Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 317 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 317 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (34)

Nan Qiao held Gu Bei's arm, leaned her head on his arm, and said softly and coquettishly, "Stop beating, my arm is sore, I'm so tired, I want to go home and sleep."

"Well. Then let's go home." Gu Bei said softly.

Nan Qiao looked up at him with a smile, "Then can you carry me back?"

"Okay." Gu Bei agreed without hesitation.

He immediately picked up Nan Qiao and walked towards the outside of the villa step by step, leaving Wu Shuangshuang who was covered in blood and dying.

Wu Shuangshuang was seriously injured. After the two of them tossed about like this, she might have to rest for a long time to recover.

During the period of her recuperation, she should not cause any disturbances.

After leaving the villa, a cool breeze blew in front of her, and Nan Qiao leaned into Gu Bei's arms.

"Can you sing for me?" Nan Qiao asked softly.

She raised her eyes to look at him, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

Gu Bei was silent for a moment, met her expectant gaze, and responded, "Okay."

He cleared his throat, and started to pick out an ancient song at random. His deep and magnetic voice seemed to be telling her a story.

Listening to his singing, Nan Qiao leaned against his arms, closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

As long as he is by his side, Nan Qiao can easily fall asleep without fear of any danger approaching.

When Gu Bei stopped, he looked down at her and saw that she was already asleep, and he could still hear her even breathing.

Seeing her leaning against his arms, the corners of Gu Bei's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Looking up at the sky, Gu Bei had the urge to just hold her and walk on forever, never going to the end.

Thinking that Nan Qiao would leave him one day, Gu Bei involuntarily hugged her a little tighter, wanting to embed her in his body so that the two of them would live together as one, so that she would not be able to run away.

Gu Bei has been thinking about how to keep Nan Qiao. He always feels that such a powerful Nan Qiao will leave him one day.

Maybe when she gets tired of playing, she will leave this boring world, just like she tortured people just now, she will stop when she feels bored.


Take care of your home.

Nan Qiao was brought into the room by him, Gu Bei put her on the bed, sat on the edge of the bed like this, staring at Nan Qiao obsessively.

She was sleeping peacefully, like a baby.

Whether it's the quiet girl, the lively girl, or the brutal girl, in Gu Bei's eyes, they are all uniquely beautiful.

He likes any aspect of Nan Qiao very much, and he can't get enough of it.

He stretched out his hand, landed on Nan Qiao's face, and gently stroked the skin on her face, feeling the delicate and smooth touch.

Gu Bei slowly moved closer, wanting to sniff her lips, but before he got close, he saw Nan Qiao suddenly opened his eyes.

Being caught trying to steal a kiss made the atmosphere a little awkward, and Gu Bei's ears turned red.

"Are you awake?" Gu Beiqiang pretended to be calm to cover up the embarrassment of being caught.

Nan Qiao stared straight at him, "Yes."

Being stared at so directly, Gu Bei, who was already a little guilty, became even more guilty now.

The two are getting a little closer now, and Gu Bei planned to distance himself from her in order to ease the embarrassment.

It's just that as soon as he started to move back, Nan Qiao held the back of his head and pressed down hard.

Nan Qiao raised her hand slightly, and the lips of the two touched together. Gu Bei, who was kissed forcibly, was just stunned for a moment, and soon realized that he turned against the guest and plundered the fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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