Chapter 197

She woke up immediately, "Don't!" Looking down at the purple marks all over her body, she pouted dissatisfiedly. This guy has been surprisingly energetic in the past two months. There was never a day when she didn't have strawberries on her body. He took her into the bath, no Will she be spared if her back hurts?

At this moment, Leng Yan's cell phone rang, and it was Leng Yi who called.

"Hey, brother, me? The only one and I are still sleeping!"

The only one punched him and stared straight at him, "How did you reply?"

Leng Yan laughed loudly, "Haha, brother, I thought too much. I really just slept and didn't bother me. Well, we'll go right away, to your house? That's okay, I really like your cooking!"

"Changed location?" Seeing that he finished the phone call, Wei Wei asked.

"Well! Get up! Go to the eldest brother's house."

Leng Yi's home is actually the old house of Leng's family. Leng Yan urged him to spread branches and leaves in the old house quickly, but he planted flowers and vegetables every day, plus researched recipes, and he didn't care at all. However, Leng Yi's cooking skills are really good. It's getting better and better, the two of them fell in love, and often went to his house to make a living, and the only one said that it was Leng Yi who promised that she would always have the right to eat the overlord's meal.

When we drove to Leng Yi's house, everyone had already arrived, and the only one who hung a golden Buddha around Meimei's precious daughter's neck, "This is what the godmother promised a long time ago, and I'm just giving it now, I'm really embarrassed!"

Yin Ziran looked at her and joked, "Baby sister, don't be a godmother. You can be a real mother, so I can be an uncle! Is it Leng Yan..." His eyes were on Leng Yan with doubts scanning.

"The conscience of heaven and earth!" Leng Yan hurriedly stated, "I am the only one who has the most right to speak, the only one, you say!"

"Fuck you!" The only one glared at him, his cheeks flushed.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard!" Leng Yi came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, I am also waiting to become an uncle, the Leng family depends on you!"

Leng Yan was very dissatisfied, "Hey, brother, you are too much, you cook your two green onions every day, throw the company to me, and now this task is also entrusted to me, but this task, I am very happy .” He hugged the only one, and smiled evilly.

"You look for a pump today!" The only one punched him.

"But brother, you have to join the company from next week, because the only one and I are going to travel around the world for 80 days, and I don't care about the company!" Leng Yan looked finally relieved.

According to the will of the old man of the Leng family, 60.00% of Qisheng’s shares still belong to Leng Yi, because Leng Yi is dead, so there is a third generation of boys in the Leng family, which is passed on to the third generation, which is why Leng Yan always wanted a boy , but if there is no third generation, it will be donated to charity.

And the other 40.00% was bought by Leng Yi by accident, so in fact, Leng Yi has 60.00% of the shares, but he forcibly gave the 40.00% to Leng Yan, and sat at home to share the [-]% the red.

Leng Yan complained, he didn't want the 60.00%, Leng Yi refused to take it back, and threatened Leng Yan that if he raised it again, he would have to pay back the liver.So, he continued to sit at home to collect money, causing Leng Yan to complain again and again, who is working for whom?

When this group of people heard about traveling around the world, their eyes immediately widened, "Happy young couple, you will not be allowed to go ashore if you don't create another person in [-] days!"

But Qiu Zhiyang added, "No, the only one is allowed to go ashore and find another lover. Those who don't sow seeds are not allowed!"

Leng Yan gritted his teeth, "Qiu, Zhi, Yang!"

"Pretend I didn't say it!" Qiu Zhiyang immediately moved away, afraid of being frozen by the iceberg.

In the second week, it was still sunny and sunny, which was a good weather for the ocean.

After Leng Yan threw the company to Leng Yi, he finally wandered freely on the sea with the only one.

At night, the sea and the sky are the same color, the magnificent sea surface, the vast night sky, and the stars shine brighter than any other night.The sky is dotted with stars, the sea surface is sparkling, and the waves are shaking gently, and the sea seems to suck down the stars.

"Only, this cruise ship is finally used, and the peerless wedding I promised has not been broken."

The only one nestled in his arms, enjoying the taste of happiness, "Husband, my favorite promise is your sentence, stay with me for the rest of my life. Husband, as I said, we will grow old together, right!"

"Well, that's right, I'm waiting to see your ugly face." Leng Yan secretly smiled.

The only one was furious, "Who told you to make me so ugly? I don't want it!"

Leng Yan flattened his mouth, "What kind of materials come out of what kind of photos, I am ugly, blame me for making the photos ugly!"

"Leng, Yan!" The only one jumped out of his arms, threatening.

Leng Yan stood up provocatively, "Come on, come and chase me, and I will be bullied if you catch me! You can do whatever you want!" The words were extremely ambiguous.

Wei Wei was out of breath and punched him, "Who is going to do something to you? Who is going to chase you?"

"Why not? You're the one chasing me, every time, haha!"

Seeing his smug smiling face, she became furious, and jumped on him to beat him. While playing, Wei Wei suddenly felt dizzy, and then lay down on the side of the boat and vomited wildly.

Leng Yan was overjoyed, and ran over to hug her, "Honey, are you..."

The only one is also happy, "You look through it quickly!" The only one can't remember his own rules clearly.

"Oh!" Leng Yan took out his mobile phone to check the memo, the only thing that really didn't come to his aunt for more than ten days this month.

He hugged the only one excitedly and twirled around, "I'm finally going to be a daddy!"

Wei Wei hugged him, a little worried, "Honey, will it be?"

Leng Yan understood what she meant, "No, the chance of this genetic inheritance is very small, and it will be very unlucky once. If you are worried, we will have an inspection at that time."

"But, on our ship..."

Leng Yan smiled and pointed back, "On the boat? I brought all the doctors!"

Suddenly there was a commotion behind them, and they turned their heads, oh my god, it's not just a doctor here?The brothers and sisters of the Qiu family, Yin Ziran, Meimei's family, Leng Yi, and Yin Xiaozhuo's family all boarded the boat.

"You guys... this is..." Leng Yan pointed at them incoherently.

"It's a pity that your ship is so big and you can take a few people around the world." Leng Yi smiled badly.

"No way, our honeymoon! So many light bulbs?" Leng Yan looked bitter.

"Don't worry, when we don't exist, we won't affect you!"

"Brother, you're here too, what about the company?" The only one asked worriedly.

"This, hehe, leave it all to Qin Ran!" Leng Yi smiled towards the bank.

Qin Ran... A certain Qin Mo Sha Qisheng ran in both directions at this time, in a word, why was it me again...

"Hey, buddy, be happy! See what gift we have prepared for you!" Qiu Zhi raised his hand.

Immediately, the whole sky was filled with gorgeous fireworks, and the special fireworks formed colorful English letters - FOREVER.

"One and only, happiness will last forever!" Under the beautiful night, who sincerely wishes?

Leng Yan and Wei Wei's eyes were moist, and they hugged each other tightly. "Happiness" and "forever", the taste of these two words, only they can understand!

Yes, as long as there is love, there will be miracles, and happiness will last forever.

(Dear friends, the part of the mysterious text is over. Thank you for your company all the way. Jixiang is committed to writing something different, but because of his limited ability, he has left a lot of regrets. Fortunately, Jixiang has been working hard. It used to be, and it is now , and in the future!)

Another: The second part of "The Picked Up Daddy" starts serialization today. It's a lighter article. For those who are crying, take a look and adjust it.The story of Yin Xiaozhuo's escape from marriage has basically nothing to do with "Mystery", but there will be Leng Yan and the only one, so you can choose to watch it or not.

The new article "50% People Who Steal Love" will be updated tomorrow, please continue to support.Different texts are definitely different, and it is unreasonable. There is no such encounter and love in reality. Moreover, cruelty is an auspicious characteristic, so if you can accept it, you will jump into the pit, and I am afraid of eggs~!There is no charge for this paragraph beyond 2000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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