Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 246 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 246 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (39)

"You you you... what do you want to do?" Mo Fan stuttered in fear.

Nan Qiao withdrew her foot from Zhang Liuliu, and slowly approached Mo Fan's position.

"You..." Mo Fan watched her getting closer and swallowed in fear, "You...you don't come here. Do you know who my father is? If you dare to touch me, you won't Good fruit to eat."

"I don't care who your father is." Nan Qiao rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not afraid of your father even if he is the king of heaven."

A mere mortal dares to act in front of her!

Xiaodouzi stared at this scene with scorching eyes. He no longer had the condemnation and fear in his eyes, let alone wanting to stop it.

His chubby face was full of excitement, his face flushed with excitement, and he shouted in a childish voice: "Host, come on! Host, get on him! Hit him! Hit him!"

When Nan Qiao heard Xiaodouzi's voice, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She was quite satisfied with the 'transformed' system, and it really fit her heart.

She stepped forward, raised her foot and kicked Mo Fan hard, causing Mo Fan to scream out in pain.

Mo Fan fled to the side suddenly, then picked up a wine bottle, "I will fight with you!"

Holding the wine bottle, with a fierce look on his face, he rushed towards Nan Qiao, intending to smash Nan Qiao's head.

It's a pity that Mo Fan didn't even touch the corner of Nan Qiao's clothes, but was kicked by Nan Qiao and flew away.

The wine bottle in his hand also fell out of his hand, and fell to the ground immediately, breaking into pieces.

Mo Fan fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. He took a moment to catch his breath. He held his chest and felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. The pain in his body distorted his face.

This matter is not over yet, Nan Qiao stepped forward quickly, punched and kicked Mo Fan until Mo Fan was beaten into a pig's face.

Nan Qiao saw that Zhang Liuliu and Wu Shuangshuang wanted to escape, and the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a bit of evil.

She quickly grabbed a few dice and threw them in the direction of the two of them. The dice flew out instantly and hit their back knee joints.

"Ah..." The two of them cried out in pain, and knelt on the ground. The moment their knees hit the ground heavily, their faces were distorted in pain again, and tears flowed down their cheeks.

The two gasped, and before they could stand up and continue running, they were kicked to the ground by Nan Qiao one after another.

Nan Qiao also punched and kicked them, and she refused to stop until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen with two nosebleeds.

She stood in front of the box door with her arms folded, glanced at Mo Fan with a sneer, and said with a sarcasm, "You guys still want to plot against me, you really don't know what to do."

"This is just a lesson for you, don't provoke me again, otherwise, next time you won't be injured like this." Nan Qiao said.

She knew that the three of them would never know how to repent, even if they were not given a chance, they would try their best to get revenge on her.

Warn them now, so that next time she strikes, she can fight more confidently.

They deserved the beatings.

After Nan Qiao finished speaking, he turned and opened the door of the box. He wanted to leave the box, but saw a familiar person standing outside the box.

Uh... was captured by Gu Bei.

Since when did he stand outside the box?How much did he see through the small window above the box door?

No matter how much he saw, Nan Qiao's eyes immediately turned red, and he hid behind him in aggrieved manner, pointing at the three people in the box who had been beaten so badly, he said with a choked voice, "They beat me."

(End of this chapter)

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