Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 316 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 316 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (33)

When it comes to cruelty, Nan Qiao's methods are no worse than Wu Shuangshuang.

Wu Shuangshuang gritted her teeth and looked at Nan Qiao with resentment.

If she can live, she must avenge this revenge with her own hands!
Wu Shuangshuang, who was still full of vicious thoughts and wanted revenge, would never have imagined that she would end up enduring the pain she would bring to others.

Watching the person she cared about being tortured to death in front of her, she hated but was helpless, and could only wait for death in despair.

"What's the matter with your eyes? Why do you look like you want to eat me?" Nan Qiao's voice was smiling, without any fear, as if she took her as a big joke.

Wu Shuangshuang was so angry with her that she didn't have the ability to resist at all. If she couldn't beat her, she could only lie flat and get beaten. This was the most irritating thing.

From before to now, today is the most aggrieved day in her life. She has never been so aggrieved before, being bullied like this by others.

"Unconvinced, right? Then I'll beat you until you are convinced." Nan Qiao raised his whip as he spoke, and gave Wu Shuangshuang another slap in the face.

Wu Shuangshuang is also a person who can bear it. After being beaten to pieces, she clenched her teeth and just grunted without crying out in pain.

After whipping the whip several times in a row, Wu Shuangshuang didn't cry out in pain, and kept clenching her teeth, which made Nan Qiao feel a little boring.

Nan Qiao walked to Gu Bei's side, handed the whip to him, and said softly, "Come on, I'm so tired, I want to rest."

"Okay." Gu Bei took it, his eyes full of tenderness fell on her, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

When he was about to pass, Nan Qiao grabbed his hand again and said with a smile: "Remember to use more force, don't let her have a hard time."

"Yes." Gu Bei responded obediently.

Seeing that he agreed, Nan Qiao let go, waved at him, and said softly, "Go, go."

Gu Bei couldn't help chuckling, she was so cute, she always made him feel very happy for no reason.

When he turned his head to look at Wu Shuangshuang, the smile on his face was hidden in the mask, and the exposed eyes also lost the smile, revealing a cold chill, and the cold aura on his body became more intense.

After Gu Bei walked over, he raised his whip without saying a word, and whipped Wu Shuangshuang neatly without any hesitation.

There are several slaps, not sloppy at all, one after another, there is not much gap between them.

Wu Shuangshuang was beaten so hard that she frowned, her whole face almost wrinkled together in pain.

She will definitely get it back for the pain these two people put on her!

Wu Shuangshuang gritted her teeth tightly, not wanting to cry out, this was the only bit of dignity left in her.

Even if the root of her teeth was bitten off, she would never cry out in pain in front of them.

The two of them are also ruthless, one finished the rest, the other continued to smoke, they could take turns to rest, but the pain in her body was continuous.

Wu Shuangshuang couldn't help it in the end, and after a muffled snort, she lost consciousness and passed out completely.

"Are you still fighting?" Gu Bei looked at Nan Qiao and asked gently.

Nan Qiao went over and kicked Wu Shuangshuang. Seeing that she didn't respond at all, her whole body was dripping with blood.

"It's boring! It's so useless." Nan Qiao complained and walked towards Gu Bei.

Fortunately, Wu Shuangshuang was completely unconscious and couldn't hear what they were saying, otherwise, she would have jumped up on the spot.

What do you mean without a fight?
They take turns going into battle like this, no matter how thick-skinned and thick-skinned they are, they can't stand the two of them chattering like this.

(End of this chapter)

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