeared in the eyes of Mr. Yin.

"Uncle, how can this be done?" Leng Yan told his uncle to call him fluently, forgetting that he had ever called him dad.

"Yan'er, can I call you that?" Mr. Yin looked at him gently, "We are a family, and the only one is my daughter. Do we still share each other? I am sorry for the only mother and daughter, give me a chance to redeem my sins. "

While talking, Leng Yan's phone vibrated on the table again, Leng Yan sneered, "Sure enough, it's a new number!"

"I'll pick it up!" Mr. Yin grabbed the phone, "Hello!"

"Hehe! Has someone changed? Where's Leng Yan?" The other party still had the same hoarse voice.

"I'm the president of the Yin family. Tell me what you have to say! Don't you want the company? Yes! I can give it to you! I'll give you the Yin family!" Mr. Yin's hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

"Haha! Is there such a good person in the world?" The other party laughed mockingly, and then said viciously, "Ask Leng Yan to answer the phone! If you still want to see that woman! Or, I will kick her in the stomach first. Feet? Give you a blow?"

"No! I'll give it to him!" Mr. Yin panicked and returned the phone to Leng Yan.

Leng Yan held his breath, "I am Leng Yan."

"Leng Yan! I warn you, don't play tricks with me! I'll say it again clearly, I only want Qisheng! I don't want anything else!"

Leng Yan pondered, "Okay! I want to listen to my wife's voice first! Make sure she's safe and sound."

The man hesitated slightly, "Okay! I'll let her come over."

After a while of rustling sounds, Leng Yan heard a soft voice from the other end, "Yan!"

All his nerves were excited by this soft call, and he immediately lifted his spirits, "Only, are you okay? Where is the child? Is the child okay?"

"Yan, I'm fine, and so are the children! Yan, I miss you, you give them Qicheng! Give it! I want to go home! I don't want to be here!"

"The only one..." He felt that the only one's words were weird, and wanted to say a few more words, but the voice on the phone had changed.

"Mr. Leng, do you hear me? This place is dirty, broken, and cold! Your wife has nothing to eat! If you don't want your wife to suffer, if you don't want your wife to have a miscarriage, hand over Qisheng quickly. You are much better! Hahaha!"

Leng Yan had a flash of inspiration, "Okay! Here it is! Tell me, to whom? Relevant information."

The other party sneered, "Mr. Leng is too smart, telling you the information at this time, isn't it self-inflicted? Ten o'clock tonight, No. 128, Ligang Wharf, bring your lawyer, prepare all the documents, and leave only Places where my signature is required, after signing, I will naturally release them. Remember, don't call the police, don't bring bodyguards, otherwise, just wait for your wife and son to collect the body!"

Leng Yan narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Okay! See you soon!"

The call was cut off here, and Yin Xiaozhuo asked eagerly, "Is the only one okay? Did you really give them Qisheng? How did you give it? Who wants Qisheng?"

Leng Yan raised his eyes, "The only one is fine, I don't know who the other party is!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Yin Xiaozhuo asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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