Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 25 Soul Guidance Device Qiankun Ring

Chapter 25 Soul Guidance Device Qiankun Ring
Terrible killings erupted from Tang Jiu's body. In the spirit beast forest, dragons howled and phoenixes screamed, and flames billowed into the sky, all 8 people who came in with Tang Jiu died.

Looking at the scorched corpses, Tang Jiu smiled coldly, "You actually want to plot against me, you deserve to die!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Jiu began to search those people.

The first thing Tang Jiu searched was the captain's body. That guy was the captain, and all the crystal nuclei he had obtained in the past few days were on his body, so in Tang Jiu's opinion, this guy was undoubtedly the richest one.

However, Tang Jiu only received a few century-old crystal nuclei from that guy, and nothing else.

"How is it possible? We have obtained more than 20 crystal nuclei in the past few days. How come there are only a few on his body?"

Tang Jiu continued to search that guy in disbelief, but found nothing. Tang Jiu, who couldn't figure it out for a while, felt a little guilty, so he shifted his target to other people.

On those other guys, he found some gold coins, some 10-year crystal nuclei, and three century-old crystal nuclei.

And just when Tang Jiu was about to leave, suddenly his eyes fell on a finger on the captain's hand.

It was a simple ring, and he felt a strange power emanating from that ring.

"what is that?"

Tang Jiu's eyes opened suddenly, and he came to the captain's body again with a stride. He squatted down and carefully looked at the ring on that finger.

"This ring seems unusual? Could it be that he is the space soul guide in this world?"

The space soul guide is the same as the storage bag. Although it looks small, it has a very large internal space and can be used to store items.

Thinking of this, Tang Jiu took off the ring on the captain's finger with some excitement, and then put it on his own finger.

However, the ring seems to be a bit too big, and it can only be worn on his thumb so that it will not fall off.

After putting on the ring, Tang Jiu immediately felt a force coming from the ring. Suddenly, he suddenly found that there was a polyp connection between himself and the ring.

Soon, his consciousness penetrated into the ring, and all the items in the ring appeared in his mind.

He could clearly see that there were more than 30 century-old crystal nuclei and more than 100 10-year-old crystal nuclei hidden in the ring, as well as hundreds of gold coins.

"Damn it, you have hidden all those crystal nuclei here. If I hadn't had sharp eyes, I would have almost missed it!"

Tang Jiu kicked the captain's body and said cursingly.

After coming over for a while, Tang Jiu was puzzled, "This is the legendary Qiankun Ring, right? How do you use this thing?"

Tang Jiu was not a cultivator in his previous life. He only knew the 5000-year-old physical and martial arts in China, and he didn't know how to use internal force, so he didn't know how to open the Qiankun Ring for the time being. But he was not in a hurry, and he would slowly explore in the future That's enough, because the time has come, it's time to leave the Soul Beast Forest!
In the sky above the Soul Beast Forest, a bell rang.

All the people in the forest left one after another, some were happy, some were sad, some were angry, and some looked bewildered.

But everyone still left the Soul Beast Forest obediently, because once the timeout expires, double charges will be charged, so no one is willing to leave the Soul Beast Forest later, unless it is unavoidable or force majeure, but no matter what the reason, as long as the timeout Do double charge.

Since Tang Jiu entered in a group, he also needed to register when he left the Soul Beast Forest.

The enforcer asked, "Where are the rest of your team?"

Tang Jiu replied calmly: "Dead!"

"How did you die?"

the law enforcement officer asked.

"Of course he died under the sharp claws of the soul beast."

"Okay, you can leave now!"

After the law enforcers let him go, Tang Jiu left the Soul Beast Forest.

Holy Soul Village...

In the next half a month or so, Tang Shan practiced the tempering method that his father Tang Hao gave him every day, even though he had the unique Tang Sect skill of controlling cranes and catching dragons, and Ziji Demon Hitomi's eye training method, but this forging method is more difficult to master than he imagined.

Since it was a full-strength blow, his rebounding power is naturally very strong, so this power is difficult to control, and it is even more difficult to use this rebounding power.

And it was even more difficult to control the balance of the body with the help of this rebounding force, and to hit the precise position. Except for his brother Tang Jiu, it was difficult for others to do it.

Because every time the power of a hammer increases, the required control power will also increase at the same time. The key is that after flying into the air, the dizziness caused by the body rotation is not something ordinary people can bear. Concentrating the power of the hammer to a certain position will make it even more difficult to control.

Fortunately, that piece of iron has been beaten by Tang San for a long time, the impurities contained in his body are obviously much less, the less impurities, the greater the toughness, so even if the strength is not very balanced, he Also not easy to chip.

Otherwise, under Tang San's heavy hammering and light hammering, I'm afraid it would have been cracked already.

In this tempering exercise, Tang San was surprised to find that since he used the hammering method Tang Hao gave him for forging, he suddenly discovered that his three skills of controlling the crane and catching the dragon, the mysterious jade hand and the purple magic pupil The cooperation of all kinds of Tangmen's unique skills has actually made subtle progress.

At the beginning, Tang San's aim was not accurate at all, the hammer technique he used, at most he swung two or three hammers, and the position would deviate.

He has practiced this hammering method for half a month now, and he can finally swing 7 hammers in a row. Compared with Tang Jiu, who was able to swing 1 hammers for the first time using this hammering method, it is really amazing. Some of them are picky.

Now Tang San can finally swing the equipment continuously, and can hit the iron block he wants to hit accurately, obviously he still has progress, this has nothing to do with his talent, but it has to do with his tenacity Perseverance has a great relationship.

After half a month of hard work, the piece of iron was knocked smaller and smaller by him, and the results were gradually revealed.

The tempering method Tang Hao taught him, the first point is the method of using the calf to exert force. After finding the trick to exert force, Tang San can greatly save internal and physical strength, and have more energy to pull the bellows, speeding up the forging process. speed.

Don't compare with his elder brother Tang Jiu, but compared with his father Tang Hao, Tang San still has a big gap. He vaguely remembers that his father swung the 36 hammer, and after smashing the 36 hammer, it seems that he still Some strength was not used up, but Tang San heard from Tang Jiu that his father's limit was 40 hammers, he didn't need to be able to reach the level of his brother Tang Jiu, he only wanted to be able to reach the level of Tang Hao. So with this in mind, Tang San worked extra hard.

For the past half month, he has devoted all his attention to forging the hammering method. Even when he went to the bathroom or went to the top of the mountain in the morning to practice the Supreme Magic Eye, he was thinking about the tricks of the hammering method that Tang Hao taught him.

"Little San, what are you thinking about?"

Just when Tang San was lost in thought, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother, you are back!"

It may be that they have never been separated for such a long time. Seeing his brother Tang Jiu suddenly appear, Tang San suddenly seemed inexplicably excited.

(End of this chapter)

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