Chapter 176

Tonight is destined to be a restless night.

In the same apartment, Yi Han sat on the sofa, anxiously waiting for the man with the earrings to return.

Dick came in and asked, "How is it? Not here yet? The buyer over there has been negotiated and will be there soon."

"Not yet!" Yi Han tried his best to force himself to calm down.

Dick walked back and forth in the room a few times, stopped and asked, "Do you have to sell it? Didn't you do everything possible to get Qisheng back? Now that you're back, you want to sell it again, and it's still at such a low price!"

"Dick, it's not too low! Although this price is far lower than the value of Qisheng itself, we can build another Qisheng wherever we want with this money. The 60.00% of the shares, we came here improperly, coldly Yan is not a weak character, I'm afraid we won't be able to sit still and have long nights and dreams, why don't we take this opportunity to sell at a low price, and then quickly deal with the rest of the matter, go away, change our name and surname, and start a new life!" Yi Han looked It sounds very calm, but the actual heart is already turbulent.

"Where's that woman? What are you going to do?" Dick pointed to Jing Lan's room.

Yi Han was speechless for a long time, and finally uttered a sentence, "Sent to a mental hospital." But it was so light that it was almost inaudible.

"What about the only one? What about Leng Yan's life? You don't want it?" Dick looked at Yi Han in front of him, and at first vowed to put Leng Yan to death. Will it change in the end?

Yi Han pondered, "Yes! Of course! Leng Yan must not let it go, even if I leave, I will do it before leaving! As for the only one..." He fell into silence.

"Will the only one come with you?" Dick asked.

Yi Han shook his head, "I will be in charge of her life, no matter where I am, I will send money to her, so that she can raise her child with peace of mind!"

This is where he fails the most, right?He couldn't figure out how he was worse than Leng Yan, why all these women loved Leng Yan!

But who is he himself loving?only?Jing Lan?Or is it the former Jing Lan?He can't figure it out...

At present, he only knows one thing - no matter who he loves, he will live a life of desperation from now on, and whoever follows him may not be happy...

Is this kind of revenge result what he wanted?Still do not understand……

There was a rush of cars outside the door, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

"I'm back!" Dick was excited and went out to greet him.

Sure enough, when he came back, the man with the earrings followed behind him.

"Have you got it?" Yi Han asked urgently.

"I got it!" The earring man excitedly handed the sealed bag to Yi Han.

Yi Han was overjoyed, took the sealed bag, opened it up and examined each one carefully, and said to himself while looking at it, "That's right, it's Leng Yan's autograph, I'm too familiar with it!"

"Are you okay? Great! Then I'll contact the buyer!" Dick started calling.

The call time made up for it, but the process of the call made Yi Han terrified, only to hear Dick keep saying, "What? What?!" It seemed that things had changed drastically.

Finally, when Dick finished talking on the phone, Yi Han couldn't wait to ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's over! The buyer said we lied to him, and he said that he had checked that Qisheng's shares were not transferable by Leng Yan at all, and he had no right to transfer them!" Dick stared at Yi Han blankly.

"Then... this agreement? Invalid?" Yi Han looked at the things he had tried to obtain in his hands, and couldn't believe that it would be waste paper. He was annoyed and hated himself, "Why didn't I think to check it out? Too careless Yes! Take it for granted that the president is him, and the shares are also his!"

"It's useless to say this! What should we do next?" Dick snatched the paper from Yi Han's hand and threw it on the ground.

Yi Han watched the white paper full of words fall down, unable to adjust the gap in his heart.

"Han! Talk! What do we do next?" Dick yelled loudly, waking him up.

He clenched his fists, "What should I do? I'm dead! Call Meimei and ask her to act before dawn, and then, you!" He pointed at the man with earrings, "Find someone and get ready, if...!"

He stopped at this point, and only said, "Dick, get the boat ready, we'll get out of here as soon as Leng Yan is finished!"

"Okay!" The other two left immediately.

Yi Han's originally fair complexion became more and more gloomy in the winter temperature...

After the two left, he also made a phone call, "Hello, Smith? I'm Yihan. I heard that you're interested in the project that Qisheng and Yinshi are going to compete for recently?"

"What? Are you interested too?" The other party's vigilant voice sounded.

"Haha!" Yi Han smiled, "I'm not interested, but I have some inside information and wonder if Mr. Smith is interested?"

"Insider?" The other party's rising tone has already indicated his interest.

"That's right! Qisheng and Yin's business secrets, and Leng Yan has a close relationship with the arrested congressman. Mr. Smith must also be interested in his bribery evidence, right?"

"Such a valuable thing? Would you give me a cheap price? Tell me, what sky-high price do you want?" The other party was obviously tempted.

"Hahaha! Look at it, count it as a favor from me! We have been friends for so long, and we know that you are interested in their project, so why don't we help you, an old friend!" Yi Han laughed.

"Why? Is there really a pie in the sky in China? Or did you, Yi Han, change your gender? Isn't your surname Qian?" Smith's distrust was obvious.

"Believe it or not! You should think about it for yourself! Contact me anytime!" Yi Han closed his phone.

Smile, growing on the corner of his lips, with pain and hatred, why?It's just for the sake of destruction, let Qicheng destroy it once, and unfortunately catch up with Yin's, that's his bad luck!

Leng Yan, it's best not to force me to take the last step!

(End of this chapter)

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