Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 49 Can we live mixed with men and women?

Chapter 49 Can we live mixed with men and women?

Wang Sheng's face flushed slightly, and he said in embarrassment: "To be precise, you gave me a big blow! But I don't want to brag, you do have some strength, you are still so young, you can beat me, by the way , you should only be 6 years old, right?"

Tang San nodded slightly to express his acquiescence. Of course, he acquiesced to age, not something touted by others.

Wang Sheng pulled away a student in front of the bed, then sat down beside Tang San, and said seriously: "Tang San, according to our Qishe's rules, now that you have defeated me, from now on, you will be The boss of our Qishe."


Tang San was stunned for a moment, he quickly waved his hand, "I'm sorry, I'm here to study!"

Hearing Tang San's immediate refusal, Wang Sheng straightened his face slightly, stood up abruptly, then opened his two sleeves, and said: "This is the rule set by our seniors at Qishe, whoever has bigger fists, whoever has bigger fists, He is the boss of this dormitory, but don't think that the boss is easy to be, look at me..."

Hearing this, Tang San raised his head and looked at Wang Sheng's arms. On his arms, there were many bruises, some of which seemed to be healed soon, and some were brand new, probably just injured.

"This is?"

Tang San's face was full of puzzlement, he didn't know what Wang Sheng meant by this, and why Wang Sheng showed him this, does this have anything to do with being the boss?

Just when Tang San was puzzled, Wang Sheng said: "These new injuries were caused by fighting with students in other dormitories when we just returned to the academy yesterday. We work-study students are all from poor families, so we often I was looked down upon by students in other dormitories and often bullied by them. As the boss of Qishe, I naturally want to stand up for them. I can’t let my brother be bullied by everyone. Now you are more capable than me, so I can’t wait to pass this position on to you. Here you go!"

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, other students also showed a trace of sentimentality in their eyes. It seemed that what Wang Sheng said was true, but when Wang Sheng said that he would pass this position to Tang San, they all immediately became a little excited Get up, then look at Tang San expectantly.

Looking at those pitiful faces, Tang San suddenly felt a sense of justice coming. The so-called sense of justice is the basic feeling of a knight. Tang San was a disciple of the Tang Sect in his previous life, and he had already memorized the words "chivalrous and righteous" With this in mind, he couldn't continue to shirk, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry, I won't watch everyone being bullied by others!"

At the same time, Tang Jiu and Xiao Wu had already entered the dormitory building.

They came to the first dormitory first, but when Tang Jiu entered the first dormitory, he was completely stunned. All the roommates in the dormitory were six-year-old kids, both boys and girls. Like the children in the kindergarten, jumping up and down on the bed, compared with Xiao Wu in front of him, not only is he a little taller, but his IQ is also far behind.

As soon as he saw this, his head suddenly became big. He didn't want to live in the same dormitory with a bunch of six-year-old kids, so he said to Xiao Wu: "Well, you go to your dormitory first! I'll call Director Su, help me change a dormitory!"

"You want to change the dormitory?"

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Jiu in surprise, and then asked, "Then where are you going to change?"

Tang Jiu shook his head, "As long as you don't live with these brats, you can live anywhere!"

"Oh, that's good, then you can change the dormitory! I'll go find my bed first, see you later!"


So, Xiao Wu bid farewell to Tang Jiu and walked towards the so-called Qishe.

Tang Jiu also left the dormitory and came to the Academic Affairs Office again.

"Director Su, I want to change the dormitory!"

After arriving at the Academic Affairs Office, Tang Jiu said straight to the point.

"Change dorm??"

Director Su looked at Tang Jiu with a puzzled expression. He didn't understand why Tang Jiu wanted to change dormitories, so he asked, "Student Tang Jiu, what's the problem with the first house?"

Tang Jiu shook his head, "There is nothing wrong with Yishe, but I don't want to live there."

Director Su frowned, and said, "First-year freshmen are arranged in the first dormitory, second-year students are arranged in the second dormitory, and so on, sixth-grade students are arranged in the sixth dormitory, and work-study students are arranged in the seventh dormitory. You are not a work-study student here, so according to the rules, you should live in the first dormitory, there is nothing wrong with that!"

Tang Jiu smiled slightly, "Rules are dead, but people are alive. To be honest, I want to go to Liushe, can you take a look?"

"Six houses?"

Director Su narrowed his eyes and looked at Tang Jiu. Being stared at by Director Su like this, Tang Jiu thought his motives had been seen through, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. The reason why he applied for the senior dormitory was because...

"Boy, I have to remind you that Liushe is a dormitory for senior students. They are not only much older than you in age, but also their strength is not weak. I am worried that you will be bullied by them when you go there."

Of course, Director Su said this out of good intentions, but how could Tang Jiu, who was determined to go his own way, give up?
"Hehe, bullying? Do you think with my strength, are they bullying me or am I bullying them?"

After listening to Tang Jiu's words, Director Su suddenly realized that Tang Jiu just released a soul ring just now. Although it was only a soul ring, it was enough to show that Tang Jiu was already a soul master, a real soul master. There are many noble children in Liushe, and their spirits are also very good, but few of them have obtained spirit rings.

"Well, since you are determined to insist, then we will change it to Liushe."

In fact, Director Su thought this way. He wanted to wait for Tang Jiu to enter Liushe and suffer a little, and then he would come forward to help Tang Jiu, so as to gain Tang Jiu's favor, and perhaps make Tang Jiu worship him as his teacher.

But he still underestimated Tang Jiu's strength. How could Tang Jiu be a soul master?He has obtained two soul rings, and now he is a peak-level great soul master. As long as he absorbs one soul ring, he can become a soul master, and then he can change his status, take off the hat of a commoner, and become a soul master. Become a nobleman.

The procedure for changing the dormitory was not very complicated, and it was completed quickly. Tang Jiu returned to the dormitory again.

"Excuse me, is this Qishe?"

A sweet voice sounded at Qishe's door.

Wang Sheng and Tang San looked towards the door of Qishe together, and all of them stared straight at once.

I saw a pretty little girl standing at the door of the dormitory, her age seemed to be about the same as Tang San, and even her height was about the same as Tang San.On her pink and tender face, there are two circles of blush, like a red apple, which makes people feel the urge to take a bite, except of course Tang Jiu, who doesn't care for such a small girl. What too many thoughts, but these guys are different, you must know that there have been no girls in their dormitory for many years, let alone such a beautiful little girl.

I saw that she was wearing a pink skirt, her jet-black hair was combed into a long scorpion-tail braid, which had exceeded her waist and was about to fall to her buttocks. She had big watery eyes, as if she could talk, and her eyes were shining brightly. With a hint of curiosity, she held a blue school uniform in her arms.

When such a beautiful little girl suddenly appeared in the dormitory, everyone was stunned.

Tang San couldn't help but said to Wang Sheng in a low voice: "How can there be girls? Could it be that we can live with men and women here?"

(End of this chapter)

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