Chapter 186

Everything was ready, Leng Yan put the only one on the operating table.

As soon as he let go, Wei Wei ran out, "I don't want to take away the child, don't force me, I want to sue you!"

However, she couldn't escape Leng Yan's palm at all, and was immediately pinched back.

Several doctors and nurses came up to help and forced her down on the operating table.

"Mr. Leng, do you want to go out and wait?" A doctor asked.

"No! I'm right here!" Without hesitation, he changed into a sterile suit.

During the conversation, he was a little slack, his only eyes fell on the equipment around him, he pulled out his hand violently, grabbed a pair of scissors, pointed it at his neck, and said with hatred, "If you do anything again, I will show you to death! Leng Yan!"

Leng Yan just stared at her, and said lightly, "Playing suicide in the hospital? You are really stupid!"

The only thing was hatred and anger, wishing he could pierce the man's face that was always calm and calm with a pair of scissors.And when she stabbed at him with the scissors, he didn't evade, his eyes locked on her, calm and unhurried, as calm as water, she in his eyes was in the deepest part of his pupils.

With a sharp pain in her heart, her scissors stopped in the air...

Why, until now, she still can't do it?

With just this slowness, Leng Yan controlled her hand, the scissors were taken away, and her limbs were imprisoned. Even if she had supernatural powers, she would not be able to escape this catastrophe today...

The back of her hand was stabbed, and the nurse injected her with anesthesia. At the last moment of coma, she saw the cold face above her, with black eyes like night, and bright lights flickering. Is that fleeting pain?Can't bear it?

Unable to think, she couldn't keep her eyes open, her face felt cold, as if there were drops of water dripping down, it was warm, warm...

Is it water?Is it medicine?still……?

Anesthesia started to take effect, coma...

It's over, it's finally over...

With his own eyes, he saw the bright red blood flow out of her body, and watched the small ball of life floating in the blood.

That is the continuation of his life!It used to be his pride, his dream, and all his expectations, and it just passed away!

But for ten minutes, life is really too fragile...

It was the only body that was pierced by the cold instrument, but it was his heart that was being cut with each knife...

Tears flow silently, who can see the bleeding heart?

Baby, Ran Ran, Daddy is sorry for you!

Carefully holding her in a coma into the special lounge for her, gently put down, lips, kissed her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, her lips...

He really wanted to be so drunk in her breath forever, breathing her breath, he thought...

The tears of farewell just rolled down like this...

"My wife, I'm sorry, this time, it's really a farewell! In the days to come, whether you hate me or forget me, I only hope you can be that happy little only one. You are brave, I know! Won't let me down!"

"Wife, I love you!" The last lip words disappeared in her ears, and he forced himself to turn and leave.

Yin Xiaozhuo and Yin Ziran stood behind him silently, their faces also had bright marks.

Relatively silent.

Leng Yan stepped forward and hugged Yin Xiaozhuo tightly, choked up, "She is still young, let her hate me, forget me, and find happiness again. Be sure, definitely, take good care of her!"

Yin Xiaozhuo cried out, "Definitely, let me find you!"

Leng Yan took a deep breath, chuckled, let go of him, and punched him in the chest, "Like a man!"

"And you! Brother!" He turned to Yin Ziran again, "Please!"

He patted their shoulders with both hands, passed between the two of them, the back of leaving, like a lone eagle...


The only time she woke up was lying in the hospital, her face was tense, and there were traces of tears, she swore it wasn't her tears...

The first thing that came to mind was her child. When she reached out to touch it, the small protrusion was completely flattened, and her heart was completely cracked, and then condensed again, turning into ice.

She wanted to shout, hate, and get angry, but she didn't even have the strength to turn over.

Very tired, very tired, so tired that tears became a burden...

"Only, awake? Let's go home!" Yin Xiaozhuo gently picked her up.

Home?Where is her home?She once said that home is where he is.

But he, is he still?

Suddenly, she realized that the executioner who killed her child was no longer there.

where did he goCome to think of it, Mayfair said she was waiting for him to go on a honeymoon trip to the Mediterranean!

Honeymoon!very nice!He has so many honeymoon trips by himself, what a happy person...

But why should his happiness be related to her pain?

"Brother, why don't you help me? I want my child!" She stared blankly, wondering if she would go crazy, why didn't she go crazy after such a blow?Crazy good!Madmen don't know anything!

"Only, we are for your own good!" Yin Xiaozhuo carried her out of the hospital, into the car, and went home...

I don't want to talk anymore, I can't speak anymore, I close my eyes, and I will drive him out of my memory from now on!

If, at the previous moment, she still had nostalgia, reluctance, and even love for him, it was because there was such a beautiful past between them, because she could still feel his love, even if he chose to be helpless to give up.Women are so stupid, aren't they?

(End of this chapter)

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