Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 304 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 304 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (21)

The young woman was stunned for a moment, and responded with a guilty conscience: "I don't know what you're talking about, and don't try to attach it to me for things I haven't done."

"You know so well the evil methods, I think you are the one who killed the man." She bit Nan Qiao back.

Nan Qiao didn't care, and said with a smile: "Then just see who will be backlashed in three days. You will definitely die within three days."

"You! Are you cursing me?" The young woman was furious.

Nan Qiao replied: "This is not a curse, but you deserve it."

"Hmph! You're clearly cursing me. Even if your backer is Young Master Gu, you can't just curse others at will! If you don't want Young Master Gu to be the target of public criticism, I think it's better for you to keep your mouth shut and talk less!" Young man The woman's chest heaved with anger.

Now she doesn't care about the young and the young. In front of so many people, if her aura weakens, she will be confirmed by Nan Qiao's words, and the things she doesn't want to hide will be exposed.

At this time, Gu Bei raised his hand to grab Nan Qiao's shoulders, pulled her to his side, and stared at the young woman coldly, "My wife's mouth doesn't need to bother you, but your mouth, It’s better to close it if you can, lest everyone around you will be smothered to death.”

His words confirmed Nan Qiao's identity and directly made Nan Qiao his wife.

Hearing that Gu Bei called the woman wearing a mask his wife, everyone was shocked. There was no news before, but Gu Bei suddenly married at such a young age?

When they saw two people so close, they thought most of their identity as girlfriend or fiancee. They never thought that the two of them were already married, so they were directly promoted to Mrs. Gu.

The young woman was flushed with anger, and she couldn't answer back after being humiliated, so she could only snort coldly, turn around and leave with an ugly face.

Seeing the back of the young woman leaving angrily, Nan Qiao stood on tiptoe with a smile, leaned close to Gu Bei's ear, and said with a smile, "Good job."

This praise directly made the corners of Gu Bei's mouth twitch, as if telling Nan Qiao that he would continue to work hard.

Many guests began to whisper and talk about the breaking news they now know. When they looked at Su Yanyan's family, their eyes were somewhat ironic. Many people were watching the jokes about Su Yanyan's family.

Su Yanyan's complexion is very ugly. Standing here now, she has successfully become the focus of attention of the audience.

It's just that this kind of focus of the audience doesn't make her stand out and become the envy of others, but a joke of attention.

Before seeing Gu Bei, she had imagined everything so beautiful, but after seeing Gu Bei, she could only become more embarrassed.

Su Yanyan looked at the loving appearance of the two of them, and when Gu Bei looked at that woman, his eyes were always so gentle, and he could tell that he loved that woman very much.

But the more this happened, the more it made Su Yanyan go crazy with jealousy.

Everything that should belong to her is now taken away by that masked woman.

Su Yanyan stared at Nan Qiao with jealousy, as if flames could spew out from her eyes, burning Nan Qiao completely.

What she can't get, no one else can get it!
Su Yanyan swore to herself that she would never let the two of them be happy like this, she would let them taste the pain of parting.

The humiliation they brought her today, she will pay back twice as much.

She didn't want to agree to that condition at first, but now it seems that she has to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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