Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 206 The 3-year-old Prince's Useless Princess

Chapter 206

After finishing off Wu Shuangshuang, the ninth-rank warrior immediately came to Lu Lianxin, "Princess..."

He wanted to save Lu Lianxin, but she stopped him, "Don't save me, go and kill King Yu."

Lu Lianxin knew that even if she could be saved, she would have no way to leave without the protection of the ninth-rank warriors, and she would still have to die by their hands in the end.

She didn't intend to let the ninth-rank warrior kill Sunanqiao, but to let him kill King Yu. What she can't get, no one can get it.

After killing Yu Wang, she can still die with Yu Wang, while Sunanqiao can only spend her life in pain.

"Princess." The ninth-rank warrior hesitated a little.

Lu Lian said angrily, "This is my order!"

Her anger, combined with her straining to speak, caused her to spit out another mouthful of blood, and her breathing became increasingly difficult.

But she can't die so soon, she has to watch Sunanqiao lose King Yu, so that she can close her eyes with peace of mind.

"Yes!" The ninth-rank warrior responded, then turned around and attacked Sunanqiao.

He seemed to want to kill Sunan Qiao with such arrogance, but in fact he was forcing King Yu to take action, and his ultimate goal was King Yu.

The ninth-rank martial artist looked unreserved. Gu Bei was very worried that Nan Qiao would be injured, and instinctively wanted to protect Nan Qiao.

But without waiting for him to move, Nan Qiao rushed towards the ninth-rank warrior like an arrow from the bow, as if he was about to confront the ninth-rank warrior head-on.

Li Feng just wanted to tell her to be careful, but before he could say it, he was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time.

She actually instantly killed a ninth-rank warrior!
What kind of terrifying strength does it take to kill a ninth-rank warrior in an instant?

Could it be that her strength has already broken through the ninth level, so that people can't see through her strength?
But if you think this way, there are contradictions. She was seriously injured by Su Yanyan before, and finally died.

Lu Lianxin was holding out her last breath to watch the ninth-rank warrior kill King Yu. She wanted to see the sad and indignant eyes of Sunanqiao after losing Queen Yu. One move.

No one thought that Su Nanqiao would suddenly become so powerful. It would not take much effort to deal with a warrior of the ninth rank. What a terrifying strength that must be.

The moment the ninth-rank martial artist fell down, it proved that Lu Lianxin had no hope of seeing Su Nanqiao lose her love again. She was so angry that she spit out blood suddenly.

"Nan Qiao." Gu Bei rushed up, hugged her directly, and didn't ask her so much.

"I'm back." Nan Qiao said softly but firmly in his arms, "I will stay with you and never leave you again."

Gu Bei didn't ask a single word about why she came back from the dead and her strength suddenly increased, and he didn't want to know so much, as long as she could always be by his side.

Gu Bei was more afraid to ask, he was afraid that knowing too much would make him lose again.

After quelling the turmoil in Donglin Kingdom, with the help of Nan Qiao, Li Ying Kingdom was directly annexed, and since then it has become a Donglin Kingdom, and established a Mingjun.

Nan Qiao also helped Gu Bei and Li Feng improve their strength, directly broke through the ninth-level warriors, and became the pinnacle tenth-level warriors. These are the only two in Donglin Kingdom, and they are also unprecedented figures.

She just let them break through, and she didn't intend to make them more and more powerful.

If she kept breaking through, she wouldn't want to leave, because with continuous breakthroughs, her lifespan would also increase continuously, and she would not allow such a thing to happen.

Tenth-rank warriors can only live ten years longer than ordinary people, and she can still afford to wait for the extra ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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