Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 332 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 332 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (49)

The ten elders followed the pavilion master's gaze, but saw nothing.

They all deliberately felt it, and they didn't notice the existence of other breaths.

The pavilion master didn't know if the person who kicked him was still here, he couldn't detect anything, he could only grope like a blind man, so he couldn't catch the person who played tricks on him.

"I don't know who is here?" The Great Elder stood up and asked towards the empty stairs.

After waiting for a while without getting any response, the Great Elder's brows were tightly wrinkled, and anger rose in his heart.

Ever since he became the head of the ten elders, almost no one dared to ignore him like this. For those who ignored him, the grass on their graves did not know how tall they had grown.

"If you are still here, you might as well show up and meet us. If there is anything wrong with our Fangyue Pavilion, I will definitely apologize to you on behalf of Fangyue Pavilion."

"As long as the matter can be resolved, there is no need to make trouble like this. Why set up so many enemies just because of a little misunderstanding."

"If someone in our Fangyue Pavilion is really sorry for your Excellency, we will deal with it strictly. We will consider whatever result you want."

The Great Elder's appearance of understanding righteousness is actually holding back a stomach full of bad water.

He just wanted to lure out the person who was hiding, and then see if there was any solution.

If their top ten elders and the pavilion master combined are no match for that person, then they can only make peace temporarily and get rid of that person when they find an opportunity.

Hearing a lot of nonsense from the great elder, Nan Qiao ignored him.

Seeing these people who were doing dirty things behind their backs but pretending to be righteous on the surface made her feel sick.

They are even more insidious than the villains on the surface. People like them are people who treat people well on the surface, but always stab the knife behind their backs.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response. The Great Elder almost lost his face, but he still had to hold back and couldn't show it.

It's good that this powerful person has already left, if he hides in the dark, if he behaves badly, he will suffer a dark loss.

Now the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light. It is a great disadvantage not to be able to find the enemy.

"Could it be that the person who attacked the pavilion master had already escaped?" the second elder said aloud.

"It's not clear yet." The Great Elder frowned slightly, "I can't detect any strange aura."

The Ninth Elder stood up and said hesitantly, "Could it be An Yuan's fault?"

Abyss is probably the only person who can quietly break through the formation and appear here without alarming them.

Thinking of the last time the four major sects encircled and suppressed Anyuan, he felt very angry, just a little bit.

It was only a little bit short of being able to capture or kill An Yuan alive, and I don't know what method An Yuan used to escape at that time.

Is this also the invisibility technique?Make others unable to see his existence, let alone detect his aura?

However, if Anyuan had such a heaven-defying invisibility technique, they would not have been tricked into being seriously injured at that time, and the embarrassed ones could only run for their lives.

The more he thought about the encirclement and suppression of Anyuan, the angrier the Ninth Elders became. As long as Anyuan is eliminated, the world will belong to their four sects, and there will be no Anyuan to oppose them everywhere.

"Dark Abyss?" The Eighth Elder frowned slightly, "Did he use invisibility?"

"Impossible." The third elder immediately shook his head, "The general invisibility technique can only hide the body, it is difficult to completely cover the breath, and now we can't detect any breath."

(End of this chapter)

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