Chapter 196

"It's you?" The only one was furious, and immediately wanted to take the phone from the bag and call the police.

"Only, don't!" Meimei shrank into Dick's arms and shouted anxiously.

"Meimei! You are still helping them!?" The only one was very angry, and reached into the bag, but found that he didn't bring his mobile phone.

"The only one! They came to pick me up! They left and never came back. I reported them to the police last time, and they are all on file now. The only one, you can't bear to see my child without a father, right? "Meimei said and started to cry.

Yi Han walked up to Wei Wei, "Wei Wei, you must have known about our affairs, I have nothing to say, I lost my whole life in fighting with Leng Yan, it was because of my incompetence, Dick and I had already left, but Dick was thinking about it outside Meimei, estimating the date of Meimei's due date, I really can't let go, I rushed back in these two days, if you want to take Meimei away, you should let them go, I caused everything, if you want to call the police, arrest me."

"Do you think you are great? Use friendship as bait?" She looked down on the only person who looked at him with disdain, took advantage of friendship, and betrayed friendship, but she was thinking about his words in her heart, fighting with Leng Yan, he lost his whole life... …

Yi Han looked at her steadfastly, "Only, I have taken advantage of everyone, except you!"

"Really?" The only one smiled contemptuously, "Are you planning to use me once you come back this time?"

Yi Han was stunned, and sneered, "Leng Yan is like this now, do you think I still need to do it? Retribution!"

The only one stared at him angrily. At this moment, Yi Han became the person she hated the most in the whole world. How could her Leng Yan tolerate such a curse?

With a "slap", she slapped his face so hard that she didn't even think of it.

Yi Han was standing on the edge of the stairs at this time, being slapped by her, he instinctively moved his footsteps, and unexpectedly missed the ground with his foot, and fell down.

Dick hurried forward to pull him, only grabbed the shirt, but the button of the shirt was broken, the clothes were completely open, exposing the whole chest, and there was a big birthmark on the chest, Wei Wei was stunned, always felt that there was a light spot beating in his head , but no breakthrough was found.

Dick couldn't stop Yi Han from falling, and Yi Han rolled until he reached the corner of the corridor before stopping. The leg of his loose trousers slid to his knees, revealing a prosthetic limb. Looking at all this, Wei Wei was completely shocked.

"Han! How are you?" Dick went downstairs to help him up.

With his support, Yi Han got up and shook his head, "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Your feet..." Wei Wei was stunned for a long time, and finally made a sound.

Dick looked at Sui Sui bitterly, and Meimei took the opportunity to hold Sui Sui's hand, "Uni, let's go! Although Yi Han and the others had ulterior motives, nothing happened, and Leng Yan also withdrew the lawsuit. Han is a disabled person, it would be inconvenient to go to jail, Dick will definitely not let Yi Han go in alone, then my child..."

The only one who was a little annoyed, "Meimei, you are the one who went to the police to report it, and you are the one who wants to protect them now! What exactly do you want?"

Meimei couldn't help crying, "Only, I don't have as many principles in my life as you. I just want an ordinary life, an ordinary husband, and a healthy child. Therefore, my position is not firm. Forgive me, the only one."

These words immediately touched the deepest part of the only heart, which is exactly what she dreamed of, but now she...

When she was hesitating, Meimei suddenly hugged her and shouted, "Hurry up, you two! We will meet at the airport directly! Hurry up!"

Meimei is a pregnant woman, the only one who dared not move around, Dick immediately supported Yi Han and fled quickly, and did not let go until she could no longer see her shadow.

"Only, I'm sorry, I'm leaving too, goodbye!"

Seeing Meimei leave in a hurry, Wei Wei's heart was in a mess, Yi Han's just appearance left a shadow in her heart, she decided not to call the police for the time being, and went back to discuss with Leng Yan or Yin Xiaozhuo first.

Having made up her mind, she quickly went to the cold ward.

Unexpectedly, she only left for such a short while, doctors and nurses surrounded Leng Yan's hospital bed, and Yin Xiaozhuo was also standing beside him, looking extremely anxious.

The only one's heart tightened, and he squeezed through.

"What's wrong?" She covered her chest and asked Yin Xiaozhuo, afraid of hearing words she didn't want to hear.

Yin Xiaozhuo shook his head, "I've been like this since I came here, ask Dr. Lu."

The doctors gradually dispersed, and Leng Yan lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

The only one stood far away, gasping for breath, not daring to walk over.

Seeing this, Dr. Lu came over, "Ma'am, don't be afraid, nothing, it's okay, he was in too much pain just now, we gave him an injection, and he fell asleep."

The only pair of legs went limp and fell to the ground. "Doctor Lu, you really scared me to death!"

Dr. Lu and Yin Xiaozhuo helped her up together, and said, "Madam, but the current situation of the young master is really not optimistic."

"How long is it until one year?" Isn't one year estimated by Dr. Lu?

"Yes, if things go on like this, if the liver fails..." Doctor Lu paused for a moment, not daring to say the word, "This disease is not terrible if there is no liver and brain damage, but the young master's condition is obviously ineffective. Taking the road of liver transplantation, the current young master's physical condition is more suitable for surgery, but the risk is relatively high, and the young master has a rare blood type. We have not been able to find a suitable liver source. Unfortunately, the young master has no blood relatives, otherwise we can It is most effective to carry out liver transplantation from a living donor."

"Body-liver transplantation?" There was a flash of lightning in Wei Wei's mind, her heart suddenly started beating wildly, sparks suddenly burst out from the light spot that was beating in her mind at first, she turned and ran away.

(Dear readers are very serious about reading, and many relatives are also dedicated to understanding this disease. Regarding the treatment or clinical manifestations of this disease, Jixiang basically did not make up, but some of the order does not match, or the timing of the treatment method is a question of the plot, I hope Forgive me, it’s a novel after all.)

(End of this chapter)

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