Chapter 177

As the sky was getting darker, Yi Han and Dick watched the minute hand of the wall clock go round and round in the apartment. After the seven "Dang Dang Dang" bells rang, Yi Han and Dick looked at each other and fell into despair.

They made an appointment with Meimei at seven o'clock. If Meimei hadn't come back by seven o'clock, it would mean that the operation had failed.

So, is it a failure now?Yi Han stared at the wall clock, no, he is not reconciled, or Meimei is already on her way back, or she will be there soon...

The cell phone rang, and the inquirer came to report, "Meimei missed her hand and was taken away by the police. It seems that the Yin family has been prepared for a long time!"

"Understood!" Yi Han simply replied and hung up the phone, frowning and thinking, "How could this happen? Every step of our actions seems to have slipped into a trap set by Leng Yan. Could it be that Leng Yan saw us through? Or is there a loophole in any link?"

Dick felt a little uneasy, "Han, there is something I didn't tell you..."

"What's the matter?" Yi Han stared at him.

"I just found out that one of my lockpicking tools was missing yesterday. I don't know if it was lost when Qisheng stole the safe that day..."

"You...why are you so confused!" Yi Han burst into anger, "It must be! Leng Yan must have picked it up! He is so old and cunning, he will immediately guess that we are going for the information in the safe, so he deliberately Set up a game! Waiting for us to drill!"

"Then what should we do now?" Dick panicked, completely lost his mind.

A cold light flashed in Yi Han's eyes, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Hello, man with stud earrings."

"it's me!"

"Are you ready for what I asked you to do last time?" Yi Han's eyes were as cold as iron, and he was determined.

"Ready! On call!"

"Okay! Let's keep an eye on his movements, I want his life!"

"Got it! I'll keep an eye on him!"

"Wait!" Yi Han stopped him who was about to hang up.

"Anything else?" the man with the earrings asked.

"If, I mean if, but I don't want this if!" Yi Han's voice was a bit cold. "If, in case you miss, do you know what to do?"

The man with the stud ear shivered, but immediately understood, and whispered, "I know."

"That's good! We will take care of your parents in America!" Yi Han smiled viciously, "Leng Yan, it depends on where you go this time!"

Then, put down the phone, and said to Dick, "Follow Leng Yan at any time, and notify the stud man when you find the right time. Also, is the boat ready? We will most likely leave today!"

"Ready!" Dick nodded, not daring to make mistakes this time.

************************************************** *******************************

Yin family.

It was early morning, and the winter sun slanted into the window lattice, casting a pale yellow shadow on the balcony.

The only one opened his eyes, and was immediately dazzled by the sun, looking down at the light yellow, infected by the sun, his heart suddenly brightened.

On the eve of the wedding, it was a pleasant surprise for her to see such a beautiful sunshine!What made her feel even more heartwarming was that at this moment, she was lying in Leng Yan's arms, pillowing his arms.

Gently leaning on the bed/on the bed, eyes lowered, looking at his appearance, I couldn't help but recall the history of the last time he slept until noon. If I could stare at his sleeping face like this every morning, that would be The happiness she pursued all her life!

Can't help but kiss his lips quickly, it's completely out of my heart, I don't think about whether he will wake up because of this, in other words, it's time to wake up now!

He actually slept deeply, which is rare!The only sneak attack was successful, he smiled, got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Suddenly, Leng Yan's cell phone rang, and he was finally awakened. His first reaction was to touch his side, no one was there!Hearing the sound of Huahua's water again, and seeing the looming figure behind the carved glass door, I knew that she had woken up early, and my heart was at ease.

Thinking about how happy it would be if I woke up and saw such a figure every day in this life!Bitterness gradually filled the eye sockets...

The phone was still ringing persistently, and he groped around and found that the number was not familiar to him. However, he has been very good at answering strange calls recently, and he even answered calls from kidnappers. What are you afraid of?

Resolutely pressed the answer button, it turned out to be a call from the police station, to the effect that the person who stole Qi Sheng and Yin's information had been caught!Ask him to go over and assist in the investigation.

"Okay, I'll come!" With sleepy eyes, he forced himself into the bathroom, took off his clothes and threw them on the floor as he walked.

When entering the bathroom to take a shower, the only one just came out, his eyes inadvertently fell somewhere on him, his face turned red unconsciously.

If in the past, Leng Yan would have teased her first, and then entangled her, there would be no peace this morning, but today, Leng Yan just smiled and pinched her chin, and called out dotingly, "Little se/female!" Then, push her out of the bathroom, close the door....

The only one who looked back at the misty mist behind the carved glass felt gradually confused in his heart, maybe, maybe, he was too tired...

Today, they agreed to go up the mountain to see Leng Yan's mother, and she herself had a lot to say to her mother, does he still remember?

She was thinking while changing clothes, but Leng Yan yelled in the bathroom, "Honey, bring me some clothes!"

The only one smiled and shook his head, still the same as before.All the newly bought winter clothes hung in the closet. The only thing that caught my eye was the light blue sweater with white thin down jacket. She also had a pair of couple clothes. The blue and white match reminded her of the Aegean sea. The color, the mood suddenly becomes clear.

(End of this chapter)

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