Chapter 200

"That's right! Those who don't work don't get to eat!" Si Lan admired herself so much, she often worked late, and Duo'er was left alone, so the little guy likes to eat his fried rice?It just happened to let him do things, and it avoided the danger of being caught by the police when he was asked to go out to work.

With another "snap", Si Lan took a picture of a male servant's contract in front of Yin Xiaozhuo who was watching TV.

Yin Xiaozhuo picked it up and read out in a low voice, "The servant contract, Party A Xiao Zhuo, Party B Silan, Party A voluntarily works as a servant in Rong Silan's house, in order to cover the cost of living and boarding at Rong's house, and Party A It is a voluntary promise that during the period of the male servant, he will not receive any remuneration. The scope of the male servant's work includes cooking, cleaning, laundry, picking up Entong, shopping, etc., if Party B thinks of any terms at any time, it is also valid to add it temporarily. "

"Yes! That's it! Sign it!" Si Lan proudly signed her name in the place of Party B first.

"Hey, hey, this is obviously an unequal treaty! I protest!" Yin Xiaozhuo refused to sign.

"Whatever! If you don't sign, please leave!" Si Lan put on a nice pose.

"Your contract clearly stated that you voluntarily work as a male servant in your house, but I obviously didn't do it voluntarily!" Yin Xiaozhuo still refused to give up.

Si Lan opened the door, "It's voluntary! You can choose not to, but there are only two women in our family. What status will you live in for a long time? If you don't want to, please leave!"

"You..." Yin Xiaozhuo was furious, "Then when will I voluntarily not receive my salary?"

Si Lan leaned against the door and said slowly, "You can choose..."

"Stop! That's enough! I'll sign!" Yin Xiaozhuo took out a pen and signed his name, hum, he didn't know how many contracts he signed. He has always been the only one who has taken advantage, and others have suffered. It was a shock to meet this woman It's evil, he bullies everything!Fortunately, the fake name Mu Bai signed, otherwise there will be no peace in this life!

Si Lan picked up the contract from the table, put it to her mouth and blew it, it was amazing!Please hire a fool as cheap labor!Hehe, you can even snicker in your dreams!

She took out a wad of money from her bag, "Here, this is vegetable money, save some money! Today's food depends on you!" After finishing speaking, she hurried to work, and today she finally found a new part-time job. On the first day, make a good impression on others!

With the money in his hand, Yin Xiaozhuo couldn't figure out how much food he could buy, so he asked him to cook?This woman is crazy!It's better to go out for a walk and sigh at the old man's tone.

He wandered around the street aimlessly, but he didn't dare to be too ostentatious, and got nothing, so he decided to harass his good friend - Lei Tingen.

As soon as Lei Tingen answered his call, he started yelling, "You're not dead, shit, I know, you escaped marriage, it seems that your old man knows you're not dead, I tell you, don't come back for now , your old man said he wanted to break your leg, my phone has already been blown up by him! Also! You are not allowed to come to my house, because your old man sends someone to wait at my house every day, and you can’t stay Hotel because..."

"Enough!" Yin Xiaozhuo was furious, he can't do this or that, let him die!

Lei Tingen was very wronged, "Your old man did it, not me..."

"Okay, okay!" Yin Xiaozhuo was speechless, "If you still have a little conscience, come and see me, the key is to bring me money, I'm in trouble, and also, buy me some clothes!" He She has been wearing that suit for so long!

"No way! You...wouldn't be living on the streets, would you?" Lei Tingen was greatly surprised. Young Master Yin has no money?

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll give you an hour, old place! If you don't come, we brothers will be finished!" He hung up the phone mercilessly before Lei Tingen could reply.

In the bar where the two of them used to drink, Yin Xiaozhuo looked at the clock on the wall, it was already 59 minutes.Hey, the world is so cold, even a down and out brother doesn't want him anymore!It was so bleak!He swallowed the wine in the glass in one gulp, and waved his hand, "Pay the bill!"

"Sir, the total is 500 yuan!" WAITER came over politely.

Yin Xiaozhuo was dumbfounded when he put his hand into his pocket, he only had the few hundred dollars that Si Lan gave him, and it was still used to buy vegetables!Yin Xiaozhuo's face turned red, but fortunately he didn't think it was unusual after drinking, "Call your boss, he and I are friends."

"Sorry, our boss is not here!" WAITER's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Then... tell your boss, I'll pay next time!"

"Every customer who owes money says that!" WAITER's tone was light, but the irony was unbearable.

Yin Xiaozhuo cursed secretly, damn Lei Tingen, why didn't he come!

"Sir..." WAITER put on a rather stinky face.

"Xiao! Here I come!"

When Yin Xiaozhuo turned his head, Lei Tingen finally came, and he brought a lot of bags!

"You're still willing to come!" Yin Xiaozhuo wanted to beat him up and make him look ugly in public.But he was finally able to pull it up. He pointed at Lei Ting En and said to WAITER in a mighty manner, "See you! The God of Wealth is here!"

He still felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he stood up and announced to the audience, "Friends, let's all drink to our heart's content today! Lei's second child is paying for the audience!"

Seeing WAITER's stunned face, he felt comfortable all over.

Lei Tingen shook his head with a wry smile, "How can you say that you are almost thirty, and you are still so childish!"

Yin Xiaozhuo curled his lips indifferently, "Don't think that one year older than me is like my old man teaching others, saying, why did you come so late? Did you get entangled by a woman?"

"You think I can't get out if I fall into the crowd of women like you?" Lei Tingen looked at him disapprovingly.

He thought about it, and he was right, Lei Tingen had never had a woman in these years, his face changed suddenly, "Boss! You... Don't you? You have a problem with your orientation?" He tightened the collar of his shirt...

(End of this chapter)

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