Chapter 199

"I... seduce you?" Rong Silan pointed his index finger at himself, angry and anxious.

"Yeah! You finally admit it! I'm a virgin, and you want to compensate me for the loss!" Yin Xiaozhuo showed a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

"Admit that you are a big-headed ghost! Go to hell!" Rong Silan became furious, wanting to tear the smile on his lips to pieces.

Yin Xiaozhuo looked at the back of her turning around, the white and round calf exposed under the big nightdress, his heart was agitated again, he couldn't help but start to agree with Rong Silan's words, he is really a pervert, this can also make him distracted?Is it because I haven't touched a woman for a few days?

Unconsciously, Rong Silan's shining eyes when she was angry, the helplessness in her eyes when she was afraid, and the serene smile on the corners of her lips when she was asleep, and her slightly raised round nose appeared in her mind.

He himself didn't notice, his lips were slightly raised, and his always blunt eyes were softly watching the direction of Rong Silan's departure...

He didn't even notice that another pair of big black bright eyes turned back and forth between the two of them, and then hid behind the door and covered his mouth and laughed...

Yin Xiaozhuo took a deep breath, the smell of oily smoke floated in the air, Rong Silan didn't know what kind of food he was cooking, the smell was so choking, his stomach began to sing the empty city plan.

"Hey, pervert! Haven't washed yet? Come out to eat!" Rong Silan knocked on the door as he passed the bathroom with a plate.

"Here we come!" He smiled slightly, completely ignoring what she called him—big pervert. He just thought it felt good, like a... home!

His eyes fell on the new toothbrush on the washstand, which Rong Silan just bought back today.

Three toothbrushes of different colors, three cartoon cups with different patterns, a feeling he had never felt before warmed his heart. This was the first time in his nearly 30 years of life that he was excited about a toothbrush, and it came to his mind again. Walk out of that luxurious big house, empty and cold...

"Uncle Xiao, hurry up! Mommy said to go for a walk after dinner!" Duo'er urged him anxiously.

"Duo'er, Mommy only agrees to take you there, who agrees with the pervert?"


The argument between the mother and daughter interrupted his memories of the Yin family's mansion. He casually wiped the water from his hair, and walked out with a bath towel around his waist.

"Ah—" Another scream greeted him.

He raised his head inexplicably, Rong Silan pointed at him as if he saw a ghost, "Big pervert! You...why don't you wear clothes?"

He really didn't pay attention to this problem, he always looks like this after taking a bath at home!What's more... "I don't have any clothes to wear, just that one, I feel stinky!" He said aggrievedly.

"You... Forget it! Eat quickly!" Rong Silan's face blushed involuntarily, this pervert's figure is really not average, and the male models walking the runway on TV can't compare to him.

Yin Xiaozhuo stared at the dishes on the table and smiled. Although it was not as good as the chefs in the big hotel and his family, it looked delicious and the combination was also very good. A small grouper, a stack of pickles, a vegetable soup.

He sat down and picked up the chopsticks, but Rong Silan divided the grouper into two halves, gave the most essential part to Duo'er, and poured the rest into Yin Xiaozhuo's bowl.

"What about you?" He was a little surprised.

"Ah? I... I'm losing weight..." Rong Silan seemed to be covering up something, and started to eat quickly with kimchi.

"You're not fat, why lose weight? Besides, eating fish won't make you fat!" He stared at her thin body, and couldn't help but recall the scene of hugging her to sleep that night.

Rong Silan vaguely felt that his eyes were wrong, and when she squinted, she caught the flash of light in his eyes, and she also remembered the night when they embraced each other.Cursing in shame and anger, "Dead pervert, what are you looking at? Stop looking at me with your two-colored eyes!"

Yin Xiaozhuo curled his mouth, "Who wants to see you? I don't even think about what capital I have, and I don't feel like hugging you! Big turkey!"

Rong Silan was furious, "Call me turkey again!"

"Who told you to call me a pervert? I'm not a pervert? Besides, with your face, a pervert won't attack you!"

"Big-pervert-wolf!" Rong Silan slammed the bowl, "Please get out of my house immediately..."

"Stop, stop!" Yin Xiaozhuo immediately knew what she was going to say, and he didn't want to get out of her house at the moment, "I surrender, I apologize, I won't call you a turkey, and you won't call me a pervert, OK?"

"Then what's my name? I don't know your name." Seeing his apology, Rong Silan stopped insisting.

He remembered that he once told Duo'er that his surname was Xiao, and after thinking about it, he said, "My name is Xiao Zhuo, and I came here to find relatives, but they didn't know where they moved. Lively, who knows that I am unlucky. I have told you all about the situation, how about you? My name is Lan'er?"

Rong Silan was concentrating on listening to him, but when he heard Lan'er, the two of them immediately changed their expressions, "Who allows you to call me Lan'er?" As soon as he put down his chopsticks, he entered the room without saying what his name was.

Yin Xiaozhuo stared at her back and was stunned.A small hand gently tugged at his hand, he turned his head, and Duo'er looked at him pitifully, "Uncle Xiao, can you stop being angry with Mommy on purpose, Mommy is so pitiful..."

"Huh?..." He didn't know how to answer.

"Uncle, Mommy treats you very well, but you didn't realize it. Our family has no money, I know that, but Mommy always wants to give me the best. For example, this grouper, Mommy used to be divided into two The first time I do it, I will eat it all by myself every time, because it is very expensive, and she is reluctant to eat it, but today she made it all at once, because you are here, uncle, uncle, Mommy doesn’t want to lose weight..."

Yin Xiaozhuo was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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