Chapter 183

"He's not here, so it's the same if you have something to say to me!" Qiu Fei'er's smile was a little flamboyant, a little smug, as if announcing that she finally won this battle!

The only thing blocked, from Qiu Fei'er's words, it can be judged that the relationship between Leng Yan and her is indeed extraordinary, and Leng Yan avoids her, so what should she do?Desperately leave?That's too bad!

it is good!She, Ran Weiyi, has done countless things to lose her reputation for Leng Yan!Not bad this time!Simply throw it home ashamed!

"Then I'll wait for him to come back!" She sat on the sofa, her straight back interpreting her determination.

Qiu Fei'er smiled, "Please go ahead! You can regard this as your own home!"

As her home?She never thought about it!Yes, she grew up here, but if she had a choice, she would rather sleep under the bridge!

"How about I call Leng Yan and ask him to come back! We will meet sooner or later! Xiao, you two sit down first!" Qiu Zhiyang took out his mobile phone to check Leng Yan's number.

The only one who kept her eyes on Qiu Zhiyang, she had called Leng Yan's cell phone countless times, but they were all turned off, could it be that Qiu Zhiyang could get through?

as predicted……

Qiu Fei'er noticed these small details, and explained to Wei Wei with a smile, "Leng Yan just changed his number, and he said he wants to say goodbye to the past."

I see!The only tear*****surges hotly, rebirth is forced to come back!don't cry!Ran Weiwei never cried at every important moment in his life!

Qiu Feier rubbed her only heart with a happy smile, she was in pain, not because she was jealous of Qiu Feier, Qiu Feier had nothing to make her jealous, Leng Yan didn't love her, she just needed the help of the Qiu family. Marry her, she knows that very well.

What hurts her is, is the relationship between her and Leng Yan really so negligible in the balance of money?Then, is he still the Leng Yan she knew?

My heart is cold...

************************************************** ***************************

The beautiful bay, the winter sun, and the light golden color lightly sprinkled on the white luxury cruise ship.Yes, it's a cruise ship, not a yacht!It can carry thousands of people, and the inside is completely a palace with complete facilities, which can cross the stormy waves of the Pacific Ocean.

A beautiful cruise ship called "The Only", covered with pink balloons and bright red roses, the uniformed crew members were waiting early in the morning, but they were kicked off the ship inexplicably.

This is Leng Yan's creation for him and the only peerless wedding, and it is also a symbol of the beginning of their happy journey.

If there were no accidents, he had planned to set sail today with his only one, and embark on an eighty-day journey around the world. However, the sky did not follow his wishes...

"I don't understand. I came all the way from Japan to be your best man. Which one are you singing?" Lei Tingen had been with him for a whole morning, and he just stared at the cruise ship in a daze for the whole morning.

"Tingen, the only Mosha, you have to help me look after her. After all, she is still a child, and she is a girl. It is very difficult to run a company." He replied.

Lei Tingen was in a hurry, "I didn't ask you this! Aren't you getting married today?"

He shook his head, "Can't you see it? Not married anymore!"

"Could it be true what they said? What's wrong with Qicheng? What's wrong? Can you stop getting married?"

Leng Yan still shook his head, "Qicheng is fine, nothing is wrong!"

"Then what are you playing?" Lei Tingen was annoyed.

Leng Yan hesitated to speak, but his cell phone rang. After answering the call, his heart was full of sadness, and he frowned with his fingers, "Let's go!" He left the golden sky and the rosy romance behind him.

One day, the petals of roses will wither, and dreams will fall...

Qiu family.

A figure carrying the breath of the sea breeze appeared at the door, and the shoulders of the person sitting on the sofa trembled, as if he had waited for a century, and the longing and pain turned into tears, which burst out suddenly after being endured for too long.

"Yan!" Crying loudly, he jumped up from the sofa and ran straight into his arms, as usual, so natural, so familiar, as if nothing happened just now, as if this embrace belonged exclusively to her, never will not change.

"Yan! They said you don't want me anymore, don't want Ran Ran anymore, they are good and bad! They lied to me, didn't they? Hurry up and scold them!"

Her tears rubbed his coat into a muddy mess, he stretched out his arms to hug her, but stopped in mid-air, put them down, let her cry, let her vent, his heart was twisted into a ball.

When she finally felt his coldness and his stiffness, she stopped crying.Get up from his arms, staring at him, teardrops on the eyelashes, panic, self-confidence rising from the bottom of my heart, " talk!"

She looked into his night-like black eyes, a bottomless sea, from which flowed out bit by bit was pity, he was looking at her with pity!Instead of loving!

Clutching her heart tightly, a bad premonition shrouded her, she thought, once again she would lose face in front of everyone!

"Can you go out? I want to talk to Leng Yan alone." Suddenly, she became calm, at least on the surface.

The crowd came out in a single file, each with varying degrees of pain on their faces and hearts. When Qiu Fei'er passed by them, Leng Yan held her hand. "May'er, don't get me wrong, the only one and I are just talking, nothing else!"

He looked at Qiu Fei'er tenderly, and this kind of look was the only one he always thought was his own.

Even his explanation was given to another woman, please don't get me wrong?She couldn't turn her head around for a while, who was who?who is who's Who?

How did the world become completely strange overnight?For a moment, she really wanted to give up talking...

This man, she doesn't know...

(End of this chapter)

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