Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 352 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 352 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (69)

Su Yanyan came to the bed, saw his disgusting appearance, and thought of the incident between them, she couldn't help but want to back away.

She was supposed to be with a man like Gu Bei, but she was reduced to being with this dirty man.

But now that things have progressed to this point, it is impossible for her to back down, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

I have been disgusted by this man so many times, and I don't care about one more time, not to mention that this disgusting man's sister is about to become the wife of the only sect master, she can't give up easily.

Su Yanyan knew very well in her heart that if she gave up, it would be because powerful girls would jump on the disgusting man, and then she would have no chance at all.

Therefore, even if she gritted her teeth, she still had to finish it, and she could marry the disgusting man, sit firmly in the position of the young wife of the Wu family, and possess the power that many people dream of.

Su Yanyan slowly lifted the quilt covering him, looking at his body without limbs, her stomach churns.

Looking at the disgusting man's face again, he laughed so hard that the lines at the corners of his eyes could kill a fly.

How could there be such disgusting people in this world?

With this disgust in her arms, Su Yanyan slowly leaned forward, and just when the lips of the two of them were about to come together, the death talisman on her body was burned on the disgusting man like a hot iron.

"Ah!" The disgusting man screamed, his body seemed to be scorched through, his bones and flesh felt an unbearable pain.

The severe pain could only make him scream non-stop, cold sweat broke out on his face and body, and his body moved indiscriminately.

If it weren't for his lack of limbs, he would have been able to push Su Yanyan away and stand up with his hands, instead of lying powerlessly on the bed like now, he could do nothing but scream. can't do it.

He hates it!Why is he a man without limbs!
Su Yanyan dared to attack him unexpectedly. The disgusting man who was suffering from pain stared at Su Yanyan viciously, as if he wanted to kill her immediately.

The moment the disgusting man screamed, Su Yanyan was so frightened that she immediately got up and didn't get close to him. Seeing his painful appearance, she didn't know what to do.

Until the disgusting man cast a vicious gaze towards her, and felt that the disgusting man was full of murderous intent, she couldn't help showing disgust, and a murderous intent arose in her heart.

"What are you doing looking at me like this!" Su Yanyan's tone was a bit impatient, "I didn't make you like this."

She still doesn't know the death talisman her parents put on her clothes, let alone her current dangerous situation.

Even if she didn't need this talisman, Su Yanyan wouldn't survive tonight, but Nan Qiao wanted Wu Shuangshuang to see her brother in pain.

Seeing that they were about to succeed, but because of Su Yanyan, all previous efforts were wasted, and they needed to start all over again. Nan Qiao didn't need to think about it, Wu Shuangshuang would definitely go crazy.


The door of the room was violently kicked open, and Wu Shuangshuang walked in aggressively with someone.

Seeing Su Yanyan standing at the side, and her younger brother's face full of pain, Wu Shuangshuang's eyes immediately turned cold, and she asked in a bad tone: "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. I just got close to him, and he yelled loudly. I was shocked by him." Su Yanyan immediately explained aloud.

She couldn't afford to offend Wu Shuangshuang, no matter how upset she felt, she had to bow her head in front of Wu Shuangshuang, and she couldn't be impulsive to confront them head-on.

It is impossible for the Su family to be the opponent of the Wu family. If the Wu family wants to move the Su family, it is as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

(End of this chapter)

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