Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 351 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 351 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (68)

Wu family.

Before getting out of the car, Su Yanyan thought of Wu Shuangshuang's younger brother, and her face was full of disgust.

But after arriving at Wu's house, before she got out of the car, she had already restrained her expression, with a slight curve in the corner of her mouth.

When Wu Shuangshuang saw Su Yanyan coming into the living room, she greeted her with a smile.

"You're here." Wu Shuangshuang had a friendly expression on her face, and she couldn't see the slightest bit of malice.

Su Yanyan walked forward with a fake smile, "Well, I'm not late, am I?"

"No." Wu Shuangshuang replied with a smile.

"Will you do what you promised me?" Su Yanyan asked.

Wu Shuangshuang nodded, "Of course, I won't break my promise."

"Then how long do I have to hold on?" Su Yanyan asked.

Wu Shuangshuang looked at her haggard face, "It won't take long. After tonight, everything will be reborn."

"Is my engagement with him still valid?" Su Yanyan asked.

In the past, she was not afraid that her marriage contract with Wu Shuangshuang's younger brother would not count, but now that Wu Shuangshuang's power has become so powerful, she naturally hopes that this marriage contract will come true.

"Do the math." Wu Shuangshuang responded with a smile.

As long as Su Yanyan is alive to that time, the marriage contract between them will count.

It's a pity that Wu Shuangshuang won't let her live until that time. From the beginning, she didn't intend to let her live, and she doesn't like a woman like her to be his sister-in-law.

"Okay." Su Yanyan replied.

She gritted her teeth secretly, as long as she persisted till tonight, her fate would be completely changed.

Su Yanyan thought that she would have unimaginable power at that time, but she didn't know that she had no life to enjoy it.

Ever since she agreed to Wu Shuangshuang's request, she had no way out.

"Go, don't make my brother wait." Wu Shuangshuang said softly.

Su Yanyan responded, "Yes."

After leaving the living room, she came to the door of Wu Shuangshuang's brother's room and stood there for a while before she took a deep breath and raised her hand to push the door open.

Lying on the bed was Wu Shuangshuang's younger brother, and the dim light in the room shone on him.

Su Yanyan saw his only exposed head, which looked particularly ugly, and his skin was disgustingly rough, which disgusted her even more than the bumpy one.

This is not the most disgusting thing, the most disgusting thing is that he has no limbs, so he just lies there, unable to move, all of which require her to work hard.

If it wasn't for gaining more power, Su Yanyan wouldn't be with such a disgusting person.

Su Yanyan came to the bed and met his eyes. Seeing the greed in his eyes and his obscene smile, she couldn't help but feel nauseous.

How can a person be disgusted to such an extent.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Listening to Wu's disgusting words, Su Yanyan was disgusted to the point of disgust, but she still had to smile apologetically, unable to show any displeasure.

"Yeah." Su Yanyan laughed, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, it's fine if you come." Wu Nao smiled at her, his eyes were extremely greedy, and he waved to her, "Come here quickly."

With a smile on Su Yanyan's face, she suppressed her nausea and walked towards him, "Don't worry, I'm coming soon."

"I was very anxious when I saw you, come here quickly." Wu disgusted and said eagerly.

As long as tonight is over, after absorbing Su Yanyan's spirit, he will be able to regrow his limbs and gain a powerful force, and he will no longer be a useless person in the eyes of others.

None of the people who have slandered him can escape, and he will settle accounts with them.

(End of this chapter)

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