Chapter 187

However, at this moment, she can no longer believe that he loves her, and even wants to question, has he ever loved her?As the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring. Could it be that his heart is really more cruel than a beast?Then his love, what should be used to prove it?

She smiled wryly, forget it, let everything go with the wind!Is it important to love or not to love?She will never think of this person again, and he is not even worthy of hatred!

Just act as if you have never met before in your life!

Tomorrow/is/another/day!This is her favorite "maxim", which will give her new strength in every difficult night!

Yes, tomorrow is a brand new day, she firmly believes!

************************************************** ******************************

No matter who is missing in this world, the sun, moon and stars will be replaced every day, and the earth will also rotate freely.

But, if the heart dies, the world still has color?Are the stars still shining?

The only one gave himself seven days to recover from the pain of the operation.Seven days later, she stood in front of the mirror in a simple and beautiful suit.

The heart is numb, but the only one is still the only one. To live, one must live well; to live, one must be worthy of oneself, worthy of the mother and baby in heaven.

As long as I think of the baby, there is still a splitting pain in my heart. This kind of pain may not be cured, but, she said, to set an example for the baby, no matter how difficult or painful it is, you must learn to be strong.She is a mother, so she must not break her promise!

She forced herself to smile in front of the mirror. In the mirror, she was pale and thin, with a little makeup on, so this smile was passable.

Take a deep breath, a new day starts now!She broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly, and she was in pain, so she wanted to continue flying!Moreover, it is more beautiful and more comfortable to fly down!

Under the surprised gaze of Yin's father and son, the only one went downstairs and smiled, "Dad, brother, Ziran, I'm going to Mosha!"

"The only one!" Elder Yin hurriedly called her to stop.

"What's wrong? Dad?" The only one turned around with a smile.

The old man stepped forward and looked at her, "Only, you..." There are some things that should be said and should not be said, but I dare not say them.

"Dad, I'm fine! You don't have to worry! By the way, Ziran, I might need a driver, you can find it for me!" The only one proved that he had indeed recovered with a brighter smile.

The pain is her own, why make everyone around her suffer with her?

In the past seven days, her father and the two elder brothers took turns to watch her and warm her with affection.Afraid that she would be overwhelmed, he tried every means to make her happy.

Relatives are the ones who pick you up when the whole world abandons you.

She understands, and she is grateful that God allowed her to reunite with her family during the No. 20 years of her life, allowing her to be accompanied by them during this darkest period, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to survive.

Sometimes, she thought, Leng Yan made thousands of mistakes, but one thing he did right!Let the barrier between her and Mr. Yin be eliminated, and behind her will be the warm protection of father's love. Father's love is like a mountain, and she finally understands it.

Therefore, she did not let them down for any reason, she would stand up, even if her heart was suffering in purgatory, she would welcome her future life with a smile.Because of the company of relatives, you will walk more cautiously and steadily.

She must grow up!

Yin Ziran lowered his head under her smile. "What are you looking for! I'll be your driver for a while! Let's go!" But instead of waiting for the only one, he left the house first, fearing that the only one would see his red eyes.

Along the way, she talked and laughed as usual, and Yin Ziran also forced her to laugh with her. However, when she got off the car at Mosha, Yin Ziran watched her back and entered the revolving door. He could no longer bear the depression in his heart. The gas pedal is on the bottom...

During these days, Qin Ran managed Mo Sha in an orderly manner. He is a cold person, why didn't he leave?The only thing I don't understand, and I don't want to ask, will never mention the word Leng Yan again!

For her arrival, Qin Ran was both surprised and delighted. Moreover, it could be seen that Qin Ran was trying to avoid mentioning Leng Yan as much as possible. He seemed to know everything, but also seemed to know nothing...

When I got off work, I welcomed an unexpected guest—Meimei.

The only one who doesn't know what Meimei has done is completely unaware of what she has done. She has not seen her best friend for a long time, so she is naturally very happy. "Meimei! Where have you been for so long? I miss you so much!"

But Meimei can't achieve the intimacy of the past, with ghosts in her heart, how can she be innocent?So, she came here today to confess to Wei Wei, otherwise, she would be sorry for the five words Leng Yan gave her at the beginning - forever friend.

"Only, I have something to tell you today. I want to confess to you. I don't ask for your forgiveness. I just feel better when I say it."

So, she confessed that Yi Han and Dick asked her to act as a traitor in Yin's.

"Only, at that time I just wanted to keep Dick and didn't want him to be implicated, so I confessed all the crimes alone. I know I'm sorry for you, but I can't help it. Dick is my husband and the father of the child. I can only say I'm sorry. .”

"Yi Han? Dick?" The only one never knew that these two people had ulterior motives. Leng Yan and Zi Ran had repeatedly warned her not to have contact with Yi Han, but she refused to listen. It turned out that she was really the one who was wrong!

"Yes! I only know that they want to bring down Qisheng. I don't know exactly what's going on. Moreover, I only found out later, otherwise I definitely wouldn't associate with Dick. However, some things can't be turned back! The only one , I finally confessed to you, and I feel much more frank in my heart, I know you will never forgive me, I'm leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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