Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 205 The 3-year-old Prince's Useless Princess

Chapter 205

Just as Li Feng finished speaking, a sharp breath rushed towards them.

The ninth-rank warriors didn't try their best. After all, the princess had given the order to capture them alive, not to kill them.

The difference in strength makes this kind of attack of the ninth-level fighters extremely fast. Even if they can sense the danger coming, it is difficult to react, let alone counterattack.

Just when Li Feng and Gu Bei were about to fight back, Nan Qiao had already stepped up to meet them, easily resisting the fierce offensive of the ninth-rank warriors.

it turns out!Resisted!
The ninth-rank martial artist looked at Su Nanqiao who suddenly appeared in shock, and looked at her intently, but couldn't see through her strength.

Is she the one who breaks through to the ninth rank martial artist?But didn't she die with Su Yanyan before?


If Sunan Qiao had only that kind of strength, it would be impossible to resist his attack, not to mention that she reacted faster than those two people, and she knew exactly how to fight back when she sensed the danger.

"Princess, even if her strength has not broken through to the ninth level, she is already above me." The ninth-level warrior looked at Lu Lianxin, "Princess, go first, and I will leave this place to me."

Lu Lianxin didn't expect that Sunanqiao's strength would be so strong. She glanced at them unwillingly, and made a decision in her heart to leave, and let the ninth-rank warriors sacrifice the rear.

Lu Lianxin realized the seriousness of the problem when the ninth-rank warrior could say these words. The ninth-rank warrior planned to use his life to give her time to escape.

If she had known that Sunanqiao was so powerful, she would not have dealt with the people in Donglin Kingdom first, otherwise they could delay a little longer.

It's only because she is too confident, thinking that she has full confidence, that she will be the first to get rid of them who are obtrusive and have no use value.

Nan Qiao raised her finger to Lu Lianxin, "If you kill your princess, I can consider saving your life."

"Hmph!" The ninth-rank warrior snorted coldly, "It is impossible for me to betray the princess, so don't waste your time!"

He didn't make a move, but Wu Shuangshuang, who saw the current situation clearly, made a move unexpectedly, stabbing Lu Lianxin with a sword.

"You!" Lu Lianxin did not expect that the female guard beside her would suddenly betray her and give her such a fatal sword.

She never thought that the people around her would betray her, without any precautions, she was stabbed so clearly.

"Princess, I have offended you." Wu Shuangshuang drew out her long sword with a cold face, "People don't kill themselves for their own sake."

She is not the kind of foolish and loyal warrior of the ninth rank, as long as her own life is involved, she will choose to betray without hesitation.

Lu Lianxin clutched her wound and looked at this cold-blooded and ruthless female guard in disbelief. She never calculated that she would die under the sword of the female guard beside her.

"Looking for death!" The ninth-rank martial artist shouted angrily, and appeared in front of Wu Shuangshuang in an instant, and grabbed Wu Shuangshuang's neck.

Wu Shuangshuang thought that as long as she betrayed the princess, Sunanqiao would save herself. She promised that as long as she killed the princess, they would be spared.

"Help me." Wu Shuangshuang looked at Sunanqiao begging for help, pinning all her hopes on her.

It's a pity that Nan Qiao only said who killed Lu Lianxin, but only considered who would be saved, and didn't say who would definitely be saved, let alone protect the traitor.

The situation where they killed each other was what Nan Qiao wanted to see. In the end, he only had to solve the ninth-level warriors himself.


Wu Shuangshuang didn't wait for Sunanqiao's rescue, but the sound of her neck breaking. Her neck was easily twisted by a ninth-level warrior, and all thoughts and voices disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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