Chapter 182

After a long time, the dry voice squeezed out three words, "Why?"

Yin Xiaozhuo remained silent, while Ziran interjected, "He will marry Qiu Fei'er soon."

Hearing this, the originally sluggish only one suddenly laughed, "Two brothers, you are making too much of a joke! It scares me!"

"No kidding, the only one!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it even if I'm killed! Hurry up and call the makeup artist! When Leng Yan comes to pick him up, it will be too late!" The only one looked down at the blanket he was wearing, and nunuzui, "I said you two , get out! I have to change clothes!"

"The only one!" Yin Xiaozhuo yelled, "Be sober! No makeup artist! No Leng Yan! No wedding! Nothing left!"

Her smile froze, and the pregnancy reaction that hadn't come back for a long time surged up, suffocation, nausea, dizziness, unable to breathe, and the world fell into blackness...

Is this the feeling of coma?

Then, she would rather be in a coma, at least not feel pain...

However, who woke her up annoyingly, the first ray of breath pierced into the lungs, it was icy cold, it pierced her heart.

"Yan..." The name that was entangled with her life spit out from her weak lips, in the oxygen-deficient air, it reminded her so deeply that the cruel truth and the overwhelming pain were like someone pulling Her heart was about to be stripped from her body.

Tears, rolling down, meandering out two clear traces...

"The only one, we are here." The hands were covered with warmth, and there was a hallucination for a while, thinking that they were those familiar hands, no, no...

"Only, cry if you want!" Yin Ziran didn't say "be strong" to her for the first time.

And she swallowed her tears and didn't cry.

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

His stoic appearance, pale face, and dark blue lips are unbearable to look at.

"Yes!" The other two lowered their heads and held her hand tightly.

"I still don't believe that he said last night that he loves me and will protect me for the rest of his life." She struggled to sit up.

"What are you going to do? The only one?" Yin Ziran supported her.

She didn't speak, she got up from the bed, she didn't know when someone put her clothes on, opened the closet, took out the coat, tidied her messy hair a little, and went outside.

"The only one! Where are you going?" Yin Xiaozhuo's tall body blocked her.

She was unexpectedly calm, and she learned from the pain. She struggled and did not believe in Leng Yan's betrayal.If the love between him and her can't cross the sea, then what else in the world is trustworthy?

"I'm going to find Leng Yan, I want to ask myself!"

Yin Xiaozhuo grabbed her wrist, "Where are you going to find him? Do you know where he is?"

"I am rejuvenated!" She tried to pull out her wrist, Yin Xiaozhuo's fingers were like iron, and her snow-white wrist was red.

"Don't go! He has moved away! That house is left to you, as compensation for you, as a home for the child!"

Her footsteps softened, and she took two steps back. It seems that Yin Xiaozhuo did not lie to her, but there must be something hidden in it, "Brother, since you know everything, tell me why? You are my elder brother, you will bear to watch Your sister was abandoned and dragged a child? It's unreasonable, right? What's the secret behind it?"

Yin Xiaozhuo and Yin Ziran looked at each other, and helped her to sit down, "Only, listen to me, yes, as your eldest brother, I despise Leng Yan for treating you like this, and I will not be friends from now on. He married Fei'er." The reason is very simple. Neither Leng Yan nor I told you that there was a problem with this new project, and the two companies suffered huge losses. In addition, Qisheng has many things that Leng Yan's authority is limited. Therefore, Qisheng is struggling now, and the Qiu family is willing to help The condition for him to overcome the difficulties is that Leng Yan must marry Qiu Fei'er."

The only one looked at him blankly, "This is so funny! The richest man? Will such a problem arise? We can help too! I can sell Mosha to help him!"

"The only thing is that he has too many vacancies, not only for projects with the Yin family, but also for other projects. The Yin family has also been severely injured and cannot fill it. Even ten Moshas can't fill it. Only the Qiu family can afford it."

"He never told me!" The only distrustful eyes seemed to want to see him thoroughly.

"Only, don't you understand Leng Yan? Is he the kind of person who brings pressure and pain to you? No matter how hard it is, he will only choose to carry it alone!"

Looking back on the past, he did always silently give behind her back. He would never tell her face to face everything he did for her. However, since he had such deep affection, would he still choose to betray?No!She is even more unbelievable!

"Brother, get out of the way! I won't give up until I see him!" Wei Wei brushed past Yin Xiaozhuo sideways.

"The only one!" Yin Ziran chased after her, trying to stop her.

Yin Xiaozhuo grabbed the only arm and said to Yin Ziran, "Let her go! Let her give up, otherwise she will not be at peace! Let's go with her!"

"Can you find him? Where did he go?" The only doubt.

"Where else can I go? Qiu's house!"

The only one limp in Yin Xiaozhuo's arms...

"Do you want to go?" Yin Xiaozhuo asked resentfully.

She gritted her teeth and stood up straight, "Go! Go!"

She has been to Qiu's house countless times!The most hated and humiliating memories are all here!She swore that she would never come back here again, but her fate is inseparable from this place!

Leng Yan was not at Qiu's house, only Qiu Zhiyang and Qiu Fei'er were at home.

The arrival of the only one seemed to be what they expected, and Qiu Feier warmly treated the only one like a hostess.

"Ask Leng Yan to come out!" The only one had to admit that she was so out of style, she didn't want to play the role of a bitter woman, but the words "not reconciled" filled her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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