Chapter 175

"I figured it out at ten o'clock tonight! It's 02:30 in the afternoon, there's still time! I'll go to a lawyer!" He stood up.

"Looking for a lawyer? Are you really going to give it?" Yin Xiaozhuo also stood up and held him back.

"Go to Police Officer Zhou and ask him..." Leng Yan whispered in his ear.

"Okay! I got it! Be careful!" Yin Xiaozhuo nodded.

"Besides, Ziran should pay attention, something will happen in just a few days!" Leng Yan said while walking out while turning his head.

"Okay! Wait for me! Let's go together!" Yin Xiaozhuo chased after him.

Mr. Yin chased after him, anxious, "What are you guys doing? Don't act recklessly, you'll hurt the only one!..."

He still had something to say, but the two of them had already got into the car and left, he couldn't help shouting, "You two! Remember that the only safety is the priority! Don't call the police!"

Ten p.m.

At the Ligang Wharf, an ordinary black BMW slowly stopped, not ostentatious enough, no one would have guessed that sitting inside were the richest man Leng Yan and his lawyer.

"That's it. Get off, No. 128!" Leng Yan didn't bring the driver, and drove by himself, with the lawyer sitting in the passenger cab.

The two came to a small abandoned courtyard. The cobwebs entangled on the iron gate indicated that no one lived here for a long time. Thinking of the only one who was freezing and starving inside, Leng Yan was very anxious.

"Go!" Pushing open the iron gate, he stepped into the courtyard first, but there was no one there.

"Mr. Leng, there is no one!" the lawyer behind him wondered.

"En!" Leng Yan replied, his gaze swept every corner of the courtyard.

His cell phone rang just in time, and it was another number he had never seen before.

"Mr. Leng! You really keep your word!" A hoarse voice came.

"What tricks are you playing?" Leng Yan scanned around vigilantly.

"In this business, we must be careful at all times! What do you think? Your Leng family is powerful and has many bodyguards. I'm afraid! Hahaha!"

"My documents are ready! Where are you?" Leng Yan was disgusted by his mocking laughter.

The other party's laughter stopped, "Mr. Leng, please make another trip, see you at the Chishuiwan construction site. Remember to turn off your phone, I don't want to be chased by your people to get the signal."

Hanging up the phone, Leng Yan turned around and hurried into the car. The lawyer didn't know what was said on the phone, so he ran behind Leng Yan. For the only safety sake, he decided to turn off the phone.

Half an hour later, Leng Yan appeared at the construction site. The building materials were scattered everywhere, and there was no sign of someone there.

Suddenly, I saw a large sheet of white paper pressed not far away. I stepped forward and said on the paper: "Mr. Leng, 500 meters ahead, there is a metal house, I will wait for you in the house!"

Although Leng Yan was angry, he had no choice but to let him command because he was a swordsman at this time. When he arrived at the iron house, a dark-faced man with stud earrings was standing at the stone table outside the house waiting for him. Behind him were several black-clothed men. thugs.

The thugs greeted Leng Yan, and Leng Yan retreated subconsciously. The man with the earrings said harshly, "Why retreat? For safety's sake, you must be searched! Check if you have a gun or a tracker."

After groping Leng Yan and the lawyer for a while, the thug reported, "Boss, no."

The man with ear studs laughed wildly, "I admire! Admire! You are indeed the richest man! You are so courageous that you dare to go to the meeting alone! Since we are here, let's hurry up and get things done!"

"Where's my wife?" Leng Yan stared at the iron house, feeling distressed and wondering how the only one was tortured.

The man with the earrings waved his hand, and someone entered the iron house, and the only one was escorted out with a rope tied around his body and a cloth stuffed in his mouth. When he saw Leng Yan, his face showed the longing of his relatives.

"Only one, don't be afraid!" Leng Yan's heart tightened, he comforted him first, then glared at the man with earrings, "I brought the document, sign it!"

The man with the earrings smiled and sat down at the stone table, "Cheer up! I appreciate such a person!"

The lawyer stepped forward to take out a stack of documents, and soon after the formalities were completed, the man with the earrings wanted to grab the documents, but the lawyer packed the documents tightly and returned them to Leng Yan.

Leng Yan held the document in his hand, "Let my wife go!"

The man with the stud earrings sneered, "It seems that Mr. Leng doesn't trust me very much. Well, hand over the document with one hand and hand over the person. I'll count one, two, three, and let go at the same time. One, two, three!"

After three beeps, Wei Wei only felt a force pushing her forward, and then she fell into a pair of solid familiar arms.

Leng Yan hugged the familiar soft body in his arms, and finally he felt relieved. Worried that the other party would shoot, he hugged her and rolled to one side of the pile of building materials. .

Leng Yan quickly carried Wei Wei into the car, "Wei Wei, what did they do to you?" He asked worriedly.

The only one couldn't help but hug him tightly, his breath made her feel peaceful, "No! I'm fine! It's good to see you! I've been worried that they will hurt the baby!"

He stroked her hair and comforted her, "It's fine! It's all my carelessness this time! Let's go home!"

As soon as the car started, dozens of cars followed. Yin Xiaozhuo and countless bodyguards got out of the car, and then the police also came.

"How is it? We're not late, are we?" Yin Xiaozhuo and Captain Zhou approached the car and asked at the same time.

"It's late! Everyone has already left!" Leng Yan finally showed a relaxed smile on his face, and winked at the lawyer.

"Sir Zhou, check this person." The lawyer then gave Captain Zhou the name of the other party that he wrote down during the formalities.

Yin Xiaozhuo thought about it, "It's strange, who is the other party? Unlike ordinary kidnappers, they don't seem to be in trouble for the only one, and the purpose is purely for Qisheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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