Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 333 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 333 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (50)

"The third elder is right." The fourth elder followed suit, "An Yuan was seriously injured at the time, and it is impossible to fully recover in such a short period of time."

"Hmm." The tenth elder continued, "It is impossible for him to recover from such a serious injury in a short period of time, that is to say, it is impossible for him to hide all his aura."

If An Yuan hadn't been injured, maybe it could have been justified, but he was obviously seriously injured at that time, and he couldn't recover in a short time, so he couldn't hide all his breath.

"If it wasn't An Yuan, who would it be?" Ninth Elder couldn't think of another person after thinking about it.

The rest of the elders and the pavilion master didn't have a clue, and there was no result when they continued to discuss.

After the ambulance arrived, the two women were carried away, and the elder and the pavilion master had already filled their stomachs.

At this moment, they are sitting in the living room, discussing the fact that the pavilion master was attacked.

"I think the formation barrier needs to be strengthened and consolidated," the Seventh Elder said.

This person came in without a sound, none of them knew that someone had broken through the formation barrier and came in.

The Seventh Elder still can't figure out how that person broke through the formation barrier and came in without alarming them.

"We let Anyuan sneak in before, and we have strengthened it, but..." the elder sighed helplessly.

But now it seems that it is of no use at all.

"If I find that little bastard, I will definitely skin him!" The pavilion master clenched his teeth angrily, with a fierce look in his eyes.

The Great Elder was still cautious, and when he heard the Pavilion Master say such words, he immediately said: "Pavilion Master, that's not what you said. If our Fangyue Pavilion offends him, then we should pay him justice."

The rest of the elders also knew what the Great Elder meant, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, if it can be reconciled, it is best to reconcile. We must handle this matter fairly."

Although the pavilion master is fat and pig-headed, he is not stupid, and he knows their intentions in his heart, but he can't hold his breath.

"The elders are right. We should find out the problem and try to solve it as much as possible." The pavilion master suppressed the anger in his heart.

If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, the result of his rolling down the stairs would be similar to those two girls.

If another accident happened, his neck could be broken.

The pavilion master thought of this, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up immediately.

"I..." The pavilion master looked at the elders, "I suddenly thought of a key point."

As he spoke, he briefly explained what happened before and after, so that they could understand the whole story first.

"You should have also discovered that when the two of them didn't speak ill of An Yuan, they were fine, but after speaking ill of An Yuan, they ended up like that." The pavilion master said.

He now thinks that most of the success is what An Yuan did behind his back, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?
They didn't say bad things about An Yuan, the two of them had nothing to do, and when they said bad things about An Yuan, they rolled down the stairs with him.

Listening to what the pavilion master said, the ten elders all frowned, and their expressions became more and more serious.

They didn't want to believe that the person who attacked the pavilion master was An Yuan, because if it was An Yuan, they would be in big trouble.

After suffering such a serious injury, he still has the ability to do so, which shows how terrifying the dark abyss is.

What's more important is that the four major sects and An Yuan are now sworn enemies. If the person who attacked the pavilion master was An Yuan, I am afraid that the four major sects would be finished. After all, they plotted against An Yuan and almost succeeded in encircling and suppressing them.

(End of this chapter)

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