Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 24 I don't panic at all!

Chapter 24 I don't panic at all!

At this moment, everyone looked at Tang Jiu like an idiot. It is said that the master who published the theory, although his soul power was average and his martial soul was not very good, but his theory was very popular in the martial arts world. It has a great influence, and many people still believe in his theory.

"So far, we haven't heard of anyone whose first soul ring is more than a thousand years old. Boy, are you really not afraid of death?"

At this time, the captain had a complicated expression on his face, as if he was concerned but with a hint of sarcasm.

"Since there is no one, then I will be the first person on this continent who dares to eat tomatoes!"

At this time Tang Jiu had already sat next to Raging Flame Tiger's body.

I saw him sitting cross-legged, breathing evenly, and began to absorb the thousand-year soul ring.

But just to be on the safe side, Tang Jiu gave everyone a reassurance in advance.

"Don't worry about that! If I die, all those crystal nuclei will be given to you."

After hearing Tang Jiu's words, everyone didn't take it seriously. Isn't this nonsense?They are all dead, do you still want crystal nuclei?

But what Tang Jiu said next surprised them all.

"If I don't die, then the thousand-year crystal nucleus in this thousand-year-old soul beast will also belong to you, and I won't participate in the division, because I have already got the soul ring, which is fair!"

"Is this true?"

The captain opened his eyes and looked at Tang Jiu in disbelief. If Tang Jiu really didn't participate in the division, then they could get more money.

"a man of his words!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Jiu closed his eyes and began to concentrate on absorbing the soul ring.

Well, the reason why Tang Jiu said this was because he and these guys suddenly ungrateful for profit, and killed him jointly while he was absorbing the soul ring.

This is the danger of wild teams. Usually, when carrying out soul hunting activities, everyone will choose to go with people who are close to or trust them.

And what Tang Jiu could rely on now was psychological tactics.

Since Tang Jiu does not participate in splitting the crystal nucleus, there is no competition of interests, and there is no need for you to kill those people.

Now Tang Jiu didn't dare to expect these people to protect him, he just hoped that these people would not take the opportunity to make trouble, because the most terrifying thing in this world is not the soul beast, but the human heart.

Soon, driven by Tang Jiu's thoughts, the purple soul ring on the flame tiger's body slowly flew out and flew towards Tang Jiu. It was like a purple ring in his hand, which was accurately placed on the Zhu Xian sword soul in the palm of Tang Jiu's right hand.

At this moment, a fiery force instantly spread throughout Tang Jiu's body, and the violent breath was like a vast ocean, constantly impacting his body.

At this moment, he finally understands why the first soul ring of ordinary people cannot exceed 1000 years. The energy attached to the 1000-year soul ring is indeed too terrifying. If one does not have a strong body, it is really difficult to withstand such a strong the power of.

Fortunately, Tang Jiu had a body tempered 10-star physique, and the energy attached to the 1000-year spirit ring happened to be his limit.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Jiu finally absorbed the spirit ring.

When he stood up, a purple soul ring emerged from under his feet, and then fluctuated up and down around his waist.

"How is this possible?"

"He she he she he, unexpectedly succeeded!"

Amid everyone's astonishment, Tang Jiu put away the sword martial soul, and at the same time, the soul ring on his body disappeared from his body. He still doesn't know what the soul skills attached to the soul ring are?It should be a wedding ring belonging to the fire attribute!But there is no rush right now, the most important thing right now is to see what will happen to this thousand-year-old soul beast?

When the internal space of the thousand-year-old soul beast exploded, it was more powerful. Tang Jiu didn't want to be affected, so after absorbing the soul ring successfully, he hurried away and stood a few meters away from the thousand-year-old soul beast, and then quietly waiting.

At this time, other people were also waiting, because it was their first time to kill a thousand-year-old soul beast, and naturally it was also the first time to see the thousand-year crystal nucleus, each of them was full of anticipation.


There was only a crisp sound, and the space in the soul beast's body exploded, but there was nothing.

"Is this a burst of loneliness?"

Everyone's eyes widened. A thousand-year-old soul beast has a 60% probability of dropping the crystal nucleus, but nothing dropped out.

Everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

Originally, they were expecting this soul beast to drop a soul bone!Even if there is no soul bone, at least there is a thousand-year soul crystal.

But I didn't expect this to be the result.

Tang Jiu didn't think there was anything wrong, because he had already said that he would not participate in the division, so it didn't matter if he was dropped or not, it was none of his business?


Thinking of this, Tang Jiu couldn't help but laugh out loud. The laugher had no intention of doing so, but the listener did.

Those people looked at each other, then walked towards Tang Jiu.

"Baga, you bastard, did you know from the beginning that this thousand-year-old soul beast wouldn't drop crystal nuclei?"

The captain yelled at Tang Jiu aggressively.

"What the hell?"

Tang Jiu's expression changed, and he looked at these guys warily.

"I know a poor man, I'm not a prophet, and I don't have clairvoyance, how do I know if there is a crystal nucleus in his internal space?"

Tang Jiu retorted.

But Tang Jiu's rebuttal made these guys even more suspicious, "I said you know it if you know it, and there is a kind of knowledge that your mother says you know!"

"Brother steady!"

Tang Jiu replied.

"Brother stable?"

The captain thought Tang Jiu was praising him, so he smiled proudly and said, "If I'm unstable, can I be the captain?"

Tang Jiu said again: "Are you having bad ears? I'm talking about brother~stable~get out!"


Not only the captain, but even the other people present almost fell to the ground.

"You brat, it looks like you don't want to leave this spirit beast forest alive today? Do you know that once you enter the spirit beast forest, even if you are killed by others, no one will ask you?"

When he said this, the captain's face became obviously gloomy and cold. It seems that this is not the first time he has done such a thing. Things like hunting treasures and killing people often appear in the Soul Beast Forest. So, many When people enter the Soul Beast Forest, they enter secretly. If their whereabouts are exposed, their enemies know, and someone sets a trap in the Soul Beast Forest to kill them, no one will care, because the murderer is completely It can be said that it was done by the soul beasts. Of course, the law enforcement officers of the soul beast forest will not take care of such bad things. In their eyes, they only care about the benefits, and the life and death of those people has nothing to do with him, so they will not deal with those messes.

Tang Jiu expressed no panic at all, and smiled slightly, "That's right, I thought so too!"

(End of this chapter)

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