Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 315 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 315 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (32)

Nan Qiao never thought that Wu Shuangshuang's life was about to be killed now, so if they didn't run away now, they wouldn't be able to run away then.

Seeing those people abandoning her and fleeing faster than anyone else, Wu Shuangshuang gritted her teeth in anger.


If she is lucky enough to survive, she must find them, torture them to death, and burn them to ashes!

"It's much quieter now." Nan Qiao smiled and looked at Wu Shuangshuang.

Seeing her gaze, Wu Shuangshuang moved back subconsciously, her whole body was filled with fear of death.

"If you want to kill, kill it." Wu Shuangshuang gritted her teeth and said this sentence boldly.

Nan Qiao pulled out the whip from his waist, played with it in his hand, and asked with a sneer, "Why should I listen to you?"

"Hmph! Kill me if you have the ability!" Wu Shuangshuang snorted coldly, knowing that if she had a rebellious mentality, doing so might save her life.


Wu Shuangshuang looked at the whip in her hand, and feared that torture would be inevitable.

Wu Shuangshuang's heart was filled with despair at the thought of being tortured so that her life would be worse than death.

But she can't die, she must see her brother healthy and healthy, and become a normal person in the eyes of others.

If she dies, who will protect her brother?
Even if her younger brother has a power stronger than ordinary people after the mutation, he is not without opponents.

For such a thought, Wu Shuangshuang planned to endure it forcefully, and could not swallow that breath no matter what.

"The more you want to die, the less I will let you die. I just want to torture you." Nan Qiao approached step by step with a whip.

Standing not far from Wu Shuangshuang, Nan Qiao stopped and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we are a bit alike, but we like to torture people."

"You like to torture others, and I like to torture you." Nan Qiao raised her finger, nodded her chin, and said thoughtfully, "Am I doing justice for the heavens?"

"Bah!" Wu Shuangshuang glared at her angrily, "Don't put gold on your face. People like you are cruel and cold-blooded. How can you do justice for the sky? Don't talk about your vicious thoughts so grandly."

"You are so reasonable. I want to reward you with a few more whips, dear." As soon as Nan Qiao finished speaking, she raised a whip and landed on Wu Shuangshuang.


The sound of the whip hitting Wu Shuangshuang's body echoed in the villa. Just listening to the sound of the whip hitting the flesh can make people feel how painful it is.

Wu Shuangshuang was whipped so hard that she gritted her teeth and almost cried out. The place where the whip had been whipped felt burning pain.

The whip had left a long mark on her body, and blood flowed from the wound, staining her clothes around the wound red.

Nan Qiao's whip was really ruthless. It not only tore her clothes, but also tore her skin to pieces.

"Tsk tsk tsk...does it hurt?" Nan Qiao didn't show the slightest sympathy, and continued to sarcastic, "If you are in pain, just call out, don't bear it, don't bear it, otherwise, I will be even worse Oh hard."

Countless innocent people died at the hands of Wu Shuangshuang, and the lives she spent on her brother alone could not be counted with two hands.

Not to mention Wu Shuangshuang's cruelty, how many people were tortured to death by her.

Now Nan Qiao is just treating him in his own way, and let Wu Shuangshuang taste the feeling of being tortured and unable to resist.

These are just appetizers. Wu Shuangshuang likes to let others watch the relatives she cares about the most being tortured to death, so she will fulfill Wu Shuangshuang.

(End of this chapter)

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