Chapter 198

In the dark night, the street lights are dimly lit.

The white raindrops poured down and slanted, densely like a bead curtain. There was no one in the lonely street. Occasionally, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, illuminating the night extremely hideously...

A black Lamborghini turned on its headlights and drove wildly on the street with little traffic. The man sitting in the car had a tense and gloomy face, slightly frowning brows that seemed to be suppressing infinite anger, and a pair of cold eyes as black as paint, staring straight ahead , gritted his teeth, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Suddenly, a car came out of the intersection at high speed, the headlights dazzled his eyes, he slammed on the brakes, but it was too late...

With a loud bang, the two cars collided...

He immediately unfastened his seat belt and jumped out of the car, and several cars surrounded him from all directions.He suddenly realized that this car accident was not an accident...

The heavy rain was pouring like beans, and figures floated in the blurred vision. With the sound of a gunshot, he rolled on the spot and jumped into the river. Blood, mixed with rainwater, meandered into a small river on the ground...

In an instant, the world fell into the tranquility of the night again, only the heavy rain continued to play the rhapsody of the night...

The Yin family's mansion located halfway up the mountain was brightly lit at this time, and Mr. Yin was furious, "You didn't find the young master?"

Standing in the hall was the assistant Pei Zhong, who was dripping with water all over his body, "Go back to Master, Young Master, he... something happened."

"What happened?" The old man was still angry.This little brat!Isn't it just for him to marry Miss Qiao's family?How dare you talk back to me, slam the door and leave!

"There was... a car accident, and I was shot..." Pei Zhong couldn't help wiping his sweat with his sleeve, and the dripping drips didn't know whether it was sweat or wet rain...

a bolt from the blue!The old man slumped down on the chair, couldn't catch his breath, and rolled his eyes.

Pei Zhong panicked, frantically fumbled for a quick-acting heart-relief pill from the old man and fed it to him.After a while, the old man finally calmed down, and raised his eyes weakly, "Where's...the body?"

"The young master fell into the river, but no body was found..."

"Then don't look for it! If you can't find you, don't come to see me!" The old man shook his hands, pointed at the door and roared.

"Yes..." Pei Zhong stepped back while nodding.

"and many more!"

"Master, what else can I order..." Pei Zhong trembled and stopped.

"Find out who did it for me!" The old man half-closed his eyes with a cold look...

At this time, in another corner of the city, a black figure staggered forward along the muddy alley, and from the way he clutched his shoulders and staggered step by step, it seemed that he couldn't last much longer.

The heavy rain was still pouring down, and his pale face was as indifferent as paper under the ravages of the rain.There was only a sound of thunder, and he felt dizzy before his eyes. He didn't know where he had gone. It was vaguely a small courtyard with lights inside. He knocked on the door with all his strength, and the door opened, and he fell headlong into it...

************************************************** ************************

Dirty shantytowns, just after a rain, the roads are muddy, and the streets are full of rubbish!

It was pitch black, Rong Silan was in a hurry to go home, and she carried a lunch box in her hand. She took a part-time job in the afternoon and didn't have time to go to the kindergarten to pick up the little one. Fortunately, the sensible little one called her and said that she would sit down obediently. Kindergarten school bus home.

However, she was always flustered in her heart. She was really worried whether her four-year-old baby could find her home accurately. Moreover, the baby hadn't eaten yet!Are you hungry?

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace, but the busier she was, the more troubles started to arise. She stepped on something, "paji" fell and gnawed on the mud, and the lunch box in her hand flew far away.

She rubbed her aching knee and stood up, ignoring her own injury, she went to look for a lunch box, but the unlucky lunch box had been broken in two, white rice grains were scattered all over the floor, and the fried one Yellow eggs...

"SHIT!" Rong Silan cursed on the empty street, "What kind of unscrupulous bastards, who can eat but can't defecate, defecate everywhere!!"

In the night sky, only her voice echoed.depressed!Her little one is still waiting to eat!Great now!Just a few lollipops in my pocket!She limped back, frustrated.

The light on at home tells her that the baby is well at home!Her heart widened, and she finally felt relieved.When she came back from the night shift every day, as long as she saw the light on, she felt extremely relieved, and all the stress and fatigue disappeared, because she knew that her little baby was waiting for her...

"Duo'er! Duo'er baby!" She knocked on the door and called the little baby's name.

"Here comes Mommy!" After the childish voice, the iron door opened a crack, "Are you my mother? Are you sure it's not a disguise? You're not a ghost who painted a picture of my mother's skin?"

"Little devil! What are you making a fuss about! Don't let mom in!" Sometimes Rong Silan really couldn't figure out what was going on in this little rascal's mind every day!

The baby named Duo'er stuck out her tongue, "Yeah, I'm sure now, only my mother is so rude and fierce..."

"Little ghost head! Do you think your mommy is more fierce than a female ghost?" Si Lan made a gesture to hit her, but she repeatedly begged for mercy, Si Lan smiled and handed her a few lollipops, "Eat it first, Mommy washed it." I will accompany you in the bath and cook for you!"

"Oh! Mommy! I've already eaten!" Duo'er walked into her small room with a lollipop in her hand.

(Dear friends, this article is about the story of Yin Xiaozhuo. It is relatively mysterious and relaxed, and the length is not very long. If you like it, follow along, huh, huh)

(End of this chapter)

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