Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 48 What is Soul Skill?

Chapter 48 What is Soul Skill?
Although the hidden weapon is famous among the unique skills of the Tang Sect, the Tang Sect's controlling the crane and catching the dragon is also a very powerful stunt. It is only because the aura of the hidden weapon is too dazzling that the top-level capturing method of controlling the crane and catching the dragon is covered up. .

It is said that controlling the crane and catching the dragon is not only a method of using strength, but also a very domineering method of capturing. He also has a vicious move that can split muscles and bones. Of course, Tang San would not use such a vicious move against Wang Sheng. He just wanted to teach Wang Sheng a lesson, not mutilate him.

This time Wang Sheng fell hard. He struggled on the ground like a toad for a long time before finally standing up. At this moment, he looked at Tang San not only with anger, but also with surprise.

In any case, Wang Sheng is still just a child. Although he has a strong heart, when facing a really strong enemy, he has more fear than impulse in his heart. He really can't figure it out. A 6 The little brother who was [-] years old, why was he able to successfully defeat him one after another.

Tang San picked up his school uniform, then looked at Wang Sheng, and said coldly: "Can you get out of the way now?"

Perhaps it was the fight just now that made Wang Sheng feel fearful. When he saw Tang San approaching, he subconsciously stepped aside, and Tang San found an empty bed not far away, and put the school uniform on it. on top.

At this time Wang Shengcai finally recovered, he opened his mouth, and then asked tentatively: "Little, oh, no, Tang Tang San, did you just use a soul skill?"

"Soul skill?"

This is not the first time Tang San has heard this term, because his older brother Tang Jiu has already obtained soul skills, but he still hasn't fully understood what soul skills are. Now that he has entered the academy, maybe these guys Knowing what a soul skill is, he asked, "What is a soul skill?"


Wang Sheng and the other students looked at each other, they didn't expect that Tang San didn't know soul skills, and of course they didn't have soul skills, because soul skills were skills learned from soul rings, and these guys' soul powers were still low. If they haven't reached level 10, they haven't obtained a soul ring to be promoted to a soul master, so they naturally don't have soul skills.

"Soul skills are skills released by martial souls..."

And speaking of this, Wang Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong, because Tang San hadn't released his martial spirit from the beginning to the end, so he asked a little puzzled: "Is your martial spirit really Blue Silver Grass?"

If Tang Jiu was here, he would definitely say, guess what.

But Tang San's personality is naturally not so secondary, he nodded slightly, and at the same time slowly raised his right hand, a light blue light gushed out from his palm, he told everyone with practical actions that he Not lying.

Tang San did not lie, because what everyone asked was his martial spirit?He didn't ask him what is the most powerful martial spirit!
When everyone saw the blue light in Tang San's palm, they thought that Tang San was about to release his soul skills for them to see, so everyone gathered around them one after another.

Everyone looked curiously at the blue light in Tang San's palm, and some couldn't help saying: "Is that the so-called soul skill? Even Brother Wang Sheng is no match for him! How amazing!"

Those students all showed envy, their eyes were full of stars, and they looked at Tang San with admiration, but it's a pity that they were all men...

Although it is said that the students of Notting College can live in mixed gender, there are only seven dormitories. From a few years ago to now, all the work-study students who come here are men, and there is not a single woman.

Although they didn't say anything, they were envious and jealous of the boys in other dormitories.

However, Tang San has no experience in the emotions between men and women, so even though those are boys, he began to feel a little proud in his heart, it seems that his idea is right, even if he doesn't need martial spirit and soul skills , just relying on the unique skills of the Tang Sect that he learned from the Tang Sect in his previous life, he can run rampant in this world, no, blooming brilliance.

At this moment, he has relaxed his vigilance towards these students, he shook his head and said: "This is not a soul skill, it's just a fighting skill. Naturally, I don't know what a soul skill is."

"Isn't it a soul skill? Can it be so powerful?"

Everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at Tang San like a monster. Since this is not a soul skill, it only shows that Tang San's talent is very terrifying.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Tang San looked at the bed board, and then asked: "Well, don't we have any bedding here?"

At this time, a tall man with an extremely simple and honest appearance came over, his expression was a little gloomy, and his words were buzzing, "We are working-study students, and the college has waived our tuition and accommodation fees for us." , why would you provide us with new quilts for free? Our quilts are all brought from home by ourselves, or you can use mine first!"

Tang San smiled slightly, then waved his hands: "Thank you for your kindness, I will find a way myself!"

Of course, Tang San's solution was to wait for his brother Tang Jiu to come, and plan to ask Tang Jiu for some money, enough to buy quilts. It shouldn't be a problem for his brother to accommodate him so much and ask him for some money to buy bedding.

At this time, Wang Sheng had fully recovered from the defeat just now, and he slowly walked in front of Tang San, his tone was no longer angry, but puzzled and surprised, and at the same time there was a touch of gratitude, he asked : "Why did you show mercy just now?"

Wang Sheng is a senior student in the academy, he has studied in the academy for 5 years, and he is only about to graduate in the last year, if he can't even see that Tang San turned his knee into a spring leg to reduce the injury just now, So all these years in the academy have been in vain.

Tang San smiled slightly, at this time his face no longer had the sharp feeling just now, he seemed to be very approachable again, he only heard him say: "We are just classmates, not sworn enemies, why should I What about killing you?"

Hearing Tang San's words, an extremely complex light flashed in Wang Sheng's eyes, he stood up straight, bowed slightly to Tang San, and said apologetically: "Tang San, I'm sorry! This is our Qishe rules, all new work-study students have to face these things, we work-study students are extremely humble, and are always bullied by other students, so we must unite, so what I did just now is just I hope you will be able to unite with us."

Tang San smiled faintly, "So you're going to give me a bad blow? I haven't heard that beating others is for unity, ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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