Chapter 193


From the garden to the church, there are huge garlands of lilies all the way, lilies, lilies, a hundred years of love, this is the only requirement for the wedding.

The pianist played the wedding march, and amidst the music, the only one who held her father's arm and walked onto the carpet, on the other side of the carpet, was her life's destiny.

Seriously ill, he wore a pure white tuxedo with a lily on his chest. When he looked back, the pale smile on his lips dimmed her eyes.

Her face is still as handsome as a prince. Although the dress is already loose, and although there is a slight sickness on the face, the spirit on the brows is unmatched by anyone. He is the only one in her world.

And she still wore the wedding dress inlaid with snow-white fox fur, which was shelved from winter to spring, and now she, who was haggard because of Yixiao, finally had a chance to wear it, but it was empty and no longer fit, and the fox fur was also lost in the warming season. It seemed so inappropriate.

Yin Xiaozhuo once proposed to buy another one, but the only one firmly denied it.

A person can only marry one person in a lifetime, and can only buy a wedding dress once.

She, in this life, will never put on a wedding dress again.

"Yan'er, I leave the only one to you. You have to take good care of her for the rest of your life."

Before he knew it, he had already walked in front of him, and his father solemnly handed over his only hand to Leng Yan's. The strength from his fingertips spread from her fingertips to her heart, and under his watery gaze, warmth surged.

Standing in front of the priest, I could only see the priest's holy collar shining with holy light.

"Miss Ran Weiyi, do you want this man to be your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him? Regardless of illness or health, or any other reason? Love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and be loyal to him forever until life end?"

She trembled slightly, this moment, she finally arrived!The past has turned back and forth, and the road ahead is endless. Tears are in my eyes, but I dare not shed them. I just declare my no regrets: "I am willing!"

"Mr. Leng Yan, would you like this woman to be your wife and make a marriage contract with her? Love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and be faithful to her forever, regardless of illness or health, or any other reason end?"

Without any hesitation, the big hand wrapped her little hand tightly, and the deep and textured voice was the same as before, "I am willing."

In an instant, a strong sense of belonging passed through Wei Wei's heart, and she and he finally became a real one in form and in fact in front of the world.

The rings were still the pair of "only". After the exchange, the priest had a pious smile on his face, "Miss Ran Weiyi, Mr. Leng Yan, I have witnessed that you swear to love each other, and I am very happy to announce to everyone sitting here For couples, now the groom can kiss the bride!"

The four eyes met, the only one looking into his black eyes that were still as bright as the night, deep in the pupils, her smiling face was faintly discernible.She lowered her eyelashes, waiting for his kiss to fall, but he was hesitating.

The only pain in his heart surged, he has been avoiding her now, keeping a distance from her, isn't it because he is afraid of hepatitis?

Standing on tiptoe, wrapping around his neck, kissing his lips, who said only the bridegroom can kiss the bride?

This kiss shocked the world...

Her tears finally poured out, entangled and twisted between each other's lips and teeth, it was bitter, it was astringent, but it was the taste of life!Like him, like her, they are destined to be closely entangled and inseparable.

"My technique is really good now!" she finished, whispering in his ear so softly that only the two of them could hear.

Staring at her smiling like a flower, he blushed, raised his hand, and wiped away the tears hanging from her cheeks.

She was slightly flustered, and hurriedly explained, "I'm happy! I shed tears when I'm really happy! It's tears of happiness! Yan, I'm so happy!"

Since his illness, she has never shed a tear in front of him.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t, I don’t want to, how many times I hid in the bathroom and cried until I was heartbroken, and when I walked out, I still smiled...

He caressed her earlobe and commented in one word, "Stupid!"

One word, but destroyed his strong dam. One hand wrapped around the back of her neck, the other wrapped around her waist, and hugged her deeply, tears flowed down...

There was no noise at this wedding.

The auditorium was silent, watching their performances, all of them burst into tears...

Tonight is their wedding night.

There is no banquet, everyone consciously leaves the limited time for him and her.

When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, he hugs her, "Honey, I want to eat the dumplings made by you."

She nodded desperately, but she burst into tears after rushing to the kitchen, he couldn't eat foods high in copper.Dumplings, she has never allowed him to eat...

A pair of arms hugged her from behind, and he had a panoramic view of her embarrassment.

Turn her over, "Fool! If you want to cry, you can cry in my arms. Where will your tears flow if they are not in my arms?"

The will collapsed, and the wailing and crying were overwhelming.Once upon a time, he also said the same, only, your tears can only flow in front of me...

But, tomorrow, tomorrow's tomorrow, how many tomorrows can we cry in his arms?

She finally discovered that Ran Weiyi was not strong at all!

"Honey, be good, stop crying! Let's go make dumplings together! This time I will definitely not cheat, neither of us will cheat, let's see who can eat candied dates dumplings!"

"Yeah!" she sobbed, drying her tears on his coat, just like before.

He smiled, his black eyes full of love.

"Let's go! Let's make dumplings!" He picked her up and put her by the dining table, and went to the kitchen to bring a series of utensils, "Honey, let me make dumplings today, I don't believe you, you will definitely cheat of!"

Wei Wei was stunned, she really planned to cheat.

(End of this chapter)

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