Chapter 179

In the cemetery in winter, the evergreen trees are lush, solemn but not depressed. People's hearts often become calm here.

Standing in front of Leng Yan's mother's tomb, the only one whispered piously, "Mom, can I call you that? The day after tomorrow, I will marry Leng Yan. In fact, I have already married him a long time ago. Mom, you Would you like a daughter-in-law like me? I am ignorant and sometimes willful, but I will work hard to be a good wife and mother. I will spend my whole life loving and taking care of Leng Yan, mother, You must bless us in heaven!"

Leng Yan looked at her, and suddenly hugged her into his arms, stroking her hair, "Baby, give me your next life!"

The softness of the sweater warmed the only cheek, itching, she smiled happily, "My life, the next life, the next life, forever, is yours!"

Taking a breath, he turned his melancholy eyes to the sky and said to himself, "Mom, are you lonely?"

A few resident birds flew across the sky, chirping a few times, breaking the silence.

He kissed her forehead, "Let's go, it's time to go there!"

Going up the mountain, visit Leng Yan's mother first, this is the only insistence, he is touched, the little girl is getting more and more sensible, but...

In the present of my mother, the only one is much more lively, accepting the reality that the deceased is gone, and only sweet memories are remembered...

"Mom, I'm here to see you! Because I want to tell you a good news, I'm getting married! Mom, I know you used to worry about me doing something that would embarrass you, I'm sorry, but now you can rest assured, cold Yan is very kind to me, not only gave me all the love, but also gave me a self, let me see my own value. Mom, your daughter is very promising now, with a promising career and a husband that everyone envies, You can be proud! Hehe, am I a little vain? Forget it, you are my mother, it doesn’t matter if you tell the truth! Hee hee, Leng Yan has something to tell you! Mom, I’ll let him say it!” She Twist Leng Yan.

Leng Yan choked his throat, and after a long time, he said, "Mom... I'm sorry... I... I will do my best to give the only ideal life."

The only one was obviously dissatisfied with his performance, glared at him, and added, "Mom, don't mind! Leng Yan is such a stinking problem, he doesn't talk too much! People say he is from the iceberg! But, he is really serious. Very good! You can rest assured that your daughter will marry him!"

She stretched out her hand to touch the photo on the tombstone, and her tone became reluctant, "Mom, we are leaving, and I will see you next time. You must bless us with happiness forever!"

The petals of the white chrysanthemum trembled in the wind one by one. He held her hand and gradually walked away. Looking back, only the wind groaned...

"There are too many bodyguards today!" On the way back, Wei Wei looked at the car slipping behind him, and when he came, he was only talking and sleeping, but he didn't notice it.

"I'm afraid someone will rob me of the bride!" He just looked at her and smiled.

Wei Wei pursed her lips, "I hope that someone will come and snatch it, and it will be a good thing! With this posture, the ghost is also scared away!"

He simply hugged her on his lap and stroked her belly, "Honey, you will have to work hard when your son is born, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" The only one leaned on his shoulder, "You want to be a baby daddy!"

He brushed her hair lightly with his chin, and said neither good nor bad, but said, "Wife, whether it is a son or a daughter, they are all called Leng Ran, remember!"

"Could it be called something else?" Wei Wei thought, if it was a girl, the name would not be poetic enough...

"No!" He said firmly...

"Okay!" Not yet married to him, just so autocratic, pink lips slightly raised, "Where are you going next?"

Leng Yan looked at the time, "It's still early, only one, I want to eat stinky tofu!"


The only one who was convinced that he had heard correctly had to suspect that Leng Yan had a short-circuited nerve. Not only did he want to eat stinky tofu, but he also dragged her out of the car and walked, causing a bunch of bodyguards to follow him, not too far away.

President Qi Shengda, Leng Yan, the richest man in Bingshan, eats stinky tofu in the street?This explosive news is sent out, and no one will believe it if killed...

But the only thing is to watch Leng Yan eat up his share, not to mention, but also stretch out his mouth to snatch the only one that has been delivered to his mouth...

The only one who was dumbfounded must be his own dazzled eyes, must be...

Not only that, Leng Yan also held her hand and walked all the places they had been to, including the only mother and baby store they visited when they were pregnant with their first baby.

This time, Leng Yan made a big purchase and loaded all the fancy things into the car, and there were even some that were only needed by older babies.

The only inexplicable thing is, "Why do you buy so much, you can't even wear it!"

"It's okay! I like it, it's cute! Buy it back and put it away, so you don't need to buy it in the future. You know I don't like shopping!" Leng Yan ignored her protest and rubbed her hair to express his comfort.

Walking out of the mother and baby store, Leng Yan let out a sigh, "I'm really tired from walking today! Get in the car! Go have dinner!"

When the car drove past Qisheng's company, Leng Yan suddenly said, "Honey, look, Qicheng is here! Do you still remember the time you helped Xiao deliver the documents? Hehe, I got burned, and then..."

The only one blushed, "Don't mention it!"

Leng Yan hugged her, "Why are you not allowed to mention it? Every bit of the past is so beautiful, even quarrels are unforgettable."

"Yan, every day between us will be beautiful!" Wei Wei hugged his neck and buried her face in his chest.

Leng Yan froze and didn't speak.The car slowly stopped at the downstairs of the restaurant called "Glass Star".

Meanwhile, someone was on the phone.

"I found Leng Yan's whereabouts. In the Glass Star restaurant, there are many bodyguards, and the restaurant is tightly guarded."

(End of this chapter)

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