Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 305 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 305 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (22)

Seeing that the trouble was almost done, Nan Qiao yawned and said aloud, "I'm so sleepy, I want to go back to sleep."

"Yeah." Gu Bei took her and turned around and left without saying hello.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Su's father and Su's mother hurriedly stopped them, forcing out smiles.

"The two left so soon? Why don't you play for a while?" Su's father said with an apologetic smile.

"No, I'm so sleepy now, I want to go back and rest." Nan Qiao said.

Mother Su said with a smile: "I have a lot of rooms in my house. You can rest in the room for a while. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Since you are here to play, you must have fun."

They knew that if Gu Bei left like this, many people would definitely leave with him, how would the birthday party go on by then.

If the news comes out tomorrow, the Su family will lose all face.

"I recognize the room and the bed, and I'm not used to staying in other people's homes." Nan Qiao said.

Su's mother was so embarrassed that she faltered for a long time, but she couldn't say anything to persuade her to stay.

She obviously didn't want to stay here for one more second, and it was useless for them to try to stay, she insisted on leaving.

"In this case, then don't force it." Father Su said with a smile.

"If you have time, you can come and play anytime." Mother Su also laughed.

Su Yanyan looked at her parents, wanted to step forward to pull them away, but had to hold back.

The woman cursed that their whole family was going to die, and her parents still talked to that woman with a smile, which really pissed her off.

Su Yanyan really wanted to rush up and tell them to get out as soon as possible, as far as they could go, but she didn't dare to tear their faces apart right now.

Before she got support, she knew that it would not be good to completely break up with Gu Bei, maybe the whole family would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Nan Qiao didn't respond, and left the banquet with Gu Bei directly. After they left the banquet, all the guests who came to Gu Bei also left, and most of the guests who didn't come to Gu Bei also left.

The lively birthday party suddenly became much more lonely, leaving only a small number of hesitant guests. They also wanted to leave, but they were afraid that if they left, they would be hated by the Su family.

Compared with the Su family, they are actually not that powerful. Some of them are dependent on the Su family, and they are also the part who don't believe that Nan Qiao can count accurately.

Su Yanyan saw that a good birthday party was turned into this, and she was completely in no mood to continue.

"What should we do now?" Su's father looked at Su's mother, looking at the few guests, with a sad expression on his face.

"What can we do? That's it." Su Mu said and looked at Su Yanyan, "Yanyan, what are you going to do?"

"Let them all go, it's like this, how can we continue." Su Yanyan responded a little impatiently.

She is very upset now, she is not in any mood, and has no intention of going on with the birthday party at all.

Su's father and Su's mother looked at each other, and they could only stop now. After they apologized and asked the rest of the guests to go back, the scene became even more deserted.

The servants on the field were cleaning things up, while the three of them returned to the room.

Su Yanyan told her parents about her plan, her eyes were determined, and she didn't intend to back down at all.

Hearing Su Yanyan's decision, Su's father and Su's mother were silent, they looked at me and I looked at you.

They knew that once Su Yanyan made a decision, it would be difficult for them to change it.

"Yanyan, have you made up your mind?" Father Su hesitated for a moment before asking.

(End of this chapter)

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