Chapter 195

And when she woke up one morning, she pushed open the door of the roof top floor, and there was a burst of fragrance of flowers. The wisteria covered the roof was in full bloom, and those purple petals were hanging on the glass roof in strings, and the roof was suddenly as beautiful as a fairyland.

Leng Yan told her that the flower language of wisteria flowers is persistent love, so, will God see this persistence?She prayed that the wisteria in early summer must be a symbol of auspiciousness.

With the scent of wisteria all over her body, she went back to the bedroom, ready to see if Leng Yan woke up, but found him curled up in the bathroom, yelling in pain.

He never groaned because of the pain, presumably the pain must have reached its limit.

The only one immediately burst into tears, stepped forward and tried his best to help him up, and immediately called Dr. Lu.

So, in this early summer, after making a wish to the heaven in front of the wisteria, Leng Yan was admitted to the hospital again. Can he come out alive this time?

The only one crouched in the corner at the end of the hospital corridor, letting himself cry.

After being rescued by the hospital, there was no danger. Leng Yan was asleep for the time being, and everyone else was around him, so the only one who hid in this corner was the first time he was separated from him by such a long distance, and the first time he was with him. He was not under the same roof, trying to experience the feeling of "lost", but it was an unbearable pain.

A pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of his eyes. Looking up all the way, it was Yin Xiaozhuo's painful eyes.

"Is Leng Yan awake? I'll go and see!" She stood up and left.

A pair of long arms embraced her and embraced her.

She was taken aback, "What did the doctor say?"

Yin Xiaozhuo didn't speak, just hugged her tightly.

With a buzzing sound in her head, she forced back tears, pushed Yin Xiaozhuo away, and ran back to the ward.

Everyone automatically made way for her, showing Leng Yan's yellowed face.

He raised his fingers and straightened the messy hair on her sideburns, "Silly, I cried again, I'm fine, it doesn't hurt, really!"

It's okay if I don't say it, but this time, the only tears can't be held back, she can't bear the suspense between life and death!Leaning on his shoulder, weeping softly.

"Don't cry, wife. I won't let myself fall down. I want to be with you. I promised my father that I will take care of you for the rest of my life. At our wedding, have you forgotten?" He said softly and weakly Whisper in her ear.

She didn't want to cry, really didn't want to cry, she vowed to give him the most beautiful smiling face, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't hold on anymore, she hugged his neck and wept, just shedding tears, not daring to make a sound.

Seeing this, everyone sighed and left quietly, leaving only the two of them embracing each other silently.

"Honey, I'm hungry." Seeing her sad look, he could only find something for her to distract her.

"What do you want to eat?" The only one really cheered up.

"I don't know either. Go to the supermarket outside and see what I like to eat. Just buy some." In fact, he didn't want to eat anything.

"Okay!" Wei Wei wiped away her tears and went out with her bag on her back.

When she came out of the supermarket to buy something, she found that Meimei was walking towards the supermarket with a full-term belly, which was very inconvenient.

"Meimei! Are you about to give birth?" Wei Wei stepped forward to support her.

Meimei smiled, "Yes! The due date is coming soon, and I was alone. I was afraid that I would not be able to enter the hospital in time, so I wished you in early. How is Leng Yan? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"It's okay!" The only one who avoided this question and focused on Meimei, "Why are you alone? No one takes care of you?"

"Who will take care of it? My parents are in my hometown. If I know that I am an unmarried mother, I will be blamed. I hired an aunt, but it will take a few days before I can go to work." Meimei smiled wryly.

The only sad thing is, why are they all poor people?The only one helped Meimei buy things and brought them back to the ward, "Meimei, I'm in the hospital, if you have anything to do, call me, I'll come and see you when I have time."

"Okay! One and only, thank you!"

"Are we still saying thank you?" The only one blamed her, thinking that Leng Yan was left alone in the ward, he was worried, so he left and told her, "Meimei, you must call if you have something to do, you are welcome! "

"En!" Meimei nodded gratefully.

Since then, Wei Wei has become even busier, running between the two wards in turn, Leng Yan takes time to visit Meimei when she is stable, and helps her with some trivial things, it is really inconvenient for her to be a full-term pregnant woman.

On this day, after feeding Leng Yan the medicine, seeing that he was in good spirits, he went to the obstetrics department to see Meimei, who was going to give birth in two days.

However, when she met Meimei at the door of the ward, Meimei was ready to go out in a panic.

"Meimei, you are going to give birth soon, where are you still carrying your bag?" She was very surprised.

Meimei looked flustered, "No! I don't want to go anywhere, go shopping, buy something!"

shopping?The only doubt.

"Really! The only one, you go back temporarily today! I'll go first!" Meimei left the only one and left.

The only one chased after a few steps, and saw that Meimei had gone downstairs, she couldn't help shaking her head secretly, Meimei is a crazy girl, she is so crazy when she is about to become a mother, she doesn't take the elevator and take the stairs.

However, what the two nurses said caught her attention.

"Why is this patient discharged from the hospital at this time, he is about to give birth!"

"Yes! I heard that her husband is taking her to America!"

"No matter where you go, you shouldn't be discharged at this time..."

Wei Wei's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately chased after Mei Mei in the direction she left.

Fortunately, Meimei couldn't run fast with her big belly, and caught up with her in the corridor on the second floor. The only thing that surprised her was that there were two men with Meimei—the escaped Yi Han and Dick.

"The only one?" Yi Han was also surprised when he saw the only one at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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