Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 227 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 227 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (20)

The next afternoon.

Su Mingkai went to help Nan Qiao handle the discharge procedures, and the two of them were waiting for Su Mingkai.

"Are you going to see Yanyan?" Nan Qiao asked aloud.

Gu Bei looked at her, "If you don't want to see her, we won't."

"Then see you, I have something to say to her." Nan Qiao said.

Gu Bei didn't think too much, and immediately nodded, "Yes."

After Su Mingkai completed the discharge procedures, they went to the five-star hotel where Su Yanyan lived.

When she got outside the hotel room, the moment the door opened, what Su Yanyan saw was Gu Bei.

Nan Qiao hid behind Su Mingkai, covered by his tall figure, preventing Su Yanyan from seeing her.

But at this moment, Su Yanyan, who was ecstatic, could only see Gu Bei alone, and his eyes were almost glued to Gu Bei's body.

If it weren't for the fear that Gu Bei would be underestimated by being unrestrained, the moment she saw Gu Bei, she would have rushed forward and hung firmly on Gu Bei's body.

"Why didn't you come here until now?" Su Yanyan complained in a whiny voice, "I thought you wouldn't come, if you don't come, I'm going back to the countryside, and you won't see each other again It's my turn."

As Su Yanyan said that, she wanted to hold his hand, but he dodged it, which made Su Yanyan a little astonished, and felt very disappointed.

Even a girl like her is so active, Gu Bei actually dodged it!I really don't know good from bad.

"Su Yanyan." Gu Bei suddenly called out.

Reflexively, Su Yanyan immediately responded, "Huh?"

When she realized it, Su Yanyan said in a panic, "Do you know Yanyan? She's not here now."

"You're not Su Nanqiao." Su Mingkai said.

Hearing Su Mingkai's voice, Su Yanyan, who was already angry at this servant, immediately wanted to scold him.

Su Yanyan looked at Su Mingkai with displeasure, and was about to speak to Su Mingkai angrily, but saw a person hiding behind Su Mingkai.

Swallowing back his angry words, he fixed his eyes on the person hiding behind Su Mingkai, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Who is that person behind you?"

It looks like a girl, and there is a familiar feeling, but I can't remember it.

Su Yanyan is very sensitive to the girls who appear around Gu Bei, as long as she gets a little closer to Gu Bei, all of them can become Su Yanyan's imaginary enemies.

Nan Qiao, who was hiding behind Su Mingkai, stepped forward timidly, her eyes fell on Su Yanyan, "Yanyan, it's me."

The moment Su Yanyan saw Sunanqiao appearing, she almost screamed in fright, but luckily she forcibly held back.

Why did you meet Sunan Qiao here?Didn't Sunanqiao fall into the pond that day and have already sunk?

Could it be that he was rescued later?


Su Yanyan recalled that day, when she ran, she obviously didn't see anyone nearby. Drowning is not a joke, if she is not rescued in time, only a dead body will be caught.

What's more, Sunanqiao had already sunk into the pond at that time, even if someone appeared, it was impossible to see Sunanqiao.

Could it be the hell?
But so what?If she can kill Sunanqiao once, she can kill Sunanqiao a second time.

"Yanyan, why are you here?" Su Yanyan pretended to be calm and asked with a smile.

She stared at Sunanqiao, full of warning, as if she was telling Sunanqiao that if she dared to expose her, she would make Sunanqiao look good.

Su Yanyan thought that after the lesson of falling into the water, Su Nanqiao should be more afraid of her.

Forgive Su Nanqiao for not having the guts to expose her.

(End of this chapter)

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