Chapter 181

At this time, the sea surface was rising with the sun, and even though it was winter, the sea water was shimmering.

On the fast-moving ship, two figures stood on the deck.

Yi Han was preoccupied, "I don't understand why Qisheng's equity is not Leng Yan's? Whose would it be?"

"I asked the buyer last time, and he said that Qisheng's shares were distributed according to the father's will, and Leng Yan only had 20.00%, which was given to Jinglan when Jinglan divorced." Dick replied.

"Why is the old man so divided? Could it be that he has seen through Leng Yan's viciousness? Hmph, the heavens have eyes to prevent such a person's wish from being fulfilled!" Yi Han felt happy.

The sea wind howled, and the two looked at the coastline that was too far away to see, and their hearts were hard to calm down.

"Gone, really gone, never coming again!" Dick murmured, the unspeakable pain split in his heart.

"Dick, are you reluctant?" Yi Han remained calm.

Dick's eyes flashed, "Be willing, be willing, you will gain only if you are willing! This is what you Chinese say, forget it! There are so many women in the world! Nothing can fetter me, Dick!"

"Dick! We have to start again! Do you blame me for getting you involved?" Yi Han smiled wryly.

"If you don't implicate me, I must blame you!"

Surge, silent.

************************************************** *********************

Tomorrow, I will actually walk into the wedding hall with him, and the only one has been uneasy all day long, but why is there no reaction from the Yin family?

Both the old man and Yin Xiaozhuo vowed to marry the only little princess of the Yin family, but today, there is no one there, not only the two of them, but also Yin Ziran.

The whole mansion was empty, and the only one was bored.To be honest, she doesn't care whether the people of Yin's family attach importance to her wedding, the person she is going to marry is Leng Yan, as long as Leng Yan cares about her.

However, she stared at her mobile phone all morning, but no call came. Maybe, he was busy...

It was not until dinner time that Yin's three fathers and sons came back from outside and smiled tenderly and considerately at Wei Wei.

After dinner, they didn't go back to the room to do their own things like before, but they talked with the only one in the living room.

The only one was secretly surprised, thinking about Leng Yan's phone call, and went back to the room after saying a few words.

As soon as I got to the room, the phone rang, and I sang the song "The Only" affectionately: BABY, you are my only...

She was overjoyed, glad she arrived in time.

"Hey, Yan!" He called this heart-warming name in his sweetest voice.

"One and only, have you eaten yet?" It's still soft and magnetic, with a little bit of a vague mix, just like those hazy romances in early summer.

"Eat! What are you busy with today? You haven't called me for a day, I miss you!" The only one persistently expressed his thoughts.

"I miss you too, baby! Didn't you just get free now?" Leng Yan felt as if his heart was pierced when he heard her coquettish voice.

"Yan! I'm curious, what is the peerless wedding that you have spent so long creating? Tell me! It's only one night away!" The only one is curious, what kind of surprise Leng Yan will give her , I have asked countless times, and Leng Yan always pretends to be closed.

"Baby, you... will know tomorrow!" Leng Yan's throat was hardened, and he whispered in a trembling voice. After speaking, he immediately covered the phone with his hand to cover up the strangeness of his voice.

"No! Then I won't be able to sleep tonight! Tell me! Tell me!" Wei Wei twisted her body lightly, as if she was in his arms.

If she was in front of him, he would definitely embrace her soft and delicate body.

Resisting the pain in his heart, he let go of his hand covering the phone, pretending to be relaxed, "Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"Really?" The only one pursed his lips.

"Don't tell me!" He still insisted.

"Okay! Then you are not allowed tomorrow night..." His face gradually turned red, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"Why not?" I still like to tease her, but I can already imagine her shy and embarrassed appearance in the two places.

"Don't... touch me..." The voice as thin as a mosquito groaned softly into his ears.

He couldn't help laughing, his eyes were red, and after a long time, he relaxed his voice, "Don't you clearly seduce/lead me to touch you by saying that?"

"Ah! You're necrotic! How could I!" The only one blushed.

He also smiled lightly, "Yes, there is!"

"Let's talk again? Tell me again, I'll hang up!" The last resort was only a threat.

"Don't! The only one! Don't hang up!" He said anxiously, "Let me hear your voice again!"

Is the threat of "Idiot!" really effective?Wei Wei snickered, "Tomorrow you will be able to listen to my voice every day! Hearing that we are too old to leave, don't think I am an old woman nagging!"

He smiled, and a tear fell, "Okay! I listen, I really like to listen, and I can never get enough of it!"

Happiness filled, the only one lying on the bed/on, retracted into the quilt, as if his warm arms hugged her, "Yan! Don't hang up the phone tonight, okay? You are not here, I can't sleep well, wake up at night, I want Listen to your breath."

"Okay!" The pretended calm was hard to maintain, and he still had more important things to do, "Only, there is one thing, you must be obedient!"

"What's the matter?" The only one frowned in thought, and immediately came to his senses, "You won't want to talk about that old man again, will you?"

"The only one! Don't call me the old man!" His voice had never been so serious and clear, "Go and call Dad!"

"I do not……"

"Don't say no!"


"It's useless to act like a baby! Now, immediately, I want to hear with my own ears that you call Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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