Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 207 The 3-year-old Prince's Useless Princess

Chapter 207 The Three-Year-Old Prince's Useless Princess (End)
As time goes by, more and more good memories are left behind during their time together.

It's just that these good memories can't fill Gu Bei's fear of losing Nan Qiao.

That kind of fear is like a bottomless hole in the depths of my heart, no matter how many things I use, I can't fill it.

During the years with Nan Qiao, although it was very beautiful, it was also accompanied by his anxiety. He often woke up in the middle of the night, looked at her nervously, and then hugged her tightly.

For Gu Bei's cautious behavior, Nan Qiao had already noticed it, but she never exposed it. She just proved with her actions that she would not leave him alone again.

It wasn't until the moment when both of them were getting old, with wrinkled faces and gray hair, that Gu Bei's hanging heart slowly fell.

"Nan Qiao, you didn't lie to me." Gu Bei lay on the bed and looked at her with a smile.

He was on the verge of death, and although he let go of his uneasy heart, he began to worry about how lonely she would be in the future if he left her first.

"Well. I said I would accompany you through this life, and I will definitely do it." Nan Qiao responded with a smile.

Gu Bei held her hand tightly, "I'm sorry, I have to leave before you, I...I'm a little worried about you, Nan Qiao...I really miss you."

"I don't want you too, but it doesn't matter, we will meet again in the next life." Nan Qiao raised his old hand and gently touched his wrinkled face, "Don't worry, you are gone, I will soon will find you."

"Nan Qiao, don't do stupid things, it's okay, I can wait for you, I'm just afraid that you will be alone." Gu Bei said.

"In this life with you, there are so many good memories, these memories will accompany me, I will not feel lonely." Nan Qiao responded with a smile.

Looking at Gu Bei's wrinkled face and white hair, Nan Qiao said with a smile: "Time flies so fast, it seems that we are all old in the blink of an eye."

"Yes. The time is too short, I still want to be with you, what a pity..." Gu Bei said regretfully.

Nan Qiao responded, "Bei, I'm Nan Qiao."

"Yeah. I know, you are my Nan Qiao, Nan Qiao who only belongs to me." Gu Bei said.

Nan Qiao leaned forward, leaned against his chest, and asked softly, "Do you still want to meet me in your next life?"

"Think about it, even dream about it." Gu Bei smiled and raised his hand, gently stroking her head.

Thinking of the good memories between them, the corners of his mouth would always rise uncontrollably.

If there is an afterlife, he doesn't want anyone but Nan Qiao in front of him.

"Will we meet again in the next life?" Gu Bei asked softly.

"Yes, I will." Nan Qiao said firmly.

Gu Bei asked again: "Have you ever regretted meeting me in this life?"

"No, I came here just to meet you, so how could I regret it? You are my destiny." Nan Qiao responded.

The smile on Gu Bei's face became sweeter, like a child who had eaten candy, "Meeting you is the thing I don't regret the most in my life. Nan Qiao...I love you."

"I love you too." Nan Qiao said softly.

Hearing what Nan Qiao said, Gu Bei slowly closed his eyes and dropped his hands weakly.

At the moment when he died, Nan Qiao's task had been completed, and he also left.

When their descendants see it, it will be a scene of Nan Qiao leaning on Gu Bei's chest. They don't look like they died, but just fell asleep for a short time, with happy smiles on their faces... …



"Bei, I'm Nan Qiao..."

Gu Bei woke up suddenly from the bed, his face and body were covered with cold sweat.

He didn't know when he started to have a nightmare, always hearing a woman's voice in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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