Chapter 178

I only heard Leng Yan continue, "I didn't tell the only one about you, and I would let them hide it from the only one. Stealing business secrets, whether it's big or small, fortunately, it didn't cause consequences, and the court will consider it. .”

"You don't blame me?" Meimei tried her best to organize her thoughts, but she was not sure about her guess.

Leng Yan just smiled, the wideness between his brows seemed to hold the world.

Meimei's nose was sore, "Why?" Yes, she didn't understand, and it hurt even more.If a person who is inherently kind does something wrong, if she is faced with blame, she may feel better on her conscience, but this kind of tolerance makes her feel more self-blame and guilty.

"It's not for you, I'm for the only one. There are too many betrayals and partings in life. I just hope that there will be fewer things that happen to the only one, and I hope to keep more true feelings for her. There is you—the only close friend in the boudoir who listens to her troubles."

"Leng Yan, why do I think I don't understand what you said? What about you?" Meimei tried to figure out the meaning of his words.This sounds so touching, but it's even more heartbreaking.

Leng Yan avoided answering this question, stood up with a smile, "Meimei, you will not let me down, I believe! Goodbye!"

"Leng Yan..." Meimei's heart felt inexplicably twitched by this goodbye, and she felt an unspeakable pain, but Leng Yan had already turned around and left, his back in a white down jacket gradually blending into the white sky outside.

Walking out of the police station, Yin Ziran was waiting for him outside, leaning against his car, smiling from afar, "I'm not driving, take your car back!"

A broad-minded man, a high-spirited young man, the sun shines on his shoulders through thick clouds.

Leng Yan narrowed his eyes, looked at his eyes full of appreciation, walked to his side, and smiled meaningfully, "Zi Ran, now, I really hope you are not the only brother."

"What do you mean?" Yin Ziran looked at him strangely.

"It's nothing! Get in the car, I've worked hard for you these few days!" Leng Yan laughed, and got in the car first.

"Leng Yan, Meimei refuses to be a witness, is that really the case?" In the driving car, Yin Ziran asked Leng Yan beside him.

"Otherwise, what else do you want? Do you still want to be tortured?" Leng Yan replied casually looking at the passing scenery outside the window.

"But, obviously, she is protecting Dick! She is so stupid! Is it necessary to shoulder it?" Yin Ziran was very unwilling.

Leng Yan smiled faintly, "Another angle, if you wanted to be unique, would you do this?"

Yin Ziran was at a loss for words, and muttered, "What's the same?"

Leng Yan chuckled again and stopped talking.

Yin Ziran has had a lot of contact with Leng Yan recently, and his understanding has gradually deepened. His initial prejudice has long since changed. He is impressed by his ability to observe the details, act cautiously, and control the overall situation at the same time. He also believes that Leng Yan may have a countermeasure.

Even so, he was still very worried, and asked, "Leng Yan, let Yi Han and Dick run away like this, aren't you afraid of letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Leng Yan looked out the window, "Don't be afraid, they won't hurt Weiyi."

"I'm talking about you, and your Qisheng!" Yin Ziran was worried about his carelessness.

"Me?" He smiled lightly, "I'm even less afraid! As for Qicheng, it has its own destiny!"

"Leng Yan, I can't understand a single word you said today!" Yin Ziran felt that his smile was a little dazed.

"You will understand in the future..." Leng Yan's tone became long, "Zi Ran, it's great to have a brother like you!"

Yin Ziran looked at him like falling into the fog...

As for Leng Yan, he kept looking out the window in thought, but what scenery is there outside the window?He didn't look into anything, so when he arrived at Yin's house, he didn't know it yet.

"CEO, we're here. Should we pick up my wife and leave, or get out of the car and rest?" the driver turned his head and asked him.

He woke up like a dream, "Huh? Oh, let's go, go up and pick up Madam."

"Yes, President."

Later, the only one carrying a backpack, blew into the car like a gust of wind, leaned against him, and looked at him eagerly, "Why did you come back? I've been waiting impatiently!"

With drooping eyes, Shen Tong's doting indulged into Cheng Shang, hugged her waist tightly, and only said the most ordinary greeting, "Have you had lunch?"

"Eat it! What about you?" The only one raised his head.

She always wanted to look into his eyes, and he always pressed her restless head back to his chest, "Be good, don't move!"

She giggled, lay quietly on his chest, and counted his heartbeats.

"You can go! Go to the cemetery." Leng Yan told the driver.

He doesn't drive himself?The only thing that feels strange is that he usually drives himself when they go out, and their contract stipulates that he must be her driver...

No time to think about this, the team going to the cemetery is mighty, and behind their cars, there are many bodyguard cars.

Along the way, the only one was quiet for a short while, and then began to lie on Leng Yan's chest and chatter non-stop. Leng Yan just stroked her hair and listened quietly, the smile on the corner of his lips was always warm.

"Yan! You don't talk! I'm so suffocated! I'm exhausted talking all by myself, and I'm thirsty!" The only one complained, pouting.

Leng Yan chuckled, "I like to hear your voice! Drink water when you're thirsty!" He took out the water glass and fed water to her lips.

The only one took his hand, drank it happily, a few drops spilled on his pants, the only one smiled facelessly, and simply retracted into his arms, the water stains stained his light blue sweater, soaking out A dark piece.

He smiled indifferently and hugged her tightly.

She gradually yawned and sighed, "Talking to pigs is more tiring than playing the piano to cows. I'm going to bed!"

Sleepiness in pregnant women?He understood, wrapped her in his down jacket, let the warmth surround her heavily, "Sleep, good boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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