Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 54 Don't bully the poor girl!

Chapter 54 Don't bully the poor girl!
"You're right, okay, let's go to Liushe first!"

So they came to the door of Liushe's dormitory together, and saw that the dormitory was very quiet, and there was no hairy person.

They looked at each other, and then looked at the other dormitories, which were also empty.

"Forget it, I won't go, you guys go!"

Tang San originally planned to take some money from his brother for living expenses, but now it seems that he has to eat dry food first, make do with it.

And Xiao Wu also seemed a little disappointed. She is a soul beast, and her appetite is much larger than ordinary people. As the saying goes, people are like iron rice and steel. It can be seen from Xiao Wu's pink face that he is a foodie. Xiao Wu's figure is that kind of fat and cute type, but not particularly fat. It's a meaty feeling, very cute.

Of course Tang San couldn't bear to watch Xiao Wu go hungry, but he had no money, as the so-called three cents stumped a tough guy, at this moment he finally fully understood, no matter in the previous Tang Sect, or in the current Dou Sect Luo Dalu, without money, it will not work at all.

And at this moment, Wang Sheng finally stood up, and he said with a proud face.

"It's okay, why don't you do it this way! You are also new freshmen. As the former boss of the dormitory, I'll just do it for once. Let's treat you to this meal!"

Tang San said with some embarrassment: "How is this embarrassing?"

Wang Sheng waved his hand: "What's so embarrassing? We will all live in the same dormitory in the future, and we will be brothers in the same dormitory. At worst, after you make money, you can treat us to dinner."

Tang San hesitated for a moment, then looked at Xiao Wu, finally nodded and said: "Alright then!"

Tang San didn't have any interest in money before, and he didn't have any concept, but Wang Sheng's generosity made Tang San feel more fond of him, and Xiao Wu also smiled happily. For a foodie, there is nothing It's more important than eating.

Looking at the smile on Xiao Wu's face, Wang Sheng also suddenly felt that this little girl was very innocent and cute. She subconsciously wanted to pinch Xiao Wu's round face, but when she thought of Xiao Wu's soft skills, He stopped immediately and took two steps back.

Xiao Wu looks lively and cute on the surface, but her way is very wild. One moment she might be joking with you, but the next moment, she might be beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, so he suppressed the impulse in his heart and dared not He moved his hands and feet to Xiao Wu, for fear that if he was not careful, he would hit his back and fall to the ground.

Including Tang San and Xiao Wu, there are now a total of 11 of them. Under Wang Sheng's leadership, they left the dormitory together, ready to cook.

Xiao Wu sang while walking: "The person who cooks the rice, the soul who cooks the rice, you have to use a big pot to cook..."

The canteen is in the teaching building. If you want to go to the canteen from the dormitory, you must first pass through the playground.

At this moment, the playground has become very lively, and it is time for dinner. Those people are all wearing college uniforms, and they should all go to the cafeteria to eat.

The cafeteria of Notting Elementary Soul Master Academy is very large, and there is no problem at all accommodating more than 300 people.

At this time, there was already a long queue at the dining window, and the cafeteria was actually a duplex building. The first floor was the lobby, with nearly 1 ordinary dining tables.The second floor is empty, and the decoration is much more luxurious.

"Hey, isn't this Wang Sheng's gang of poor ghosts?"

Suddenly, an extremely discordant voice sounded.Didn't expect a group of elementary school students to be so idle and so social?
Tang San looked up, and saw on the spiral staircase, a group of senior students were watching them condescendingly.

The speaker was about the same age as Wang Sheng, but he was much more handsome than Wang Sheng. His fair face exuded an aristocratic air, and Wang Sheng shook his finger, with a deep look of disdain in his eyes, and sneered Said: "Oh, how pitiful! A poor ghost is a poor ghost, and I can only be a poor ghost in this life, and I will never have a chance to turn around. I am afraid I will never be able to come to the second floor to eat!"

On the way from the dormitory to the cafeteria, Wang Sheng has already made up for Xiao Wu some rules of this academy and the situation they are facing now, and told Xiao Wu the traditional rule that the boss of the Qishe should be a work-study student. Xiao Wu is also a righteous person, so she readily agreed.

At this time, when she saw someone actively provoking them, she immediately burst into anger, and shouted: "What kind of dog are you? What's so great about going to the second floor for dinner?"

At this time, a work-study student next to Xiao Wu quickly stretched his neck over, and said to Xiao Wu in a low voice: "Sister Xiao Wu, the food on the second floor is much more expensive than the one on the first floor, and it's really not something we can afford." of."

"so what?"

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips, "What's so great about being rich? 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully girls into being poor!"

Xiao Wu has only been in human form for six years, so her height is about the same as Tang San. Just now she was blocked by Wang Sheng and the others, so she was not seen. Now that she stood up, she was naturally seen by the boys at the stairs. Their eyes lit up at the same time, and their mouths opened slightly.

The male student who insulted Wang Sheng just now sized up Xiao Wu, with an evil smile on his face, "Oh! What a beautiful little loli! She must have just arrived this year, right? Sigh, just It's a pity that I'm a work-study student, and when I think of such a beautiful girl, I may not even be able to afford my aunt's towel in the future, it really makes me feel distressed!"

The male student shook his head regretfully, looked away from Xiao Wu's body with some reluctance, looked at Wang Sheng again, and cursed: "Wang Sheng, you bastard, I'm going to eat, I'll clean up next time you."

After speaking, he turned his head and led the followers around him to walk up the stairs to the second floor.

"I will kill you!"

How could Xiao Wu bear this breath, she raised her leg and was about to catch up, but Tang San grabbed her by the side.

"Forget it, it's better not to cause trouble, we're just here for dinner."

Hearing Tang San's words, Xiao Wu turned her head to look at him with contempt, and asked: "I never thought you would be so cowardly! Are you so afraid of things?"

Tang San didn't explain, at this moment his mind is still full of Tang Sect rules, don't provoke right and wrong easily, but if there is an active aggressor, he will definitely return it with a thunderbolt.

Tang San's soul is an adult, so looking at the world from an adult's point of view, it is necessary to be more objective, no matter how these students in the academy are, they are still just children, a beating is enough, why bother What about wasting your tongue with them?

(End of this chapter)

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