Chapter 192

Early the next morning, they packed their luggage and set foot on their way home.

When checking out, it happened that the front desk lady came back from the outside last night, and it seemed that she had just gone to the wild, holding a big blue daisy in her hand.

Seeing that they were about to leave, I made two daisy garlands and hung them on their chests, "Mr. Leng, Mrs. Leng, you must come to Greece next time! My name is Aditya! I wish you happiness forever!"

next time?Is there a next time?Is happiness forever a myth?Leng Yan smiled slightly, his eyes were rippling with melancholy.

The only one smiled heartily, "Okay! We will definitely come again! Thank you, Aditya!"

Simple Greek girls, simple daisies, give them the simplest wishes.Daisy, also called marguerite, it has many flower language, happiness, eternal happiness, and parting, which one will it be?


The friends who have heard the news of their return to China have been waiting for them for a long time, Yin's father and son, Qiu's brothers and sisters, Lei Tingen, Meimei, and Qin Ran.

There were thousands of words in my heart, but when Leng Yan and the only figure really appeared in front of my eyes, I didn't know where to start, the feeling of being speechless, everyone's heart was sour.

Without a moment's delay, Leng Yan went directly to the hospital.

For this runaway patient, Dr. Lu, as a friend and as a doctor, was very annoyed.Anxiety can be annoying, but treatment cannot be delayed.

At this time, Wei Wei learned that this disease, like most diseases, can be controlled as long as it is treated early. The problem is that Leng Yan's situation is no longer optimistic.

The fatality of this disease lies in the damage of the liver and brain, and Leng Yan already has the symptoms of this aspect, and the most frightening thing is the liver failure that develops like this.The so-called treatment is nothing but life prolongation.

In this situation, Leng Yan knew it himself, Dr. Lu knew it, and he was the only one who knew it last.

There was a room full of people standing in the ward. Leng Yan looked at them and smiled inexplicably, "Why are you all standing here? Why do I feel like a memorial service is being held for me! Silence?"

When the only one heard this, he immediately flew into a rage, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

People always say that life is nothing but life and death, so why fear death?The only one who thought this way was himself, but when life and death were really in front of his eyes, that kind of heart-pounding pain was incomprehensible to others.

Leng Yan was stunned, and laughed, "I'm just kidding, why are you so serious!"

The only one realized his gaffe, soothed his complexion, and pinched his nose affectionately, "If you make such a joke again, you will look better!"

"What I mean is, I'm reunited with the only little one, you standing in this room don't you think...huh?" A narrow smile flashed across his face.

"Okay, okay! I know what you mean, isn't it because we are hindering you two? Let's just go!" Lei Ting'en waved carelessly, and drove all the people away.

Outside the hospital, Qiu Fei'er finally couldn't help crying, "The two of them, how could they do this? It's clearly a matter of life and death, yet they still laugh so easily."

Qiu Zhiyang hugged his sister's shoulders, "They... are dancing in the last time, and want to leave the most beautiful moment for each other."

Qiu Fei'er broke down in tears, "Now I finally understand why Leng Yan loves the only one so desperately. The only one, really... can't be described in words. If it were me, I would be the first to collapse."

Yin Xiaozhuo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The two of them, like the only one he said, are not in vain. It's just that it's too hard, and all the misfortunes befall them. It's too unfair. Fair enough. Besides, now I have one more worry."

"What's the problem?" Lei Tingen realized immediately after asking, "You mean the shooting case last time? Are you afraid they will come back again?"

Yin Xiaozhuo nodded, "I don't know what their intentions are, why they hate Leng Yan so much, last time the bodyguard was injured, but fortunately no one was killed, but the owner was not caught, so there is no sense of security."

"I'm sorry." Meimei's voice sounded, "It's my fault. I've already made it clear to the police. The police should have registered Yi Han and Dick."

"Don't worry!" Lei Tingen assured Yin Xiaozhuo, "Leave the safety here to me. If something happens to Leng Yan and his wife, I will take full responsibility!"

"It's not a question of who is responsible after the accident. It's useless who is responsible if something happens!" Yin Xiaozhuo urged.

"I know! You guys go first, I will arrange it."

There was a lot of discussion outside the ward, but Leng Yan and Wei Wei in the ward looked at each other, and Wei Wei smiled, "Husband, don't you claim to be top-notch in IQ? Let's do a question!"

Knowing that she was making him happy, Leng Yan flattered her, "Okay! What questions can you little idiot ask?"

"A dog was traveling in the desert, had a urgency to pee, and ended up suffocating, why?"

Leng Yan was speechless...his Encyclopedia Britannica didn't include this question...and no one in his iceberg life gave him such a question...

"Why?" A little embarrassed, let the only one find the sense of revenge when he was scolded by Teacher Leng when he was studying.

The only one laughed and leaned forward and backward, "Because there are no telegraph poles."

Leng Yan was stunned, then burst out laughing, and became interested, "Come again!"

"Okay, it's still this dog! Traveling in the desert, I was in a hurry to pee, and I found a power pole, but it still suffocated, why?"

Leng Yan's expression was blank...

"Stupid!" Wei Wei laughed and fell into his arms, "Because it says on the telephone pole that you are not allowed to urinate!"

"Stinky girl!" Chong Ni's anger was followed by laughter.

Does this smile come from the heart?How long can it last?

(End of this chapter)

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