Chapter 184

"Fool, I knew you loved me, and you couldn't bear to part with me? Right?" Behind her, her voice was somewhat smug.

He quickly turned around and met her with a sweet smile, his bright eyes flashed with the light of a successful plot.

She still wrapped her arms around his waist, with a playful and sly smile on her lips, "Are you cruel? Just throw me away like this? If you are willing to part with me, why is it painful?"

He was relieved, so she did it on purpose!Throwing words at him on purpose, and then quietly come back to see his reaction!

This silly girl!Getting smarter!His throat was hot, and he really wanted to hug her hard and kiss her hard, but, but...

His eyes were indifferent, and he extinguished the flame in her eyes, "Only, yes, I have never denied loving you, leaving you, I am very sad, very painful, I am reluctant, but, I have no choice, I can't Let Qicheng fall down, then I will not be able to face my father's spirit in heaven."

The only one looked at him, unbelievable, "Yan, are you crazy? What do you think of your marriage? You don't cherish it once, and you don't cherish it the second time. A marriage without love is unfair to Mayfair! Are you going to make a mistake twice in the same place?"

"Only, I'm a businessman, and businessmen always put their interests first!" He stroked her face pityingly, full of reluctance, "I'm sorry, Unique."

If he had been indifferent to her, maybe she would have thought he was acting, but she could understand this kind of look, it was her familiar and loving look, which gently crushed her heart.

"No, Leng Yan, I don't want to leave you, don't leave me and Ran Ran, I don't care if I have money, the worst is to start again, you are so smart, you will definitely make a comeback, not to mention, we still have Mo Sha, Yan, husband, don't leave Me, okay?" The only one cried until his heart broke.

From the beginning to the end, she loved him so humblely, begged him, and relied on him not to drive her away. Why did she still push her away in the end?

He suppressed the severe pain in his heart, and raised the corners of his lips with a smile, "Okay! Baby, don't leave, don't leave, I can't bear you..."

"Yan!" Surrounded by great happiness, the only one threw himself into his arms, weeping uncontrollably.

"How my lover? Just like before."

These words came out slowly from his charming voice, like a bomb that shattered the only heart...

She stopped crying and raised her head, his smile was still warm and handsome as before, but at this moment, she understood that this man would no longer be her direction...

Love, is it really just a lie you tell when you are lonely?

She wiped away her tears, straightened her shoulders, and the word brave came back into her blood, "I'm sorry to bother you, I wish you happiness."

This time, I really passed by, and I won't look back...

And he stood there blankly, the temperature of those small hands seemed to be still wrapped around his waist...

Sighing, came from behind, "Leng Yan, in this way, the only one who really hates you to death."

He smiled bitterly, "It's good to hate me, it's right to hate me..."

Outside the house, Yin Xiaozhuo and Ziran waited quietly for the only one to come out, ready to welcome her tears with their own breasts, but what they saw was the only smiling face, which was more cherished...

"Let's go! Two brothers!" She walked between the two of them, took one arm in each hand, exhaled, and laughed, "God still treats me well, give me two such good brothers! Enough! "

Yin Ziran couldn't bear it, "Only, promise me, it's still the same sentence, don't wrong yourself at any time, don't keep everything in your heart!"

"Of course!" The only one smiled brightly, "Who is my only one! However, I also want to tell you that from now on, you will pet me, love me, play with me, and be happy with me when I am happy. When I am unhappy, please make me happy, and I will have a sister-in-law in the future, but I am a tricky sister-in-law, hum, those who bully me, you have to stand by my side!"

"Don't worry! If you dare to bully you, I will never marry your brother!" Yin Xiaozhuo patted his chest to assure him.

"Also! My child, I want his surname to be Ran, you have to be her dad! I want to give birth to a daughter, like Leng...a beautiful daughter like me..."

Everyone could tell that she changed her words temporarily and forced a smile. Is this the feeling?It was obviously painful, but my muscles became stiff from laughing...

Yin Xiaozhuo and Ziran looked at each other with compassion in their eyes. He smiled and said, "Why is your surname Ran? Is your surname Yin? Okay? Ziran must agree!"

"That's right! The surname is Yin! We are uncles and dads, so there is no reason not to have our surname!" Yin Ziran followed suit, hoping to dilute her wounds with talking and laughing. How long will it take for this wound to heal?

"No! Why! It's obviously my child!"


A dispute about the child's surname gradually faded away in the wind. Behind the curtains of Qiu's house, the hidden eyes were too dark to see to the end, the only one, good job!I know you are suffering now, but you will be able to get over it, and you will live a wonderful life without me!

When the phone rang, he sighed and answered helplessly, "Hey, it's me, there's no need to call me anymore, I understand."

After the other party said a few words, his face suddenly turned pale, and he, who was always calm, had never been so shaken.Could it be that fate must be so cruel?

************************************************** **********************

The only life is still very regular, get up early every day, breathe fresh air, absolutely reasonable and nutritious breakfast, walk, prenatal education, always put a smile on your face.All of her body and mind were put on this child, and Mosha completely entrusted Qin Ran to manage it.

(End of this chapter)

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