Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 51 You Are Much Weaker Than Your Brother!

Chapter 51 You Are Much Weaker Than Your Brother!

Adding up his past and present lives, Tang San would never say more than 10 sentences with girls, let alone fight girls, so he doesn't have much experience.

At the moment Xiao Wu's legs were wrapped around his neck, he could have resisted, but because Xiao Wu's tights were tight, or maybe because of the short size, at the moment she stretched her legs , the trouser legs were all retracted, a large area of ​​skin around the ankle was exposed, and it was tightly attached to his neck. The smooth skin on the ankle made his mood fluctuate slightly, so his movements naturally slowed down It took half a beat.

When Xiao Wu rolled back, supported the ground with both hands, clamped the legs around his neck, and exerted force suddenly, he wanted to resist, but it was obviously too late.

After all, human necks are very fragile, and with his body, he is only a 6-year-old child. Even if he can force himself to keep himself from flying, he still can't guarantee that his neck will not be injured. , Therefore, the best choice at present is to follow Xiao Wu's power and fly out directly, keeping the neck first is important.

Tang San was also surprised to find that Xiao Wu's technique of supporting the ground with both hands and using his legs to fly him with the help of the force just now was actually comparable to the technique his father Tang Hao taught him. The method is very similar, of course, this idea was flashed by Tang San when his body was in mid-air, and the next moment, with a plop, he turned his face to the ground, braked with his face, and fell heavily on the ground, sliding on the third It took two or three meters to stop.

Of course, Tang San had Xuantian Kungfu to protect his body, so the injury was not serious.

After successfully throwing Tang San out, Xiao Wu suddenly seemed a little proud, she stood firm, and then looked at Tang San who fell to the ground with a half-smile.


Tang San turned over and got up, he was not like Wang Sheng, who lost if he lost, "I was careless, I didn't dodge, but this can't be the reason for my failure! I lost!"

Tang San knew that the moment Xiao Wu threw him out just now, he had already lost, fortunately Xiao Wu was lenient, otherwise, his head would probably have been screwed off.

This was the first time Tang San had encountered such a fighting technique. In his memory, the world he lived in in his previous life didn't seem to have such a skill.

However, Xiao Wu's attack method itself also carries a great risk, unless it can be completely suppressed in terms of strength, just now, if Tang San's reaction was a little faster, his hand was so close to Xiao Wu , It is not impossible to fight back.

"Can you tell me what skill you used just now?"

Right now Tang San's face was flushed, very embarrassed, he is probably the boss with the shortest tenure in Qishe, right?So he quickly changed the subject.

Xiao Wu giggled, and said with a proud face: "My technique is called soft technique. To put it simply, it uses the softness and toughness of the body to launch an attack. It is a close-up attack method."

At this time, all the people watching the battle were stunned, especially Wang Sheng. The skills Tang San used before made him unbelievable, but Tang San was defeated by the little girl in front of him. Yuanzhang said in disbelief, "Why are all the work-study students this year so good?"

Fortunately, Tang San was not interested in the position of boss of the dormitory, so he was not angry, but also smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, now that you have defeated me, then from now on you will be the boss of this dormitory, that is, The boss of our gang!"

Xiao Wu touched her chin when she heard the words, her big eyes were full of surprise, and there was a trace of curiosity on her face, "Boss? It seems fun, okay, then I will be your boss from now on. Work-study students are also very interesting!"

This quota of work-study students was obtained by Xiao Wu after she entered a small village as an orphan. At the beginning, she didn't know what work-study students meant. She just heard that she could go to the Soul Master Academy in the city to learn knowledge. So here it comes.

Xiao Wu patted the dust off her hands, then looked left and right, and finally chose a bed next to Tang San, and put her school uniform and bags on the bed.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Wu, and none of them spoke.

Xiao Wu looked at everyone, and then said: "Which one of you will tell me about the situation in this academy?"

At this time, the students gradually recovered from the shock just now. Xiao Wu's movement of throwing Tang San to the ground just now was neat and neat, which made everyone a little scared. come out.

In the end, Wang Sheng took the initiative to stand up, and he said to Xiao Wu respectfully: "It's like this, we so-called work-study students are actually students who rely on part-time work to study. Our main job is to clean the college, and the specific work is Arrangements will be made by the teacher who is in charge of us. Our Notting College is a junior college. There are six grades in total, and each grade has only one class. Boss, you and Tang San are both newcomers this year, so you should be in the first grade Among us, the lowest one is the third grade, and I have just entered the sixth grade this year. As for the school teaching arrangement, classes are usually in the morning, and the afternoon is the time for self-cultivation, and the morning classes are divided into There are two classes, one is to learn cultural knowledge, and the other is really to learn martial arts knowledge. But we work-study students rarely have time to practice in the afternoon, because every afternoon we have to clean the academy while everyone is practicing, in exchange for a meager amount of money. income as our living expenses."

Next, Wang Sheng briefly introduced the other students to Xiao Wu and Tang San. Through understanding, it turned out that among this group of people, Wang Sheng was the one with the best talent, not only because his martial spirit was more dominant , and his innate soul power is also higher than others, which is also in line with the theory that the master said, the strength of the martial soul is directly proportional to the level of innate soul power.

Wang Sheng's martial soul is a beast martial soul, and he is also the king of beasts with very strong combat power. Now his soul power has been cultivated to level 9, and he only needs to upgrade one level to reach level 10. Then he can graduate When I was young, I participated in the Soul Beast Hunting Ceremony under the leadership of the teacher, so as to obtain the soul ring to break through the bottleneck, promote to level 11, and become a real soul master!

After listening to Wang Sheng's words, Xiao Wu nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Tang San, and asked: "Tang San, what is your current spirit power? Why do I feel that you are much weaker than your brother?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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