Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 228 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 228 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (21)

Nan Qiao blinked her eyes, looked at Su Yanyan blankly, and said in a low voice, "Yanyan, have you burned out your brain? You are Su Yanyan."

Su Yanyan, who was a little proud at first, was stunned when she heard what Su Nanqiao said. She never thought that Sunanqiao would open her mouth to expose her, and she didn't take her warning seriously.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not Su Yanyan! I'm Su Nanqiao!" Su Yanyan said angrily.

When she was talking, she still glared at Sunanqiao angrily, hoping that Sunanqiao would shut up wisely.

Nan Qiao showed a bit of panic, and hid behind Su Mingkai again in fear, holding Su Mingkai's clothes tightly with his small hands uneasily.

"Brother, I'm afraid." Nan Qiao said in a low voice.

Su Mingkai looked down at her distressedly, and gently patted her hand, "Qiao Er, don't be afraid."

"Yanyan, what a skill you are, you hooked up with a love brother so quickly." Su Yanyan deliberately distorted the relationship between the two of them.

She didn't know the inside story, so she didn't feel embarrassed at all to distort their relationship, and those who knew the inside story wanted to dig out a manor with their toes in embarrassment for her when they heard her words.

"Shut up!" Su Mingkai stared at Su Yanyan angrily, as if he was about to strangle Su Yanyan to death.

Su Yanyan was frightened by his appearance, but she quickly calmed down, thinking that she had hit their sore spot, and she was secretly proud of herself.

"What? Let me put it right, are you getting angry?" Su Yanyan asked with a smug smile.

Gu Bei's face was gloomy, and his voice was cold: "Get lost!"

"Did you hear that? Young Master Gu, let you bitches go away." Su Yanyan assumed the victor's stance, and her aura instantly rose.

Su Mingkai couldn't help laughing, his face was full of sarcasm.

"What are you laughing at? Get out of here!" Su Yanyan glared at him angrily, "If you don't get out, just wait to be dealt with."

"I don't know if you are really stupid or fake." Su Mingkai smiled sarcastically, "He told you to get out."

"Mouth full of feces! I'm his fiancée, how could he let me go!" Su Yanyan looked at Gu Bei unconvinced, and asked aggrievedly: "Is what he said true? Are you going to let me go? "

Gu Bei did not respond to her, but took out his mobile phone, called the person in charge of the hotel, and asked him to bring two security guards up.

Seeing that he didn't respond, but called the security directly, Su Yanyan misunderstood him again, looked at Su Mingkai triumphantly, and said with a smile: "Did you see? It's you who should get out."

"If I were you, I would get out now, and I wouldn't just stay here and wait to be thrown out by the security guards."

The more Su Yanyan talked, the more complacent she became, her whole body was a little flustered, thinking that Gu Bei took care of her so much, she must have fallen in love with her, so she couldn't help but move in Gu Bei's direction.

She wanted to get closer, pretending to be a little uncomfortable and fell on Gu Bei's body, but when she fell, Gu Bei moved his feet and avoided her.

Su Yanyan, who didn't expect this, immediately fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

Su Yanyan's face turned red, and when she saw Sunanqiao's watching eyes, she became even more angry, cursed Gu Bei secretly, and then quickly got up.

"Young Master Gu, I'm not feeling well." Su Yanyan walked towards Gu Bei again cheekily.

"If you're mentally ill, go see a doctor." Gu Bei stared at her coldly.

Su Mingkai immediately answered, "I think she's like this, she should be hopeless."

(End of this chapter)

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