Chapter 194

In the end, the candied date dumplings were eaten by Leng Yan.

"Husband! You got it! You got it!" The only one jumped and laughed while hugging his neck.

Leng Yan followed her wishes and said with a smile, "Yes! Looks like I'm going to be lucky!"

It's just that they all know that the only place where the dumpling has been aiming at has been marked when it is put into the pot...

In many cases, accidents are man-made. If there are too many such accidents, will it become inevitable?

Leng Yan's hair was still stained with a lot of ashes, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness. The only one who saw it felt moved, "Wait!"

She took out the camera, hugged Leng Yan, and took a series of photos.

"Come and help me!" She dragged Leng Yan into the study.

Leng Yan was pushed by her to sit down in front of the computer, inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

"Let's PS the photos to see what we look like when we are old!" The only one was full of interest.

His heart was shocked, but he still smiled slightly, hugged her in front of him, and processed the photos with her just now.

Looking at them in the photos on the computer, their heads are slowly becoming silver-haired, their faces are full of wrinkles, their only thoughts drift away, and their eyes are blurred by tears...

In order to dispel the haze, Wei Wei forced himself to relax.

Unknowingly pouted, "It's not fair, why do you still look so handsome and temperamental when you are old, but I look like a crooked melon!"

Leng Yan became naughty, and removed the two front teeth of Wei Wei's big grin, and Wei Wei was anxious, "Don't! Don't! This is so ugly! I don't want to become so ugly!"

Leng Yan stared at the only one who kept moving in his arms, smiled lightly, a little weak, a little pale, "Honey, I really want to see you become so ugly."

Sorrow immediately completely enveloped the only one, the heart stopped beating for a moment, no longer noisy, set this photo as the desktop, and quietly leaned back into his arms, "Yes, husband, we will definitely grow old!"

She swears to herself and to him, but her heart is empty, fear, overwhelming like the night...

No!I can't think about these sad things any more. Since the topic of "growing old together" makes people sad, let's talk about something childlike!

"By the way, husband, let's not look at these two old and ugly guys! Do you have any pictures of you when you were young? Show me! I have never seen what you looked like when you were young!"

"Yes! I should have brought them here when we moved! I'll get them for you!" Leng Yan got up and found a few photo albums from the cabinet, "These are all photos from the past at home, not many, mine is even less, no I like taking pictures."

"Come and watch it with me!" Wei Wei pulled him to sit down, still leaning in his arms, flipping through the shadows of his past one by one.

When he was young, he was actually a good athlete!No wonder Jing Lan is so obsessed with him!It's so handsome when you run in the sun in a white sportswear!

"Husband! You are so young!" she exclaimed.

A certain person had black lines on his face. It turned out that she never thought he was young...

It's just that these photos are all in the past, will there be such sunny times in his life?Although it is sad, as long as the only one is happy, as long as she is happy, he is willing to do anything...

"Honey, who is this?" She pointed to a group photo of two boys and laughed, "He's naked!"

Before Leng Yan answered, she asked and answered by herself, "Oh! I know! This is you! Then this is... Leng Yi?" She widened her eyes.

"Yes!" Leng Yan looked at the photo and nodded, "Leng Yi is only a few months older than me, we are actually still in the same class."

"Oh? Then you should have a good relationship! But why do you have such a rift?"

"I don't know why!" Leng Yan smiled wryly, "No matter what he compares to, he can't compare to me. Coupled with aunt's instigation, I became his natural enemy. In fact, the relationship was not good for a while, and then... hey, Don't mention the past!"

"What is he? Was he injured?" He didn't mention it, and the only one didn't ask any more, pointing to a scar on his shoulder.

"No, it's a birthmark! I've had it since I was a child!"

"What a big piece!"

"Yes! When I was young, I joked that no matter where he was trafficked, we would know each other every few years!" Leng Yan looked at the photo and smiled.

The alarm clock rang suddenly, and Wei Wei threw the album away and stood up, "It's time to take medicine!"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, showing a bitter look, "Take medicine again, we are newly married today, can we not take it?"

"No, yes!" The only one turned around and went downstairs, feeling very uncomfortable. Leng Yan didn't want to take the medicine because the reaction to the medicine was getting worse and worse. The weather was getting hotter and the pain was getting worse. But, what if he didn't take the medicine?

It was just a turn around, and when she came up with the medicine, she found that Leng Yan had already gone to bed and fell asleep.

There were tears in her eyes, it was rare for him to sleep peacefully, it was rare for him not to be tortured by pain, it was so quiet today, did God also take pity on them, thinking that they were newly married and gave them a peaceful night?

Their wedding night...

She put down the medicine, sighed, and lay quietly beside him, but couldn't fall asleep. For a whole night, she watched the dark night outside the window gradually turn white, and dawn dawned before she knew it...

Is time so rushed?day after day……

The only way to pray to the sun outside the window, time, can you just stop today?

However, the pace of spring seems to be so fast that it only stays in the world for a while and then slips away. It is early summer in a blink of an eye.

The summer night sky began to rise, and the only glass house built by Leng Yan became their favorite place.

On starry nights, they would "bask in the stars" on the top floor. When they were in a good mood, Leng Yan would play the piano for the only one.

The only one who often recalls how handsome he was when he played the piano in restaurants and yachts in the past, but now he is really weaker, and his heartache will spread layer upon layer.How long is it before the one-year period that Dr. Lu said?She can't imagine...

(End of this chapter)

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