Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 50 My Name is Dancing

Chapter 50 My Name is Dancing

Wang Sheng nodded slightly, and also lowered his voice and replied: "Everyone is just a child and doesn't understand anything, so every dormitory in the school is not divided into genders. It is said that only after entering the intermediate Soul Master Academy It's really strange that they will be separated, it's really strange, there have been no work-study students for two years, and I didn't expect two more to come all of a sudden, boss, give her a blow, come on!"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he just became the boss of this dormitory, and he encountered a big problem, asking him to beat up a girl with a boy, how embarrassing is this?

"Uh... let's forget about that?"

The pretty little girl at the door ignored him, thinking that she had gone to the wrong place, so she took another two steps back, looked at the house number, confirmed that it was after Qishe, and then walked in again, with a sweet smile on her face. With a smile, he said, "Hello, my name is Dancing!"


When everyone opened their eyes, they suddenly felt that the name was so strange.

The little girl finally came to her senses at this time, so she said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was too excited just now, I made a mistake, my name is Xiao Wu, dancing dance!"

At this time, Wang Sheng quickly poked Tang San's back a few times, signaling Tang San to quickly take down this girl named Xiao Wu, absolutely not to break Qishe's rules.

Tang Shan shook his head helplessly, then stood up, walked towards Xiao Wu, stretched out a hand and said to Xiao Wu: "Hello, my name is Tang San, I'm from here..."

Originally Tang San planned to say that he was the boss of Qishe, but he always felt that this word seemed inappropriate, so he had an idea, and changed his words: "I am the head of the house here, you can just call me by my name, by the way, What is your martial spirit?"


Xiao Wu opened her eyes, took a step back subconsciously, and then looked Tang San up and down, "What's the matter with sex?"

Tang San criticized with some embarrassment, it seems that this dorm head is not appropriate, so he quickly explained: "That means I am the head of this dormitory."


Speaking of the word leader, Xiao Wu immediately understood.

So she giggled, blinked her big eyes, raised her hands, and pressed her two index fingers against her cheeks, showing a lovely expression. At the same time, her two ears on her head stood up, and the sweet voice once again sounded.

"My martial soul is a rabbit, a cute little white rabbit that jumps around, so what is your martial soul?"

There are two dimples on Xiao Wu's face, coupled with her cute movements, she looks very moving.


Embarrassment appeared on Tang San's face, "You, your martial spirit is a rabbit? Then don't you overpower me? My, my, my martial spirit is blue silver grass, it's your food!"

Xiao San seldom communicates with girls. In his previous life, he was obsessed with hidden weapons. He was just a virgin until he jumped off a cliff to die. In this life, he is obsessed with cultivation and rarely communicates with girls. Nervous and stuttering when speaking.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but giggled when she heard this, and then said: "Aren't you going to get out of the way and let me in? Hee hee, aren't you afraid that I will eat you?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San still didn't let Xiao Wu in, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said: "That's right, there is a rule in this dormitory, all new work-study students must report to everyone. Show off your strength, so I want to bully you, no, I want to compete with you."

Tang San comforted himself secretly, what he said was to learn from each other, not to bully, as long as he was careful not to hurt the other party, it could be regarded as keeping the traditional rules of the dormitory.


Xiao Wu looked at Tang San a little weirdly, and at the same time she became a little excited, "Are you sure you want to compete with me?"

Tang San nodded, and said very definitely: "Sure!"


An excited smile appeared on Xiao Wu's face. She put her school uniform on the bed beside her and rubbed her wrists, "Okay, come on then!"

As soon as Xiao Wu's words fell, her body moved in an instant, without giving Tang San a chance to react at all. She squatted, her knees bent, her left leg dripped, her body jumped up suddenly, and her right leg quickly Kicked Tang San's chin, the whistling wind of his legs came to his face, mixed with a faint fragrance of flowers...

Xiao Wu's strength wasn't great, but her speed was as fast as lightning, Tang San exclaimed in shock, threw his head back, and quickly jumped away.

At the same time, he had stretched out his left hand, grabbed Xiao Wu's ankle, stepped on his right foot, leaned forward, and hit Xiao Wu's heart with his shoulder.

This is a very standard iron backer. At this time, Xiao Wu stood on one foot, and Tang San pulled up one leg. Since Tang San leaned forward, one of Xiao Wu's legs rested on Tang San's shoulder. Yes, the standard one-word horse is displayed in front of everyone.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu was wearing pink leggings. Even so, everyone present looked straight. They didn't expect Xiao Wu's body to be so flexible. She was worthy of being a rabbit.

But Tang San thought that as long as he pushed forward with all his strength, Xiao Wu would definitely lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Of course, Tang San already had a plan, he wouldn't really let Xiao Wu fall, he planned to grab her again at the moment Xiao Wu was about to fall, and he wouldn't use all his strength to hit Xiao Wu , he intends to go as far as it goes, and it will be enough for Xiao Wu to admit defeat at that time.

All the students were engrossed in watching Xiao Wu and Tang San's confrontation moves, each one was brilliant, but Wang Sheng was surprised to find that although Tang San's moves were simple, every move was very effective.

However, things didn't develop as Tang San envisioned.

Suddenly, Tang Shan felt that Xiao Wu's ankle was smeared with lubricating oil, as if grabbing a loach, it slipped instantly, and Xiao Wu's foot immediately hooked Tang San's neck.

Facing Tang San's bumping shoulder, Xiao Wu stretched out her hands to block it, and then grabbed it, the other leg also bounced up, resting on Tang San's shoulder, her legs were tightly clamped like this Tang San's neck.

The postures of Xiao Wu and Tang San at this time looked a bit weird, this was Xiao Wu's usual skill, he leaned back with the strength of Tang San's shoulders, stretched out his hands to support the ground, as if Like doing a backflip, the pair of legs hooked around Tang San's neck suddenly fell backwards, and unexpectedly flew Tang San's body up.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu's outfit is a miniskirt and leggings. If there is only a skirt, then I'm afraid...

Of course Xiao Wu is not young anymore, she is one hundred thousand and six years old!In fact, she doesn't need to wear leggings at all, but she sees other girls who are about the same height as her wearing them. This can be regarded as doing as the Romans do! (anger)
(End of this chapter)

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